"There were. "

"It really showed up. "

"The body was actually in the fountain. "

Hattori's squinted eyes are now more exaggerated.


I didn't expect that the three departments of violent crime of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department would have such talents?

Is it blinding?or reasoning?


"How the hell did you know that Nagato Hidetomi's body was in the fountain?".

Sato didn't and you suddenly found that he admired Niu Shuo more and more.

Not only physical surrender, but also psychological.

She wanted to ask ......

Can this magical case-handling ability be trained?

"Didn't you play hide and seek as a kid?".

Niu Shuo laughed.

The people of the Nagato Group saw that the police had found Nagato Hidetomi's body and hurriedly ran over.

"Stop them!".

Niu Shuo immediately ordered that the family members should not be allowed to destroy the dead bodies.


The other side.

Hattori Heiji is sluggish on the surface, but in fact, his heart has already begun to surge wildly.

"Kudo. "

Do you see the marks on the fence?

"Of course I did. "

"And the kite string in Mr. Light's pocket. "

"There are still marks of being knocked by foreign objects under the balcony of the room......

The nasty Niu Shuo didn't notice these clues at all. "

"It's so unprofessional!".

Heiji Hattori is depressed right now.

If it weren't for his father's restriction of freedom, he would definitely have sorted out the clues he had now.

"Two professional detectives, what do you think of the clues you just discussed?".

Heiji Hattori and Shinichi Kudo were shocked like fried chickens,

This guy ......

When did you run behind them?

"Although we don't have a clue yet, these are the keys to solving the case. "

Hattori Heiji looked at Niu Shuo's arrogant back and left, and his scalp was numb with anger.


"It's time to expose this guy's affair and ruin this nasty guy. "


Kudo Shinichi's face darkened when he heard this impulsive thought.

Thought he didn't want to

But the heroine of the dating door is his mother, and he can't hurt his mother at this time.


In the afternoon of the same day.

Takagi hurried back with the autopsy report he had received from the forensic department.

"Report Officer Twilight. "

"The shape of the knife found at the scene of the crime is consistent with the wound on Mr. Guangming's arm, and the bloodstains on the murder knife are also Mr. Guangming's unmistakable ......."

The autopsy report proves from the side that the murderer of this murder is Hidetomi Nagato.

"What exactly caused the injury on the back of Mr. Bright's hand?".

Takagi took out another report: "It has been determined that there are traces of ink in the wound on the back of Mr. Mitsumi's hand, and the shape of the wound can be judged to have been stabbed with a pen. "

As soon as the next words came out......

All eyes fell on a woman named Hinata.

Because in the Nagato Group, only as a secretary, she has a pen in her jacket pocket all the year round.

...... at this point

Hinata-sama's face had changed.

"Hinata-sama. "

"Please hand over your pen and let us check it. "

Plop -

Miss Hinata knelt down on the spot.

She confessed to killing Mr. Bright and told the story of what happened.

and tells the story of an old story of Nagato Akira and Nagato Hidetomi setting fire to her parents.

Get...... Call it a day!

"Takagi. "

"Let those two detectives go, they still have a lot of clues to investigate. "

Heiji Hattori and Shinichi Kudo were stupid.


The important clues they searched for didn't help anything?

The case was solved so easily?

"This guy ......


Hattori Heizou was also very shocked by Niu Shuo's ability and speed to solve crimes.

It's too fast!

The case was as smooth as diarrhea in front of the inspector named Niu Shuo.

But it ...... soon

Hattori Heizo's shock when he saw his son was replaced by shame.

It's not just his son who is embarrassed today, but he, the police inspector, is no longer embarrassed in front of his subordinates.

"Have you learned?".

Hattori Heizou is not a son, even he has gained experience today.

It seems that the case should be handled simply and rudely!

"Come back with me now. "

Hattori Heizou originally wanted to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to inspect it, but now he doesn't have this face at all.


Kudo Shinichi didn't know what to say to his best friend.

I just got pumped into a forced pocket.,Now I'm going to be taken back to Osaka by my strict father.。

"Don't worry. "

"I'm fine. "

"I'll come and play with you after my school holidays in a few days. "

"I'm going to have to eat all of Tokyo. "

That's not what Shinichi Kudo meant.

He was worried that Hattori Heiji would hurt his mother by telling the affair on impulse.

But now it seemed that his worries were a little unnecessary.


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