The RV has arrived at its destination.

[Creator, arrived at the destination]

Just as Kiana and the others were chatting, the RV had arrived at the destination, but the scene was very scary. There was an RV parked in the sea of ​​corpses, and no matter how the zombies attacked, they couldn't break the defense of the RV!

The soldiers with guns on the high walls of the military district forgot to shoot and clean up the zombies under the wall when they saw this scene that destroyed their worldview. But after all, they were soldiers, so they adjusted their status and prepared to use two machine guns to help the RV clean up the zombies surrounding it.

The roof of the RV suddenly opened, and in the confused eyes of the soldiers, a bunch of high-tech weapons were stretched out, bombarding the zombies around.

After hearing the loud noise, the zombies attacking the wall rushed to the RV.

At this time, Kiana appeared on the roof of the car. She looked at the zombies, raised her hand slightly, and then turned her palm downward and pressed it slightly.

"Kneel down!"

The zombies seemed to be squeezed by unknown pressure, and all of them were pressed against the ground with their faces, unable to get up.

Kiana's action was not over yet. She raised her right hand and clenched it slightly. The zombies were instantly frozen into pieces of ice. As for why she didn't just crush them all with gravity, Kiana said that it was too dirty, and it would be too bad to explode the corpses everywhere!

"Hey! Soldiers! Can we go in?"

You've already come in... Why are you asking us?

The soldiers on the wall looked at the RV that easily entered the gate of the military district through a portal, and their faces were full of black lines. However, the one who did all this was the beautiful girl in strange clothes on the roof who pressed their three views to the ground in just a few minutes.

"Uh... sorry sorry... I thought you guys agreed by not saying anything, hahaha..."

Feeling the strange atmosphere in the air, Kiana scratched her head awkwardly.

Luo Xueqi also got off the car after instructing the Lingshuang sisters and saluted the soldiers on the wall.

"Everyone, I believe you have seen our capabilities. Can you please notify the military district administrators? I think we can talk about some future plans."

After listening to Luo Xueqi's words, the soldiers exchanged glances. Among them, the one with the highest rank came down the wall and trotted over to return the salute to Kiana and the others.

"Hello, ladies. I am the company commander Wang Gang! Please follow me. I will take you to see our commander."

The power displayed by Kiana and the others was beyond their imagination. A simple move solved their dilemma and saved them from the water and fire.

Especially the white-haired girl with the power of a god. Her profound power made everyone present know that any resistance would be pale and powerless. So, they chose to face this incredible power with the most sincere attitude and awe.

Kiana nodded, got off the roof of the car neatly, and followed Wang Gang with Luo Xueqi. The RV behind them also moved slowly with them.

After arriving at the commander's office, Wang Gang motioned for the two to wait for a while, knocked on the door and went in alone to report. After a while, Wang Gang came out and nodded to the two to invite them to enter the house.

"You two are the ladies that Xiao Wang mentioned, right? It's true that heroes come from young people! Sit down, you're welcome!"

Commander Li's eyes lit up when he saw Kiana and the others, and he quickly stood up and motioned for them to take a seat.

With his many years of experience in judging people, he could see that the extraordinary temperament surrounding these two girls, especially Kiana, combined with Wang Gang's detailed report, made him believe that it seemed like a god descending to the mortal world.

Originally, he didn't believe in the gods and Buddhas, but the black sun disaster was not something that science could explain at all. Now he couldn't do anything if he didn't believe it.

‘Sister Xueqi, go and talk. I’m not good at this! ’

Kiana’s voice rang in Luo Xueqi’s mind. After glancing at Kiana and pursing her lips, she looked at Commander Li, straightened her back, and showed an extraordinary demeanor. She responded softly but firmly:

“Thank you for your compliment, Commander Li. We are here to discuss something important. We may be able to provide some key information about the recent Black Sun disaster and the truth behind it, and we hope to cooperate with you to jointly resist this unprecedented crisis.”

Commander Li heard this, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by strong interest and expectation. He sat down again, folded his hands on the table, and his posture of listening carefully showed his importance to this meeting.

“Please tell us, since the Black Sun, we have been with

We have lost contact with the outside world and know very little about the disaster. Moreover, if possible, we hope to understand the cooperation method you proposed. "

Luo Xueqi nodded and began to talk about the intelligence and cognition of the Black Sun disaster in her previous life. Of course, she couldn't say that she was reborn, but she said that she had studied these things and awakened her own abilities through this.

Luo Xueqi also demonstrated telekinesis in front of Commander Li to dispel his doubts.

After telling her insights on Black Sun, Luo Xueqi also talked to Commander Li about the survivor base. Starting from the military region, a large-scale survivor city was built to re-establish the order of human civilization so that humans can better continue in this cruel doomsday.

"About the Cangcheng survivor city... I'm afraid it's not simple, Miss Luo"

In response to Commander Li's concerns, Luo Xueqi nodded at Kiana's arm, and Kiana immediately patted her chest and said confidently, "Hmm! It doesn't matter, just leave it to me! "

Then Commander Li and Luo Xueqi took out the map and began to discuss various issues such as regional planning and resource allocation. Kiana really couldn't stay any longer, so she sneaked out while they were chatting heatedly.

During the conversation, the two of them had a great time. Commander Li didn't treat Luo Xueqi as an outsider at all. He even looked at her with more and more satisfaction, as if he was looking at his successor. Commander Li himself was indeed preparing to let Luo Xueqi be the leader of the Cangcheng Survivor City-

Bored Kiana returned to the RV and saw the Lingshuang sisters. Her eyes lit up and she touched their heads, "Do you want to become stronger?"

Listening to Kiana's words, the two sisters remembered the white-haired man in front of them showing his power. They looked at Kiana with shining eyes, nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice, and held Kiana's arms, as if they were afraid that they were lying to them.

"Ahem, today I will teach you the Taixu Sword Qi of my Taixu Sect! Call me Master and listen"

"Master Qi!"

"Master Sister! ”

“Hmm! Very good and energetic. Taixu Sword Qi is the martial arts created by your Grandmaster Fu Hua. It has five elements: heart, form, intention, soul, and spirit…”

Kiana was very satisfied with the two cute girls’ names and began to talk about the origin of Taixu Sword Qi and the key points of entry training.

As for how to solve the collapse, the almighty End will find a way!


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