Keep Your Head Down

Chapter 121: 【Lu Dongli's surprise】

"Arrogant." This was the first thought that popped into Xuan Ji's heart.

As one of the twelve tower owners of the Tianji Tower, she has her own pride and has always been proud of the Tianji Tower.

But the meaning of Lu Chaoge's words is too obvious. In his opinion, the sincerity of Tianji Pagoda is too little. If he wants to win over with such sincerity, he is completely insulting people.

Xuan Ji did go to get the information of Momen, but Momen's reputation was not obvious, and it was not worth paying too much attention to Tianji Tower before.

In the entire Momen, the biggest sensation in the past few years is that Lu Chaoge entered the trial grounds and won the top score.

"Is it possible... the great cultivators of the Sword Sect value him?" Xuan Ji thought to himself.

But, what's the use of emphasizing?

Lu Chaoge's identity has been determined, he is the head of Momen, not a disciple of Jianzong.

No matter how he counts, he can only be regarded as half of Jianzong's own.

The great cultivator of Jianzong left his disciples untrained, and went to train a subordinate Zongmen. This transaction is not cost-effective.

She believed that the Sword Sect might treat the Mo Sect preferentially, and would definitely not treat the Mo Sect as an ordinary lower sect.

But she firmly believes that the Tianji Tower can give more!

"Master Lu, are you underestimating my Tianji Pagoda?" Xuan Ji looked unhappy.

"What I have in the possession of Tianji Pagoda is not just simple intelligence. The cultivation resources we control may far exceed the imagination of the head of the road." Xuan Ji said seriously.

Lu Chaoge shook his head and said, "It seems that Tianji Pagoda not only did not come with enough sincerity, but also has very little understanding of my Momen."

"It is said that the Tianji Pagoda has a net of heaven and earth. It seems that my Momen is too small and has become a fish that slipped through the net."

"That's all said, Lord Xuanji Tower, please come back."

"No delivery."

After speaking, Lu Chaoge drove a light boat to the mountain gate of Momen, completely ignoring Xuan Ji behind him.

Xuan Ji looked at his retreating back, her chest heaving up and down.

Lu Chaoge's performance is too strong, so strong that she thinks that Momen may really have something to rely on, and it really has a huge backer!

"Are the people below all rice buckets?" Xuan Ji felt that there must be something missing from Momen's information.

Her figure disappeared here, and she needed to go back to deploy manpower and collect information about Momen again.



Yi Ye Qingzhou quickly landed in front of Momen's main hall. After returning to their sect, Luo Bing and Xiaoqiu were more open.

Xiaoqiu raised his head and asked curiously, "Sect Master, what kind of Tianji Pagoda, is that very powerful?"

"It's okay." Lu Chaoge patted her head and said.

The Tianji Pagoda is indeed not a small force. According to the evaluation given by the system, the rank of the Tianji Pagoda is equivalent to that of the third-rank sect.

The third-grade sect is already very powerful.

Among the three hundred subordinate sects of Jianzong, there are no second-rank sects, and even the top-ranked sects among the hundreds of sects have only a third-rank system rating.

Looking at the entire Profound Sky Realm, the third-rank sects can be regarded as big forces.

Of course, Tianji Tower can have this rating mainly because it is special enough.

In terms of combat power, the Tianji Tower is not as good as the general three-rank sect.

Xiaoqiu raised her head, her ponytails fell backwards, and asked innocently, "Is it much more powerful than our Momen?"

Lu Chaoge looked down at her and said, "It's only temporary, and it won't be long."

Xiao Qiu believed.

What the sect master said is what he said.jpg.

Luo Bing listened to the conversation between the two and said, "Young Master, the senior Xuan Ji just now, I don't think she is simple."

"Oh? What you said is not simple, what are you referring to?" Lu Chaoge said casually.

"In terms of style." Luo Bing hesitated for a long time before saying this.

She doesn't like talking about other women behind their backs, but she has been very sensitive to this since she believed that the son likes older men.

And in her opinion, Xuan Ji, who is definitely not as dignified and virtuous as she seems, is on a par with Senior Ning.

As we all know, senior Ning Ying can be used as an adjective in terms of breasts.

"Your **** are very graceful", that means it is very spectacular.

Lu Chaoge turned his head to look at Luo Bing, and said in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

"A woman's intuition." Luo Bing answered honestly.

Lu Chaoge smelled the faint scent of melons that was unique to the tight-knit **** her body, raised his right hand and flicked her forehead, saying:

"As for a woman, you are just a girl at best."

Luo Bing didn't dare to talk back, just muttered in his heart: "In my opinion, when I was bought by the son for a thousand taels when I was eleven years old, I was already a woman."

- The son's woman.

"But your intuition is indeed accurate." Lu Chaoge glanced at her and said, "Let's go and report to your master with me."

Luo Bing heard the words, heard the subtext in Lu Chaoge's words, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But because of the recent appearance of too many cows, Luo Bing made up his mind that the massage plan could not be stopped!

No matter how hard it is, I can't suffer the future child of my son and me.

Lu Chaoge brought Luo Bing and Xiaoqiu to Lu Dongli's bamboo house.

Lu Dongli had long sensed that her brother had returned to the sect and was waiting outside the bamboo house.

I used to be sulky before, but as time passed, my anger disappeared.

What if the palm has the exact same peach imprint?

With the blessing of the peach tree of ten thousand years, so what?

Every time my brother returns to the sect, he doesn't have to come to me right away!

My position in my brother's heart is different from everyone else's!

"Elder Dongli, during these days when this seat is not in Momen, how is it inside the door?" Lu Chaoge said with a hilarious smile.

"Master, don't worry, everything is fine!" Lu Dongli replied with a smile.

After everyone was seated, Lu Dongli glanced at Xiaoqiu and praised: "Not bad, not bad. It's a breakthrough."

Xiaoqiu raised his head, raised his chest, and imitated Lu Chaoge's tone: "Sect Master said, for people like us, this is just a routine operation!"

"Humph! I think your little tail is about to go to the sky!" Lu Dongli tapped Xiao Qiu's forehead with her finger.

Then, she glanced at Luo Bing again, and sure enough, there was no progress in cultivation, this scoundrel probably spent all her thoughts on her brother!

"Brother, won't you tell me about your experience at the foot of the mountain these days?" Lu Dongli said.

Lu Chaoge nodded, picked the most important thing, and said, "This time I am going down the mountain, and I have recruited 30 new handymen disciples for my Momen."

"What!?" Lu Dongli, the chief butler of Momen, glared at him, and almost stood up in shock.

"30 handyman disciples? My Momen has only so many people in total. Do I need so many handyman disciples?" Lu Dongli was stunned.

How can there be so much work for them.

But if you don't work, isn't it worth living for nothing?

You must know that the handyman disciples are also disciples. Although they are the outermost ones, they must be allocated a certain amount of cultivation resources.

The Momen has Ning Ying to take care of, and the cultivation resources are indeed much more abundant than the ordinary Xiabaimen, but most of the disciples in the sect are talented, and the more talented they are, the greater the consumption on weekdays!

For example, for the same elixir, it may take ten days for waste materials to be absorbed, and genius may be enough for one day, and the efficiency is completely different.

Therefore, where did Momen have the spare money to support so many handymen disciples!

Moreover, after accepting disciples, you always have to teach them, right?

Although the treatment of the handyman disciples will definitely not be like Xiaoqiu, who enjoys special counseling, but every once in a while, you have to give them a few lessons, right?

Very exhausting!

Lu Chaoge looked at Lu Dongli with a tangled face, and knew that she had a hard time accepting this matter, but because she was the head of the family, she didn't want to smear her brother's face, so she didn't say much.

"Xiao Lizi's age, in other sects, she still only needs to focus on her cultivation, and she doesn't need to work hard for the common affairs of the sect like she is now." Lu Chaoge felt a little distressed.

He said warmly: "Don't worry, these handyman disciples are different from ordinary people, you will understand later."

Sand sculpture players love to find things to do when they have nothing to do, and what they need most is tasks! It's experience value!

As for the cultivation resources... In fact, they don't need to rely on Momen at all, they have their own way to solve it.

Like those professional players, they are raised by professional clubs. It is a very common phenomenon to raise accounts. The club will spend money on them to buy cultivation resources from other players!

"Tianxuanjie" has a large number of brick-moving players, who rely on moving bricks in the game to make money and support themselves in reality.

And for a heroic player like Lin Huagan something that can be solved with money is not a problem at all!

He just had a good time and didn't ask how much I spent.

It's just a cold number, not to mention it!

As for cultivation, players rely on one-click upgrades. As long as the experience points are enough, they can open and hang all the way.

There is no need to teach them at all.

Players don't rely on comprehension.

And.... Who the **** would want to take online classes in games?

Therefore, there is no need to waste time on them at all.

Of course, all of this has a major premise.

That is to let players recognize Momen, let them see the potential of Momen, and see the value of Lu Chaoge!

Only in this way can players ignore the status quo of Momen and follow Lu Chaoge with all their heart.

Let professional clubs and guilds believe that all the current investments are worthwhile, and let them be full of illusions about a bright future!

In short, the cake must be painted big enough!

In this regard, Lu Chaoge is sure and confident.

"In the entire Profound Sky Realm, there is no way anyone knows players better than me!" Lu Chaoge said in his heart.

Lu Dongli didn't say much when she saw her brother's sworn appearance.

Years of reliance on each other gave her unconditional trust in Lu Chaoge.

At this moment, she was even a little curious, how special are these 30 handyman disciples?

What she didn't know was that in Lu Chaoge's plan, 30 players were just the beginning.

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