Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 962: Reason for not giving funding

The bullet pierced through the heart, and the person died on the spot.

It's a pity, if you didn't have selfish intentions, you wouldn't be so easily calculated by me.

However, the difference in the ending will not be too big.

After all, you want to deal with this little detective. From the very beginning, you should beware of Belmod, who also wants to kill you and doesn't know what he said in front of 'that one'...

Ye Geng silently muttered a few words to himself. After confirming that Ireland was dead, he left a miniature incendiary bomb in the opponent's pocket before getting up.

in the dark.

A flame rose, the light flickered and dimmed, and a figure with a zipline in his hand was vaguely reflected, and the helicopter went away.

Vodka's driving skills are not bad.

Just when the police were still deploying the plan on the periphery of the Dongdu Tower, a group of five people had returned to the yard before they set off.

"Give it to you..."

In front of several people, Ye Gengyi calmly cleaned the fingerprints on the original memory card with the undercover list, and then handed it back to Jinjiu, saying:

"I checked the operating parameters of this thing, although I can't completely rule out whether Okakura Masaki has other backups, but at least after he was killed, the data inside has not been copied by others."

"If there is, this will not be regarded as a life-saving charm by him."

Gin took it and put it in his pocket. He turned around to supervise the follow-up of the vodka's delivery by helicopter to the underground warehouse.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Ye Geng yelled at him, "It's fine if you don't approve the funding. You should be reimbursed for normal wear and tear during the mission, right?"

Jin Jiu stood still, looked sideways in a strange way, and looked like he was asking, "Do you have any expenses?"

Ye Gengyi was unambiguous, and directly reported the account:

"I have been driving to investigate clues for the past two days. I have used a tracker, a bug, a set of clothes and shoes, and about two tanks of oil. You know the latest oil price, oh... and the one just now. Incendiary bombs also cost..."

Jin Jiu listened, with a few blue veins bulging on his forehead, he took out his wallet and threw it:

"Stop talking nonsense!"


Ye Geng caught it, took out half of it and put it in his pocket, then threw the wallet back, "I'll go first if I have nothing else to do."

Gin doesn't speak.

Watch him leave.

Chianti approached very gossip:

"Gin...Is Icewine so poor, even this little money..."

"Hmph, don't worry about him."

Gin didn't intend to satisfy her curiosity. After leaving such a sentence, she turned around and continued walking towards the underground warehouse.

"Hey! What!"

Chianti couldn't eat the melon, so he spat in dissatisfaction and complained in a low voice, "I will know sooner or later."

"I advise you... don't go to investigate out of curiosity..."

Cohen's voice came from the side.

"what happened?"

Chianti was in a hurry... how did she act like she didn't know anything.

"I... participated in some tasks related to Icewine before, so... I probably learned some things, of course, it's just my personal opinion..."

Cohen first gave a vague explanation, then paused before continuing:

"The reason why he will act with us, you should know?"

"It seems that he left the laboratory for physical reasons..."

Chianti recalled for a moment, then decisively gave up the memory:

"Oops! Before I met him, I thought Icewine was a fool in the lab again, so I didn't know the relevant information at all."

"Then... what do you think of his physical fitness?"

Cohen paused, "Compared to the first mission in Massachusetts."

"Huh? Listening to you..."

Chianti was a little dazed, but he still didn't catch the key point. "What does this have to do with Gin not giving him money? It can't be because Icewine swelled Gin's eye sockets, right?"

Cohen: "..."

"Hey, what are you talking about!" Chianti was dissatisfied.

"No matter how clean the source of money is, the investment in research can't be faked after all. If someone who cares about a professor's financial situation can still find clues..."

Cohen knew his partner's quick temper, so he had to explain patiently and slowly:

"Besides that... I stopped you from investigating Icewine, because I was worried that this move would cause 'that one' dissatisfaction... It is said that since the incident, people in the organization who knew Icewine's specific appearance have been cleaned up a lot..."

"Really or not, what's the matter?" Chianti said that he had always focused on the thrill of sniping, and had never heard any similar rumors.

"A few months ago, Icewine's work progress and his unusual schedule attracted the attention of 'that one'..."

Cohen said slowly:

"You were out on a mission with Calvados, so that day, I, gin, and vodka were sent to find out what was going on, and then I detected in Icewine's diet that only a tiny amount of the drug can cause hyperactivity. "

"What?!" Chianti was surprised. "Who did it?"

"I don't know." Cohen shook his head, "This matter is still under investigation..."

He paused, then continued slowly:

"The first suspicion... Naturally, it was Icewine's self-directed drama in order to break away from the organization, but... after taking that kind of thing, coupled with the high-intensity workload, it is no different from suicide, assuming it is suicide. , we didn't find any problems in Icewine's research and his performance in these missions basically ruled out this possibility..."

"Speaking of which, I heard Vodka mention that Icewine's talent was quite important in that plan. Could it be that someone wanted to deliberately sabotage it?"

Chianti held his chin with one hand and analyzed the information he had:

"Apart from the scientists in the research lab, the only people who know about that plan are the cadres of our action group...and those few...etc..."

She suddenly widened her eyes: "No way?!"

"I don't know," Cohen continued to shake his head, "but Gin said... it may also be done by those who believed in the will of those dead souls."

"Wait a moment!"

Chianti suddenly became somewhat dissatisfied: "The reason why Gin didn't tell me, shouldn't he be suspicious of me?"

"You think too much."

Cohen was helpless, "It's just because you're not suspected and you didn't participate in the corresponding mission, so it doesn't matter whether you know about it or not."


Chianti was stunned, but soon became a little worried, "It's dangerous to let Icewine return to the organization's stronghold rashly. I originally planned to ask him to help debug the sniper simulator here before the next mission."

"That kind of thing... it shouldn't matter," Cohen said.

"Really? Huh..."

Chianti was stunned, suddenly as if he had discovered some new continent, "By the way, why do you feel like you talk a lot today."

Cohen: "..."

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