The scorpion looked at the woman who spread her wings and floated in the air, and was also lost in thought.

And Bai Yu on the side also reacted quickly.

Xiao Nan appeared here, then it can only mean ….

Is it to recruit scorpions to join the Xiao Organization?!

Bai Yu had already guessed a rough idea.

In his memory, the scorpion was indeed recruited by Xiaonan to join the Xiao Organization.

Now it seems that this is the case.

I saw Xiao Nan slowly landing, and after glancing at Bai Yu, her beautiful eyes shifted her gaze to the scorpion’s body, and said without waves:

“You are the ‘genius puppeteer’ of Shayin Village. Red Sand Scorpion, right?! ”

“I came to you to invite you to join our organization.”


As Xiao Nan’s voice fell, the scorpion’s thoughts were also interrupted, and at this moment he looked at Xiao Nan with some doubts and said softly:

“You’re here to invite me to join the organization too?”

The scorpion said this while glancing at the white feather next to him with his afterlight.

These two people, not a gang?

What’s wrong with this today, these two mysterious people want to invite me to join their organization?

What the hell is this… What is the situation?

The scorpion was completely confused at the moment.

Although his current strength is also considered to be the best among his peers, after all, he is only a superior forbearant.

Thinking of this, the scorpion’s gaze also constantly swept around the two.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, the scorpion looked at Bai Yu and found that the other party was looking at him with a smile on his face.


This is the usual glance, but it makes the scorpion feel a chill in the back.

In his opinion, the white feather at this moment was like a smiling god of death, extremely terrifying!

The next moment, the scorpion also looked at Xiao Nan in front of him, and said with some heart palpitations:

“Sorry you’re late, just now, this guy next to me has already invited me to join him. Although I haven’t said yes yet, but…”

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Nan’s faint voice also suddenly sounded, interrupting him.

“Since you haven’t agreed yet, it means that you still have a choice, don’t you?”

After speaking, Xiao Nan also glanced at Bai Yu faintly.

Have you already joined the organization?

What kind of organization can recruit such a strong person, why have I never heard of it?

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan was also very puzzled.

As Xiao Nan’s voice fell, Bai Yu was also stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he said indifferently:

“Hey, I said. This lady, everything has to be on a first-come, first-come, first-come, first ”

“Scorpion, but the one I invited first!”

Hearing this, Xiao Nan did not answer him, but looked at Bai Yu indifferently, and still said without emotion:

“You just killed three generations of Wind Shadow, right? Who the hell are you? ”

“What’s the name of your organization?”

“It stands to reason that someone as strong as you should not be weak in the organization, but I have never heard anything.”

“Even you, I’ve never heard of it. When did the Land of Wind have a powerful existence like you?! ”

Xiao Nan said expressionlessly.

And at this moment, Bai Yu also felt speechless when he heard Xiao Nan’s question.

Good fellow, when did this lady become a household check?!

Why don’t you just ask me directly what the names of the three generations of ancestors are?

Thinking of this, Bai Yu shook his head helplessly and said lightly:

“I think you should have thought a little too much, I didn’t say that I am from the Land of Wind.”

“Moreover, as for who I am, what my organization is, I am not obliged to tell you, right?!”

After speaking, Bai Yu also looked at Xiao Nan with interest.

However, after hearing his words, Xiao Nan was not as angry as Bai Yu expected.

But his face was still indifferent, and he said lightly:

“So, are you interested in joining our Xiao organization together?!”

“Our organization needs such a powerful force as you!”


As soon as these words came out, not only Bai Yu, but even the scorpion next to him was full of question marks.

What’s the situation?

Bai Yu was also a little surprised at the moment.

This starts digging straight into the wall?

Is the organization so unprincipled?

What’s more, you didn’t even know my identity, so you directly started inviting me?!

However, Bai Yu quickly reacted.

Scorpions have not yet joined, and the current Xiao organization should still be in the early stages of development.

There are only a few real members.

Therefore, he was also relieved that Xiao Nan wanted to recruit himself.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yu smiled and spoke:

“Sorry, I just want to be an ordinary migrant worker honestly.”

“I’m really not interested in your organization, but if you have any difficulties, you can come to me.”

As his words fell, I saw that he took out a small card out of nowhere, reached out and handed it to Xiao Nan in front of him, and also gave one to the scorpion next to him by the way.

Seeing the two take it, Bai Yu continued to speak:

“This is my business card, and I don’t charge much!”

When the two looked at the small card in their hands suspiciously, they were also slightly stunned.

Ninja world….


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