The land of fire with singing birds.

In the Land of Fire, in a dense forest.

A figure was slowly pacing forward, and I saw him with his hands in his pockets, looking like a hanger!

Although it looks like this, his mouth is constantly cursing.

“Sarutobi actually drove me out of Konoha by slashing this dead old man?! Isn’t it a ninja’s duty to successfully complete the mission? What do you care about so many details?! ”

“Moreover, those people themselves are too weak to die in the mission, what does it have to do with me?!”

“Just because I’m not going to save them? Unexpectedly expelled LZ directly from Konoha Village?! What a fuck! ”

This figure who was constantly spitting fragrant fragrance in his mouth at this time, I saw that his over-eyed silver hair was flying in the wind, and his sculpted facial features were almost perfect!

But this figure exudes a cold aura all over his body at this moment! Dark and deep eyes, light shining cold stars!

Bai Yu also stopped screaming at this time, and slowly walked forward, and now he has begun to think about where he should go.

For Konoha Village, Bai Yu did not have any memories, no relatives, and no friends.

Ever since crossing into this Hokage world, he has always been alone.

That’s right, Haku is also a traverser, and 15 years have passed since he came to the Hokage World!

Of course, as the most basic golden finger of every crosser, Bai Yu naturally also has it.

His system was turned on when he was 4 years old.

Although it is turned on, it is not fully turned on!

The reason is that the system needs Bai Yu’s personal property to reach 10 million taels before it can be fully bound!

Bai Yu, who saw this at that time, almost jumped directly from the stairs and threw himself to death!

But, on second thought, isn’t it just making money?

After discovering that he had traveled to the ninja world, Bai Yu also knew that doing tasks was the fastest way to get money!

Of course, there is another! That’s the bounty order of the ninja world!

However, Bai Yu, whose strength was weaker than the weak chicken at that time, also dispelled this idea in an instant.

Then there is only one way, and that is to do the task!

And before that, the first thing to do is to become a qualified ninja!

Entering the ninja school, I don’t know if it was the reason of the system, Bai Yu showed amazing talent!

It only took one year to graduate from Ninja Academy ahead of schedule!

After that, Bai Yu was like an open hanging all the way, promoted to a middle ninja at the age of six, and became a shinobi at the age of ten!

Even three points stronger than Kakashi, who entered the Ninja Academy in the same year as him!

And these two are also known as the genius ninjas of Konoha!

Although he has been the object of praise from adults everywhere he goes, Bai Yu is not happy at all.

He will not pay attention to these things outside his body, his main purpose is to make money!

However, although he has become a superior ninja, he can still only do some tasks below A grade.

The reason turned out to be that the third generation of Hokage thought that he was inexperienced!

Bai Yu had no choice but to be forced to do some simple tasks.

Until time slowly passed, he finally got his wish and began to do a large number of A-level tasks, even S-level tasks!

However, because Bai Yu, who is bent on completing the task and earning rewards, often completes the task alone without regard for the safety of his companions during the mission.

Therefore, his cold blood also began to spread in the village, and most people also kept their distance from him, and even added cold eyes.

Bai Yu, on the other hand, did not care about the opinions of the people around him, and still went his own way.

He has only tasks in his eyes!

This matter naturally also spread into the ears of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun.

After thinking about it again, he called Hakuba to Hokage’s office.

Just now, Bai Yu vaguely remembered the face of the ape flying sun.

The will to open his mouth and shut the fire made his head grow big when he heard it, however, what he didn’t expect in the end was that the ape flying sun slash actually directly expelled him from Konoha Village!

Even clean up at home!

I don’t know how much money I have earned over the years!

Bai Yu carefully recalled in his mind, and when he counted it, it seemed that it should be almost the same.

Just as he was thinking, a crisp prompt sounded in his head!


The sudden sound made Bai Yu tremble and startled!

And the next moment, a mechanized voice suddenly came!

“Congratulations to the host, your personal property has reached 10 million taels! System activated! ”

Hearing this, Bai Yu’s depressed mood was also swept away in an instant, replaced by incomparable joy!

“Given that the host has been expelled from Konoha! The Ninja Mercenary System has been successfully bound! ”


Hearing this, Bai Yu was also slightly surprised, this system is so intelligent now?!

Can I still bind the system according to my current situation?!

And, the main thing is….

What does this ninja mercenary system mean?!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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