



Metropolitan Police Department's violent crime three department police cars returned triumphantly amid a burst of sirens.

When Niu Shuo got out of the car, he also brought down a middle-aged murderer with his hands handcuffed.

Clock in and out, answer the police call, go out to arrest the suspect, clock in and out ......

Life has suddenly become very regular lately.

It was at this time ......

that it was

Niu Shuo's mobile phone suddenly received a series of mysterious codes.

"Bring this murderer back, I have some things to attend to here. "

Niu Shuo walked straight to a black Chevrolet parked on the street opposite the Metropolitan Police Department, and then sat in.

The person who drove the main driver was none other than Shiho Miyano, whom he had seen not long ago.

Wearing an OL uniform and black-rimmed glasses, his eyes lit up.

The mysterious code just now was sent to her by this woman.

"You just came over like that?".

"Aren't you afraid of arousing the suspicion of the Metropolitan Police Department's criminal police?".

Niu Shuo laughed: "Being sneaky will arouse the suspicion of others even more." "

Shiho Miyano suddenly felt that it made sense.

She has no experience in the undercover industry, so there is no way to give professional advice.

"I took the initiative to find you this time to see my sister again. "

"Is that okay?".

That's why she's wearing this professional outfit today.

It's not that she can't go by herself, but because it takes a lot of processes and formalities to meet her sister, a robber.

She didn't have any of that!

"Let's go. "

"Thank you. "

Just before Shiho Miyano started the car, Niu Shuo stopped her in advance.

"Wait a minute. "

"I like to take direction and speed into my own hands. "

This is a habit of Niu Shuo!


...... on the way to the prison

Shiho Miyano, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was already sweating on his forehead.


She didn't know why Niu Shuo had such a big charm, but this time she seemed to have developed antibodies to the original special medicine.

She...... reacted.

It's soaking wet!

She was glad that the person driving just now was not herself, otherwise she might have flown into the sky by now.

But as the black Chevrolet continues to speed up on the streets of Tokyo, her patience seems to have reached its limit.

At a sharp turn in the streets of Tokyo and Rice Flowers, Shiho Miyano's physiological defenses were completely washed away.


Shiho Miyano let out a coquettish snort from his mouth.

Women who push the limits are the most terrible, especially when drugs can't suppress them.

Like a wolf, like a tiger!

Miyano Shiho's slender jade hand gripped Niu Shuo's arm tightly, and his big watery eyes conveyed a signal of great longing: her.


Niu Shuo showed amazing driving skills.

After the drain bends, a thrust plunges into the nearby underground parking lot.

The magnitude is ......

Tiny Chevrolets are about to fall apart.


A full three hours ......

When the two calmed down, they found that the small umbrellas had been pierced twice.

Can't blame him!

The main reason is that the woman Shiho Miyano was suppressed too hard by the drug.


"Let's go!".

Shiho Miyano glanced at the time on his watch.

She didn't want to recall and dwell on the impulse just now, let alone wonder what kind of means Niu Shuo used.

She only wanted to see her sister now, because it might be too late.

"I'll leave when I'm done seeing my sister. "

"This is the last time!".

"I won't put you in danger again, and there's no need for the two of us to see each other again. "

"Anyway...... Thank you. "

"Thank you for saving my sister's life. "

Shiho Miyano is not ruthless.

The black-clad organization has strict rules that members are never allowed to meet in private, and it is even more taboo to have a relationship like this that may lead to some kind of affection in the future.

If they are discovered by the black-clad organization, they will both be in trouble at that time.

"Remember my number. "

"Maybe you'll need me again in the future. "

Shiho Miyano didn't say yes, and he didn't say no.

Just smiled......

In fact, before coming back, she felt that she would owe Niu Shuo a great favor for doing so, but after fighting in the underground parking lot for three hours, this inner debt has disappeared inexplicably.


Inside the prison.

Shiho Miyano meets his sister Akemi Miyano again.

I look thinner, but I'm in a better mood than before.

Shiho Miyano asked again if he needed to find a way to get his sister out outside?

Akemi Miyano's answer was as firm as ever.

She's not going anywhere!

Compared to going outside and being shot in the head by the black-clothed organization, she wants to spend a peaceful time in prison.

[Sister, be careful, even in prison, you may be assassinated by the black-clothed organization. 】

This is not alarmism!

With the strength and style of the organization in black, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

[I'll pay attention!].

Akemi Miyano had already thought of this possibility, so she was very careful when she ate and slept now.


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