The world is full of hope.

"Eliminate the tyranny of mortals, and the world belongs to the chosen."

"Eliminate the tyranny of mortals, and the world belongs to the chosen."

"Eliminate the tyranny of mortals, and the world belongs to the chosen."


After the spread of the Apocalypse Church, people all over the world are resisting the rule of the feudal dynasties of the old era. The common people at the bottom understand that their emperor is just an ordinary mortal who will die if he is cut.

There is no difference between them and ordinary common people in essence. The emperor's self-proclaimed mandate from heaven and the true dragon son of heaven are all means for these people to fool the people in order to rule.

The emperor does not have the ability of the chosen to summon heavenly soldiers and generals, nor does he have the divine power bestowed by heaven on an enemy country. He cannot communicate with the gods in heaven. He is just an ordinary mortal.

The tricks of the feudal dynasty to fool the people were completely broken.

Those imperial rulers had thought of using the pens of those civil officials to discredit the Chosen Ones and say that they were demons.

But the heaven of Kiana Kaslana is not dead. The whole world is covered by her reality distortion field. If anyone dares to say anything, she will kill him with a thunderbolt and drag his soul to hell to have his tongue pulled out.

The civil officials who were punished by heaven were in the court. Because they vilified Kiana Kaslana and Sirin of the Apocalypse Church, they were suddenly struck into charcoal by lightning from a bright sky in front of everyone.

If anyone dared to say bad things about herself and Sirin, Kiana Kaslana would definitely give them a thunderbolt as long as she found out.

The court was her focus.

Since then, the civil officials and generals of the court have been honest.

This is really heaven, and it wants to destroy their human dynasties!

How can ordinary people like them fight against heaven?

The civil and military officials of the court pretended to be sick and resigned from their posts for various reasons.

"God wants to kill me!"

The emperor understood as he watched the officials leave the court one by one.

This was God's will for him to destroy his country.

Emperors of all dynasties liked to make up stories, saying that they were the true dragon emperors, appointed by heaven.

Unexpectedly, one day, God would come back to life, pointing at the rulers of the dynasty and saying, you are not the chosen one I chose, you are not the true dragon emperor, you are just a mortal, and it is you who made the people of the world live in dire straits.

He had already learned about the situation abroad through the people he sent out.

The future era of the Chosen Ones would not accommodate mortal emperors like them.

The situation was over.

No matter how much resistance there was, it would be futile.

So he announced to the world that he would return the ruling power to the Chosen Ones in his own country, took all the blame on himself, and then hanged himself on a mountain.

The court's final assist made Man Sui's reputation reach its peak, and the leaders of the rebels in various places were confused. The court that exploited them was gone.

How could this rebellion be started?

It has become a general trend for Man Sui, the Chosen One, to unify the world.

Many talented people who want to seek an official position have gone to Man Sui.

Although the princes in various places began to establish their own courts,

they could not make any waves.

When the King of Rebellion, who was halfway through his rebellion, received the news from the capital, he took his peasant army to find Man Sui's army.

He wanted to see if this Chosen One who was said to be so magical was really that magical.

This is the Chosen One!

A little girl!

King of Rebellion looked at Man Sui in front of him. He had heard that the Chosen One was a little girl. When he really saw her, he was still a little surprised.

My God, did you choose the emperor with your eyes closed? !

King Chuang laughed heartily, "Haha, you are Master Wan Sui, it's really better to hear about your name than to meet in person! I came here today just to see what you, the chosen one, are capable of."

"Come and fight with me. If you beat me, I will obey you."

He drew out the big knife from his waist.

Liang and the others held their hands in front of their chests, looking like they were watching a show.

"Can I use any weapon?"

"Of course."

King Chuang was very confident in his own strength.

"Then you be careful."

Man Sui calmly watched King Chuang holding the big knife and showing off his power. He raised his hand and a fire rod appeared out of thin air in his hand.


King Chuang's pupils shrank. He naturally recognized what this was, a firearm of the imperial army.

You don't have martial ethics!

He reacted quickly. He held the big knife horizontally in front of him to block the incoming bullets.

"Huh~, that was close. You little girl are too insidious."

King Chuang looked at the

Bullet, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been shot dead by her today.

Looking at Man Sui again, his expression froze instantly, and he saw a bunch of fire guns appearing out of thin air, suspended in the air, with the muzzles pointed at him.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Dozens of fire guns fired continuously.

After the gunshots stopped, King Chuang was frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. Looking back, he saw that the wall was densely packed with bullet holes.

If this hit him, he would be instantly beaten into a honeycomb.

"Go back and disband your peasant army. You can keep some for self-protection, but you are not allowed to plunder food in towns and villages."

Man Sui looked down on King Chuang's peasant army. She didn't like these anti-army like bandits.

King Chuang: "We don't rob the people's food."

Their slogan is: Welcome King Chuang, don't pay taxes!

"You can't control so many people."

Man Sui's words left King Chuang speechless. Indeed, his men often robbed people of their money and food.

"Don't you want my tens of thousands of people?"

"A bunch of rabble, I can destroy you all by myself."


King Chuang saw Man Sui's ability to create firearms out of thin air, and he thought of it.

If she created a large number of firearms and fired them continuously, the peasant army would fall in large numbers.

Once there were too many casualties, the army would be defeated.

Before, those Apocalypse priests of the Great Western Kingdom said that the Chosen One could destroy the army and the country with one person, and he thought it was bragging and exaggeration.

Now it seems that they really have this ability.

"You can leave the elite, the part that obeys orders and does not cause trouble to follow me, or you all go back."

To recruit these rebels, Man Sui only needs those who obey orders. Although the gods' heavenly soldiers and generals are very good at fighting and killing, they only know how to fight and kill.

She needs these people to do other things.

The food problem can be solved by those officials and gentry who join the army.

As long as there are not too many people to support, the money and food of those officials and gentry will be enough.

"How much tax will the people pay when you are the emperor?"

"Eleventh tax."

"What eleventh tax?"

King Chuang was puzzled.

"One tenth of the grain harvest."

"Can it be so low?"

King Chuang was shocked.

"I don't need a lot of money and food to support the army. I can also eliminate foreign enemies. I just need to keep an eye on the officials below who are corrupt. If you become the emperor, the result will be no different from the court."


King Chuang lowered his head and pondered. As the leader of the rebel army of tens of thousands of people, he naturally knew how much food and grass were needed every day to support tens of thousands of people, and how heavy the burden was.

He glanced at the dead soldiers next to him. It was rumored that the heavenly soldiers sent by the sky could not eat, drink or sleep, and would be reborn after death.

The absolute force of one against ten thousand, plus the heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Well, Master Wansui, if I join now, do I have an official position?"


As for how the Chosen Ones rule, the answer has been given. Kiana Kaslana gave the answer to Mansui, and she only needs to copy it.

As long as you are not a fool, you can play with the configuration of the Chosen Ones.

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