The old man was so embarrassed.

"Dark history? What dark history?"

Suddenly, Kiana was shocked, as if she suddenly thought of something, and a trace of embarrassment and nervousness appeared on her face.

"Wait! You are not talking about those..." She prayed in her heart, hoping that this guy would not really say those embarrassing words.

Now Kiana recalled that those words were really so embarrassing. I had forgotten them, but you mentioned them and I remembered them all.

However, the mysterious voice did not seem to let her go.

[Oh? It seems that you have thought of it. ]

The corners of Kiana's mouth twitched slightly, and she was speechless.

"That... Can we not mention this?" She tried to change the subject.

However, the voice ignored Kiana and imitated what Kiana had said before in a mean tone.

[Why do I need treatment? I want to drink Meiyi's sister...]

Before she finished speaking, Kiana's face was as red as a ripe apple, and she interrupted him in a hurry.

"Stop, stop! Isn't it okay if I was wrong? Please stop talking!"

Kiana's heart was full of embarrassment, and she felt that her toes could be used to make a few three-bedroom and one-living-room apartments.

And Kiana thought to herself: "That so-called observer, isn't he a pervert?"

[I heard it. ]

There was a hint of teasing and ridicule in the voice.

Kiana's cheeks became even redder, and she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

He is really a pervert! !

"I... I was wrong, isn't it okay?" She muttered softly, hoping that the voice would let her go.

Xing, who was standing next to her, watched Kiana get angry, blush and tremble, and then get angry again, but she never spoke.

Xing was stunned.

“Kiana? What’s wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Xing couldn’t help asking.

Kiana came back to her senses after hearing this. She shook her head quickly, trying to make herself look normal.

She thought to herself, “Xing didn’t seem to hear what that guy said just now… That’s good, that’s good.”

Kiana patted her chest to calm herself down.

“No… Nothing, I just had a headache.” She made up an excuse to get away with it.

Xing didn’t doubt him and said with concern, “Then do you want to take a rest first? Can I… um… lend you my shoulder?”

“Ha, it’s okay. Let’s go, let’s go.” Kiana waved her hand, indicating that Xing didn’t need to bother.

However, before Kiana could move, the entire consciousness space suddenly flickered.

These situations one after another annoyed Kiana and Xing.

"What happened again?"

Xing complained.

"I said stop, stop! Can we be quiet for a while?"

Kiana also seemed a little impatient. She rubbed her temples, trying to relieve her fatigue from a series of accidents.

Just when the two were about to give up thinking and wait for things to develop, the entire consciousness space changed again.

In an instant, the entire consciousness space seemed to be illuminated. The existence in front of the two was the "memory" star god Fuli who had seen it in the simulated universe long ago.

His facial features made of mirror fragments were repeatedly refracted into a mystery by the prism. On the head of the huge figure made of mirror fragments, it seemed to be wearing a glass crown of a certain emperor. Countless memories emerged in front of the two again.


For this person, the two were too familiar with him. They saw a lot of memories about themselves in him.

When Xing saw this star god, he was a little excited.

She waved her hands vigorously, trying to get his attention.

"Fuli, Fuli! Come on! Please tell me more about Kafka!"

However, Fuli did not seem to hear Xing's call. He just stood there quietly, his eyes blurred by the light prism, deep and distant.

Xing put down her hands in disappointment, but her eyes still flashed with expectation. She knew that Fuli, as the star god of memory, had countless memory fragments. Perhaps in some corner, there was a secret about Kafka.

Kiana was very confused, because Xing had been muttering the name "Kafka" since the space station in the Black Tower, but she had never seen her mention it again afterwards.

Was there any memory barrier... or was she deliberately not mentioning it?


While Kiana was still thinking about Xing, He made a move.

Then Fuli reflected a beam of light from his face, sweeping over Kiana and Xing, as if he was examining them.

Xing and Kiana looked at each other, somewhat confused.

But at this moment, He spoke: "I will take this flowing light from you in the memory garden."

His language was very obscure and difficult to understand for Xing and Kiana, and each word seemed to be connected to each other.

The two were confused and had no idea what Fuli was saying.

Although it was obscure and difficult to understand, for Kiana, this way of speaking was a little familiar.

"Why does this way of speaking sound so much like the way the monitor's hometown, Shenzhou, speaks, but I still don't understand it."

"Monitor? Shenzhou?" Xing looked at Kiana in confusion, "What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

Kiana shook her head: "Nothing, just a country in my hometown. The monitor is the monitor, her name is Fu Hua, and she lives there."

Xing nodded after hearing this, indicating that he understood.

The two looked at Fu Li again, and Kiana asked Him, although she didn't have much hope.

"Excuse me, can you tell me how to find the space rift that brought me to this world?"

[Alas~ You really don't give up. ]

The voice in Kiana's mind sounded again, but Kiana didn't pay attention to this so-called observer, this pervert, but expected Fu Li to give her an answer.

This star god didn't disappoint Kiana, He answered.

"You left with this and went to the boat."

[You said you, you still expect Him to answer. He did answer, can you understand? Paramecium...】

Kiana heard that mean voice again, and she finally couldn't help but explode.

"Shut up! You pervert! Stop talking in my head!"

However, the voice ignored Kiana's anger and continued to talk to itself.

[Hmph, I knew you didn't understand. But it doesn't matter, I can help you explain. Fu Li means that if you want to find the space rift, go to the fairy boat. ]

Although it was still mean, Kiana couldn't care so much at the moment, she hurriedly asked: "Really? Then what should be done specifically?"

[Well, you have to figure it out by yourself. After all, I'm just an observer and can't directly interfere in your affairs. Just let it go. ]

Kiana frowned, although a little disappointed, but also knew that the so-called observer made sense.

She took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and then looked at the star next to her.

"I have finished asking what I want to ask. What about you? What did you say just now... Kafka?"

Xing felt a little disappointed when she heard Kiana's question. She nodded and replied, "Yes, I want to know more about Kafka. She... before you came to the space station to rescue me, she was by my side... She left me alone. This is the one with burgundy hair you saw before, with a... a silver-haired curly-haired dwarf. I don't have any memories before that..."

Xing finished speaking and blinked aggrievedly.

"Silver-haired curly-haired dwarf? Why do I always feel so familiar with this person?"

Kiana tried hard to recall, and finally, her eyes caught a glimpse of the image reflected by a piece of memory fragment on the body of the "Memory" Star God.

"Bronya?" Kiana was a little confused. Didn't she already see Bronya's isotope? Or did they just look alike?

Kiana shook her head. It was useless to think about these things for the time being.

"Then try to ask Him again?"

Xing thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Fu Li, can you tell me about Kafka?"

His voice sounded, becoming somewhat ethereal.

"You left with this and went to the boat."

It was still the same sentence just now.

However, before everyone could react, Fu Li had disappeared.

The entire consciousness space returned to calm again, leaving only Xing and Kiana looking at each other.

Xing seemed a little disappointed. She thought she could get more information about Kafka from Fu Li, but she didn't expect Him to give a vague answer again.

"What does this mean?" Xing frowned and asked puzzledly.

Kiana also shook her head, indicating that she didn't understand either. Could it be that the answers of both of them were in this so-called fairy boat? But where is the fairy boat?

But it's useless to think about these things here now, so let's go out first.

"I hope there won't be any more moths?"

Kiana prayed silently in her heart.

No longer hesitating, directly eliminate the control of Xing's consciousness space and fly directly

Out of consciousness space.

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