After a brief chat, everyone took Kiana and the others back to the defense team's base, a factory.

The combat mechas used by Anna and the others were all developed by these technical women themselves, which shows how much the doomsday can stimulate human potential.

After arriving at the factory, many children came out, and when the children saw Musashi and Captain Anna coming back, they ran over to surround them.

Especially the enthusiasm for Musashi, because the children knew that Musashi was a very powerful giant and a hero that the children admired.

Kiana also constructed a lot of toys for the children to play with, which made the children have a great liking for her.

On the other side, Rin Moroboshi found Nozomi Ohkawa.

"Dahe, please let my dear Ou~ni~chan out to play with me."

Rin Moroboshi nudged Dahe Wang's arm with her elbow, and Dahe Wang's face immediately turned red.

When Zero, who was currently one with Dahe Wang, felt Dahe Wang's shyness, he was numb.

No, buddy, I thought you were a human body, hxd, you actually had thoughts about another me?

"I won't let that guy Zero use my body"

Dahe Wang said sullenly and moved his eyes away.

"Why are you so resistant to Ultraman, can you tell me?"

Rin Moroboshi handed Dahe Wang a bottle of water and sat on the car tire next to him, hoping that Dahe Wang could tell him his reasons.

Dahe Wang finally told the reason after Zero's soft and hard persuasion.

When he was a child, his hometown was attacked by monsters, and at that time he trusted Ultraman to come and save them.

But Dyna didn't show up. At the last moment, even if Dyna showed up, the monster was defeated, but his parents also died in the disaster.

Not only his family, but many families fell apart because of this. From that moment on, he no longer believed in Ultraman and resisted Ultraman. He joined the Super Victory Team because he wanted to protect with his own hands.

"I see, just because of this, you feel resentful towards Ultraman who tried his best to protect you?

Ultraman is also a human being, and he can't be perfect. Do you think Ultraman is a god..."

Cero glanced at Ohkawa Wang unhappily. If Ultraman could always arrive at the first time of the accident, the evil would have been eliminated long ago.

Ohkawa Wang's behavior was just like a child who was upset. Sure enough, she was right. The human body that Zero found was really not good.

"I really don't know why a guy like you would be chosen by another me. It's too dangerous here. I suggest you find a safe crack in the ground to hide from this crisis."

Rin Moroboshi looked at Ohkawa with disdain and stood up to leave.

"Hey, although Ohkawa is making a fuss, there is no problem with his character of sacrificing himself to save others. You're a bit too much."

Cero couldn't stand his human body being belittled like this, so he forcibly took over Ohkawa's body.

Cero walked towards Rin Moroboshi step by step and pointed at her, as if he was going to fight if he didn't agree with her.

Rin Moroboshi frowned and turned around and kicked away Cero who was approaching him with a side kick, and Cero jumped back to avoid the attack.

"Hehe, it's just right for the father in another world to teach you a lesson, a wild girl."

Cero rubbed his nose, pointed at Rin Moroboshi with a proud face, and then jumped forward and punched Rin Moroboshi's arm.

After all, Rin Moroboshi is a girl. Even if it is another self, Zero can't be cruel.

The two fought for a long time. In the end, Rin Moroboshi looked at Zero with gritted teeth. This guy is much older than her. He is as defensive as a tortoise shell and can't be touched at all.

"Little girl, you are 20,000 years too early to hit me! If you know how powerful I am, admit your mistake quickly. If you don't admit your mistake, your dear Onii-chan will spank you."

Zero felt very comfortable when he saw Rin Moroboshi's expression that looked like she was going to eat him. He wiped his nose and said arrogantly.

He also roughly understood what period of himself this Rin Moroboshi was. She was too young. No wonder she was so aggressive.

Just when Zero was feeling proud, he suddenly felt that his body couldn't move, as if he was fixed in place by something.

"Zhu Xing-chan, attack him now!"

"Hmm? Kiana? Okay..."

After hearing Kiana's voice, Zhu Xinglin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zero and found that he maintained a posture without moving, so he knew that Kiana had secretly attacked.


"Hehe, I'll teach you a lesson! I'll teach you a lesson 20,000 years earlier! I'll teach you a lesson for my dad!"

Rin Moroboshi's pink fist hit Zero's face again and again, venting the emotions that had just accumulated, until Ohkawa's face was bruised and swollen.

"Huh~ Much better, Run"

Rin Moroboshi stroked his chest lightly, and the little emotion that was just teased by Zero was instantly swept away, and then he left here with a brisk pace, leaving only a motionless pig-headed man.

After Rin Moroboshi left, Musashi walked out of the shadows and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, he didn't come out early, otherwise he might have been beaten together.

"Zero... Were you so fierce when you were young?"

Musashi looked at the pig-headed Ohkawa with sympathy.

"I wasn't that bad when I was young! Maybe it's because of the difference in gender... Was I spoiled by my dad?"

Cero's voice came from the bracelet. He couldn't figure it out, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

At this time, the restraints on Ohkawa Nozomi were also released.

"Oh shit! It hurts so much! Zero, you ***! You used my body to get beaten like this! It's not you who's in pain!"

Ohkawa Nozomi lay directly on the ground, feeling the soreness all over his body, complaining loudly.

"Hey, Ohkawa, you can't say that. It was not going well at the beginning? Who knew that your body would suddenly be fixed? I can't do anything about it. Besides, I came out to help you vent your anger."

Cero sat cross-legged in the bracelet, spreading his hands. That level of space confinement was not something he could break with his human physical strength. At least he had to release Noah's Wings, which might be difficult.

Musashi shook his head helplessly, took out the transformation device, and released the full moon light wave through the transformation device to relieve Ohkawa Nozomi's pain.

"Go to bed early. I feel tomorrow may not be peaceful."

After treating Ohkawa Wang, Musashi left.

Ohkawa Wang stood up and touched the still purple corner of his mouth. Although the pain disappeared, the bruises did not disappear.

Ohkawa Wang had to return to his resting place depressed, trying to lie on the bed and use sleep to make up for the trauma in his heart.

On the other side, under the disc spaceship of the Bat Star, a giant cocoon of hundreds of meters exuded a gentle heartbeat, and from time to time stretched out a tentacle to pull the monster caught by the Bat Star into the cocoon.

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