The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Ahem! I wanted to wake her up, but it seems that she is fine."

Kiana looked serious, trying to prove that she had no improper thoughts about Tendo Mugen.

"You are confessing yourself."

Qilin closed her eyes slightly and was speechless. If she was not here, could a video of one and a half hours be shot here?

"Hehehe~ Isn't this Mugen lying on the ground to seduce me? How can I resist it!"

Kiana, who was exposed, shyly threw the blame to Tendo Mugen who was still unconscious.

She, Kiana, is a serious person, but no matter how serious she is, she can't resist the temptation!

Unconscious Tendo Mugen: ? ? ?

"When does it start?"

Qilin was too lazy to argue with Kiana anymore, so she crossed her arms and got straight to the point.

"How about... wait a little longer?"

Kiana scratched her cheek. She wanted to wait for the Holy Emperor to gather more people to take refuge.

"Hmph, those people won't remember your kindness."

Looking at the indecisive Kiana, Qilin frowned, snorted coldly, changed into the Herrscher's dress, and flew into the sky.

She decided to let the collapse come to this world directly, and she was angry when she saw Kiana was hesitating to destroy the world.

"Ah! Why is this happening! No, no, we have to bring the Holy Emperor over, oh yes, and Muroto Sumire in the laboratory."

Kiana hurriedly pulled several portals and pulled the Holy Emperor, Muroto Sumire, and Sima Miori over.

As for Rentaro, hehe...

"I'm not at home? This is... Miss Kiana?"

Sima Miori knelt on the ground with a flower in her hand. She remembered that she was arranging flowers at home? Why did she suddenly come out?

"What technology did you use to teleport me here? As far as I know, there is no such teleportation technology in the world at present."

Muroto Sumire looked at Kiana with an inquiring look.

The strange four-pointed star in her eyes and the light wings floating around her waist all attracted the researcher.

"Miss, is this the outer area?"

The Holy Emperor put one hand on his chest and looked around with some concern. Anyone who was suddenly teleported away would feel a little scared, and the young Prime Minister of Tokyo was the same.

And... she didn't recognize Kiana, because when she saw Kiana in the morning, she saw her as a child.

"Uh... don't ask, it should start soon." Kiana looked at the sky.

A huge purple light column appeared in the sky and continued to spread. Countless imaginary doors in the sky opened, and a huge Honkai beast walked out of the door and fell heavily to the ground.

After the purple light column spread to a certain extent, the sky was covered with a golden cross pattern that was the same as Qilin's pupil.

This is the Honkai Death Spot that Qilin learned from Kiana. It can be activated after the Honkai energy level reaches a certain level. It is a relatively easy-to-use world-destroying skill.

In an instant, the huge Honkai energy swept the world. On land, in the air, and in the ocean, all the protogastric creatures began to mutate, grow white shells, and begin to transform into silicon-based creatures.

Especially the stage five, which is praised by this world as the title of the Zodiac. Under the transformation of Honkai energy, the size continues to shrink, and finally changes into a little girl with Honkai beast characteristics.

They followed Qilin's instructions in their minds and began to command the protogastric creatures that turned into Honkai beasts to attack nearby human cities.

Qilin in the air found an imaginary space, and in a space marked with Kiana's mark, there was a two-headed dragon-like Honkai beast, and then she was released.

As soon as this Honkai beast appeared, it spread its wings that covered the sky, and the two heads covered by white shells roared.

Human evil, revealed!

The dualism of good and evil, the end-level Honkai beast Ahura Mazda, the dualistic creator god of the Type-Moon world formed by the fusion of the good god Ahura Mazda and the evil god Angra Mainyu.

This two-headed dragon is the beast that Kiana captured in Type-Moon.

A huge round hole appeared on Ahura Mazda's head, and black mud similar to the evil of this world formed by Honkai energy gushed out and began to flood the city below.


"What is this... This is beyond the scope of gastrula creatures, right?"

Sima Weizhi dropped the folding fan in her hand, and looked at the two-headed dragon covering the sky and the Honkai beasts that kept falling to the ground with horror. She was a little desperate.

"This... So the kid said this morning about welcoming the end... And the pictures she showed me, is this what she meant..."

The Holy Emperor looked at the sky with lifeless eyes. As the Prime Minister of Tokyo, she ruled

, and now he can't do anything...

"Sheng Tianzi, at least the cursed children in the world are still alive. They are all in this outer area. They won't be hurt here."

Kiana's words made Sheng Tianzi's eyes focus again. At least there is still fire in this world.

"Such a creature can't exist at all. Who are you?"

Muroto Sumire frowned and stared at Kiana. She suspected that Kiana was the culprit of this incident.

Muroto Sumire's question attracted the attention of Sima Weizhi and Sheng Tianzi, and the two also looked at Kiana.

"Well... I've never felt so comfortable, huh? Why are you here?"

Tendo Mugen, who was lying on the side, woke up, sat up and stretched comfortably, and saw several familiar people.

"Mugen... look at the changes in this world."

Sima Weizhi was not in the mood to argue with Tendou Mugen at this time, but let her look at everything around her.

"So that's how it is. The world is going to be destroyed... Then what?"

Tendo Mugen walked in front of Kiana, drew his sword and looked at the three people in front of him fiercely.

The blade was still flowing with blood that had not yet dried.

"Alas... This corrupt world full of despair is no longer worth saving, so only destruction is its destination. Do you... want to resist the collapse and the end?"

Kiana walked out from behind Tendo Mugen and looked at Sima Miori and the other three.

He did not use any power to suppress their spirits, but just looked at them in such an ordinary way.

"I won't resist. I'm just a researcher. There's no way to deal with that kind of thing. Besides, it seems that there are many new things to study here."

After a while, Muroto Sumire closed her eyes, raised her hands and walked to Kiana.

"I hope you don't hurt those children"

The Holy Emperor also chose Kiana's side.

"Miri, come here"

"Kisara... Rentaro and my parents... eh!"

Sima Miori slowly said the names of people who were very important to her, but was knocked unconscious by Tendo Kisara who flashed behind her with a knife and lay in Tendo Kisara's arms.

Kiana looked at Qilin's position in the air, and Qilin also looked at Kiana, and saw the people next to Kiana shook their heads slightly.

Kiana is still too kind...

Qilin flew into the universe, and densely packed imaginary gates covered the blue planet under her feet, and countless imaginary energies condensed in the gates.

"The time of judgment has come... The virtual world is coming!"

When Qilin was cleaning the floor, Kiana pulled all the kind police officers who appeared in the original work to the outer area.

However, their appearances were slightly changed by Kiana, and they had the same red eyes as the child of the curse.

This also includes Satomi Rentaro, now it should be Satomi Renko, as well as her senior brother and friends, who were all turned into red-eyed little loli by Kiana.

But Kiana didn't tell anyone, so let them be discovered by themselves~

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