The old man was very angry.

Gresh felt a familiar breath on Kiana...

As Kiana increased her energy fluctuations, Gresh's pupils shrank, and she pulled out the laser pen from her waist and looked at Kiana vigilantly.

She said why it was so familiar, it turned out to be the breath of the end!

Before Gresh left the earth, she vaguely felt the breath before the end came, and that breath was definitely the Herrscher of the End.

However, Kiana in front of her had the same breath as the end, or even stronger than it.

She also knew why the earth had the ability to cross the edge of the solar system to find herself.

Could it be that Uncle Kevin and the others also failed…

Gresh thought so sadly. She didn’t know how long she had been sleeping, but the End was now here, which meant that the earth had fallen into the end.

“Gresh, put away your weapons first… Although I am the End, I am not the machine that destroys civilization, you can rest assured about this”


Gresh turned on the laser pen, obviously not believing what Kiana said.

Vita, who was walking with her, also looked sideways slightly after Kiana released the breath of the End and the Imaginary Tree.

Unexpectedly, this new boss who seemed to be greedy for her body actually had the power of the Imaginary Tree…

Should she have taken less just now?

If she had known earlier, she would have taken some of the power of the Imaginary Tree…

After all, it’s not greedy to have too much of this kind of thing~

Kiana looked at Gresh with a headache, racking her brains to think about how to make Gresh trust her.

"Got it!"

Suddenly, a light bulb lit up above Kiana's head. She thought of a good idea, so she reached out and rummaged around in the Gate of Imaginary Numbers, and finally took out a few photos.

"Grayshu, look! This photo is of Kevin and Su. Although her current name is also Vita, she is not the same person as this Vita!"

Kiana turned the photo to Grayshu, so that she could see the people in the photo clearly.

Grayshu glanced at Kevin and Ingevita in the photos, and her eyebrows raised slightly.

The people in the photos looked exactly like Kevin and Su in her impression...but she remembered that the two uncles were obviously boys.

But looking at the photos, they didn't feel any sense of urgency, and even the melancholy between their eyebrows that had been unable to dissipate due to the threat of collapse disappeared.

When Kiana took out another family photo of the Paradise, Grayshu opened her mouth, and finally sighed slightly and put down the laser pen.

"You don't look like someone who would destroy civilization at will. I believe you... But those Yingjies who turned into girls are..."

Gresh can recognize who those people are through the photos, and she also knows that they are in memory.

Even Qianjie's mouth corners are obviously raised, and he looks in a good mood.

"Because of an accidental incident, all the male Yingjies have become big sisters. You have to ask them the details..."

"Really... Then ask Uncle Kaiwen and Uncle Su when you go back."

Gresh didn't notice the unnatural look on Kiana's face, and showed an expectant smile.

She figured it out, and she would go back to Earth with Kiana first. Even if she didn't believe it, there was no way. It was impossible to escape from the hands of the End. She could only hope that what Kiana showed her was true.

"Vita, what about you?"

Kiana saw that Gresh no longer hesitated and agreed to go back to Earth with her, and looked at Vita beside her.

Vita pointed her finger at her chin and thought for a moment.

"I'll stay here first. I still have some things to deal with~" After thinking about it, Vita looked at Kiaya with a smile.

"Okay, you should know the location of the earth. Come find me when you miss me"

Kiana didn't take her away by force. She could do whatever she wanted. Anyway, she wouldn't be in any danger.

Even if she was in danger, Kiana could pull her to her side through the slight connection between them.

And Vita is so smart that she shouldn't let anything happen that would be bad for her.

"Okay, okay~ You go first. After I take care of my own things, I will find you~darling"

Vita winked at Kiana and lay back, and went directly into a door opened behind her.

But Vita is worthy of being Vita. Before leaving, she didn't forget to tease Kiana.

"Let's go... But before we go, let's go to the outer space"

Kiana said, holding Bella and Gray Shu's hands respectively, wanting to take them to the universe.

"Wait a minute...

I need to clean up my room and take away all the important things."

Gresh pulled the corner of Kiana's clothes and pointed in the direction of her room.

There are many important things in her room. Although they are of no use to others, they are all memories of people she once knew.

"It's okay. I have packed all your things in your room here for you. After returning to Earth..."

Kiana took out a suitcase. The space inside was folded, so there was a lot of space inside. She was originally going to give it to Gresh after returning to Earth.

After taking the suitcase, Gresh opened it and looked inside. After all her belongings were neatly placed inside, she smiled at Kiana.

This Miss End is really attentive and specially helped her pack her luggage.

At this moment, Gresh was no longer so concerned about Kiana's identity as the End. She even began to feel a little curious about Kiana.

But there is plenty of time to get to know Kiana after returning to Earth, so there is no rush.

Now she wants to know what Kiana is going to take her to space for. Is she going to fly back directly?

Gracie held the suitcase in one hand and put the other hand in Kiana's palm.

Looking at Gracie's proactive behavior, Kiana was slightly stunned. She felt that Gracie seemed to have a better impression of her.

Kiana smiled at Gracie, then took the hands of the two and opened a space leading to the outer solar system.

After arriving here, the three people floated in the universe. Kiana let go of the hands of the two and motioned Bella to stay a little further away.

When Bella flew almost far away, Kiana pulled Gracie in front of her and faced herself.

"??? "

Gresh didn't know what Kiana was going to do suddenly, so she tilted her head in confusion, hoping that Kiana could explain.

But Kiana didn't explain, but her eyes glowed slightly, and finally her whole body expanded to the size of a planetary star god.

Kiana, who was holding the universe, lowered her eyes and glanced at Gresh, and infused the power of "End" destiny into Gresh's body.

! ! !

Gresh felt another power in her body that was different from the collapse, and opened her beautiful eyes to look at Kiana with a magnificent figure.

At this moment, she understood Kiana's current state, or one of her identities, that is, Star God.

"End" Star God.

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