
The mask man looked at the white light covering Bai Yu’s hand and began to recall the details of Xiao Nan’s intelligence in his mind.

But now, the masked man didn’t feel anything special about it.

When he observed the flow state of Chakra in Bai Yu’s body through the Sharingan Eye, it also shocked him!

At this moment, the Chakra in Bai Yu’s body did not fluctuate much?!

You know, when you launch ninjutsu, the chakra in your body will fluctuate violently!

Seeing this scene, the mysterious mask man naturally did not think that there was a problem with his chakra eye.

At this moment, he also came to a conclusion in his heart.

What Bai Yu used was not some ninjutsu!

But what exactly is that thing?!

Uchiha Obito’s heart is also full of big and small question marks.

For the strange ability that Bai Yu is displaying now, even he has never seen it, or even heard of it!

However, just when he felt extremely puzzled, a sound of glass shattering suddenly sounded, instantly interrupting his train of thought.


The masked man came back to his senses and asked Prestige.

I saw Bai Yu’s fist covered with white light slamming into the air in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, white cracks spread out like lightning.

What the?!

His punch can really shatter space?!

Looking at the mirror-like space in front of Bai Yu, which was constantly shattering, Uchiha Obito was completely stupid!

Although I have heard Xiao Nan say it, listening to others at this moment and seeing it with my own eyes are completely different things!

This guy….

Or the white feather I know?!

When did he have such a formidable ability?!

At this moment, the originally calm desert began to shake violently at this moment, like an earthquake!


At this moment, even the bodies of the mask man and the scorpion shook along with the ground.


Seeing this scene, the mask man’s face changed, and even he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of surprise.

He didn’t expect that that weird white light could actually cause an earthquake?!

What the hell is that thing?!

Why can’t you even see through your own chakra eyes?!

What secrets are hidden in that guy?!

I didn’t wait for him to think about it.

The next moment, Uchiha Obito directly widened his eyes.

I saw that the furious fire snake suddenly stood still when it was about to devour the white feather!

Bai Yu’s face was like an invisible barrier, blocking all the terrifying flames out, unable to advance a single bit!

Uchiha’s face under the soil mask had completely frozen, his breathing had stagnated, his thoughts were instantly interrupted, and even his brain was completely short-circuited.

Just a moment later, Uchiha Obito also forced down the surprise in his heart, and there was a few more deep rays of light in his chakra eyes.

He only felt that the picture in front of him looked a little unreasonable.

Click! Click! ……

Another crisp sound of glass breaking sounded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the furious fire in front of Bai Yu shattered in just an instant, completely disappearing!

If it weren’t for the scorched smell in the air, the furious fire would have never appeared as if it hadn’t appeared, without the slightest trace!

Ninjutsu disappeared, revealing Bai Yu’s bland expression, only to see him shake his hand casually, and slowly said to Uchiha Obito in front of him:

“Don’t test me anymore, just show your true ability.”

“Oh, by the way, forgot to tell you! You say that no attack will touch you ?! ”

Speaking of this, the corner of Bai Yu’s mouth hooked an evil smile, and he continued to speak:

“What a coincidence, so am I!”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, looking at the somewhat smug expression on his face, the mask man chuckled:

“It seems that you do have some strange abilities.”

“I kind of underestimate you.”

I saw that he paused and continued to speak

“You don’t seem to have used your full strength just now, do you?”

“Come, let me try, can your proud power hurt me in the slightest!”

As soon as these words came out, the scorpion on the side also frowned, he did not expect that the mysterious mask man in front of him.

It has actually reached such an arrogance.

After seeing Bai Yu’s terrifying ability, can he still say such a thing?!

It can be seen that that guy is not generally confident in himself.

Thinking of this, the scorpion also slightly tilted his head to look at Bai Yu, only to see that the latter’s face still did not have much expression fluctuation, and he always had that faint smile.

Seeing this, the scorpion also showed a wry smile on his face.

That guy from Bai Yu, it seems to be the same!

Could it be that this is the self-cultivation of a strong person?!

However, just as the scorpion was thinking, Bai Yu’s indifferent voice slowly sounded again.

“I have to say that you are still very similar to me in some aspects.”

Bai Yu said as he began to move his muscles.

“Since you have made this request, then I must also satisfy you.”

Speaking of this, the smile on Bai Yu’s face had disappeared, and a cold glint rose in his eyes, only to see him speak without emotion:

“If you die.”

“Don’t blame me!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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