After Alan left, Jizi turned her attention to the gray-haired woman, Xing, and began to introduce herself.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I am Ji Zi, the pilot of the Star Train."

"In other words, the train's actions are all controlled by her."March Seven explained to Xing

"I hope Xiao Sanyue didn't cause you any trouble along the way?"

"Xing~ Think about it before you answer." Sanyueqi looked at Xing with a meaningful smile.

Xing felt a tingling sensation on her scalp when she saw Sanyueqi's smile. But she still said what she thought.

"Hmm... I've never seen such a reckless girl.……"

"agree……"Kiana also nodded half-jokingly.

Sanyueqi was immediately unhappy when he heard that."That's just my personality! I didn't cause any trouble this time... I'll get used to it... You see, Danheng is used to it."

Danheng sighed helplessly as he watched the three people focus on him.

"I have the right to remain silent……"

Dan Heng said,"I can't handle this kid, Sanyueqi."

After hearing this, Sanyueqi smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Haha… young people tend to get along well with each other, it seems like you guys are already quite familiar with each other."

Ji Zi looked at the interaction between the few people and said jokingly with a smile

"Let's go, Ester is worried about you too."

Everyone nodded and followed Jizi to the direction where Ester was.


"The projection radar tracking is normal, and the telemetry signal frequency is high! It must be maintained at the average level!"

On the command observation platform of the main control cabin, a pink-haired girl in a white work uniform was staring at the data on the projection screen and directing the operations of various staff members.

"According to the prediction, the army will launch more than ten waves of continuous attacks. Hold on!"

At this time, Ji Zi led everyone to the back of Estelle.

""Stationmaster Ester! We are back!" March 7 was the first to speak, reminding Ester.

Upon hearing this, Ester immediately turned around and looked at everyone, her eyes full of worry and relief, and she also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew - I'm glad you're back safely. Alan just came over and told me everything about the containment chamber. And his injury... Thanks to your help, especially Miss Kiana."

"Nothing." Kiana shook her head and continued."Since we have come across him as the pioneer of the Star Train, according to what March Seven said before - we must not ignore him."

"That's right! Moreover, Kiana is very strong! She drove away those antimatter troops in just a few moves!"March Seven looked at Kiana with admiration, as if he had seen a great hero.

Upon hearing this, Estelle also smiled and nodded, but then she thought of something and frowned slightly.

"Alas... When disaster strikes, I realize more and more that the staff are the most precious asset of the space station... We are too little prepared for emergencies and have neglected the construction of security and combat personnel."

"The members of your Star Train are all very skilled.……"As she spoke, Estelle looked at everyone carefully.

""What is the current situation of the space station?" Dan Heng interrupted Ester and asked directly about the current situation.

Upon hearing this, Ester immediately turned her attention back to the projection screen.

"The current situation is still under control. The damage to the security system is minor. The intruder only rewrote a few core data, so it is easy to repair."

"Invasion... It doesn't mean that I unlocked the elevator, right?"

Kiana touched her chin, scratched her head a little embarrassedly, and looked at Ester.

Ester smiled and shook her head."No, that was just a small fight. And your operation was obviously much slower than that of the intruder, so the intruder was not you, you can rest assured~"

"In fact, the potential threat came from the staff... They trusted Ms. Black Tower very much and never thought that the space station would be breached by the Legion. Compared with the physical injuries, the mental panic was more terrible."

"Then let's go talk to the staff. At this time, no one wants any more accidents to happen inside the space station."

Jizi suggested

"But then again, have you tried to contact the Black Tower?"

Estelle sighed helplessly.

"I have sent many letters, but all of them have fallen on deaf ears. Miss Jizi knows her. The space station is her warehouse for her followers and strange objects. She doesn't take it seriously at all."

"I knew it……"Ji Zi sighed, seemingly not surprised by Heita's behavior."It doesn't matter, I will also send a letter to Heita, saying that we brought the rare item she wanted, at least this one is somewhat attractive to her.""

"Really?!" Esta heard this, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes."That would be a great help! I’ll trouble you to communicate with the staff."

After saying that, Esta turned around and continued to check the data.

Jizi also began to arrange tasks.

"Well, that's it for now. Danheng, you and Sanyueqi will be responsible for communicating with the staff, Xing and Qiyana……"

"I have some questions for Esta."

Kiana suddenly said. Kiana had been curious for a long time. What kind of person is this person called Heita? Doesn't she care about the lives of people on the space station? Isn't this her space station? But why do people on the space station admire her so much?

Kiana's first impression of Heita was not very good. But adhering to the idea that"you can't know a person just by appearance", Kiana still wanted to ask the acting stationmaster what he thought of Heita.

"I also have some questions……"Xing scratched his head and said

"I understand." Ji Zi nodded."I'm also here���If you have any questions, you can also come to me. Then I will leave first."

"Then... we'll go first, see you later~"

Sanyueqi waved to Jizi, and then took Danheng to the direction where the staff were.

Jizi, Danheng, and Sanyueqi left one after another, leaving Xing and Kiana alone, staring at each other.

"You ask first?"

Xing looked at Kiana and smiled, motioning her to speak first.

Kiana nodded slightly, looked at Ester and said,"Stationmaster Ester, I have some questions to ask."

Hearing this, Ester turned around and looked at the two of them, a little confused."Huh? You haven't left yet... What do you want to ask?"

"Um... it's about the Black Tower. What kind of person is the Black Tower?"

Kiana asked, with a hint of seriousness in her eyes.

When Estelle heard this, a complicated light flashed in her eyes, which seemed a little indescribable.

"She is a member of the"Genius Club", a child of destiny favored by the"Wisdom" Star God. Since the birth of the Master of Knowledge, there have only been 84 such people."

"Wait, you said 84? The entire universe?"Kiana interrupted Estelle in surprise.

"Yes, the whole universe." Esta nodded and continued."So, Ms. Black Tower is very willful... She only does things that interest her, and leaves immediately once she loses interest. This space station is a product of this.……"

"It sounds... like it's really irresponsible." Kiana frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with Black Tower's behavior.

"Yes, that's true." Estelle sighed and continued,"However, Ms. Black Tower's talent and contribution are undeniable. Her pursuit of science and technology and knowledge, as well as her exploration of unknown areas, are unmatched.

"This space station……"

"The space station"Black Tower" is of course owned by Lady Black Tower. The"Black Tower" was originally built as a warehouse for rare objects and relics, but Lady Black Tower allowed her followers to participate in management and research, and it gradually became a scientific research base."

"The containment section you passed through houses many"strange objects" and"relics" and is the core research site. The main control section we are in now is the control center of the space station."

"It sounds like Black Tower is the one who has the final say in the construction and operation of this space station?" Kiana continued to ask. She became more and more interested in Black Tower's behavior and personality.

"Well... that's what I said, but I'm the one who takes care of most of it."

Esther smiled awkwardly. She certainly understood the meaning of Kiana's question. In fact, although Black Tower is the owner of the space station, most of the daily operations and management work are handled by Esther. Black Tower exists more as a spiritual leader and scientific research instructor, while Esther is responsible for turning these ideas into practical operations.

At this time, Esther continued

"It is said that the space station also contains the private chamber of the Black Tower lady, which contains the most precious���, the rarest and most dangerous collection... Given her personality, this is likely……"

As she spoke, Esta sighed again.

"Sigh... Speaking of which, there are many things she didn't tell me as the"webmaster"」"

"Haha, it seems that she doesn't completely trust you."Kiana joked with a smile.

Esther shook her head helplessly after hearing this."Yeah, maybe it's because I'm not qualified enough."

"But then again, if Heita is so willful, why do the staff here adore her so much?" Kiana asked puzzledly.

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