At this time, in all directions from the center of the white feather, countless sand ninjas were rushing towards that side!

The movement that erupted just now had alarmed all the people in Shayin Village.

And they also realized that the village of Shayin had been invaded by the enemy.

Soon, many sand ninja saw the devastation and the thick billowing smoke from far away!

Seeing this scene, many sand ninja did not dare to slack, and immediately quickened the pace on their feet.

A moment later, the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village also rushed to the battlefield one after another.

And when they saw the scene in front of them, everyone froze.

Everyone’s eyes were filled with disbelief.

I saw that their four generations of wind shadows were seriously injured at this moment and buried under the ruins!

How, what?!

Then, when their eyes focused on Bai Yu, they were also completely stunned.

That’s the intruder ?!

Is he alone?!

When everyone only saw Bai Yu alone, their faces changed drastically, and their eyes were full of shock.

This…… How is this possible?!

That guy actually dared to invade Shayin Village alone?!

And he actually seriously injured four generations of wind shadows?!

Are you kidding?!

Isn’t this Shayin Village?!

In this desert, shouldn’t Lord Wind Shadow, who can control placer gold, be invincible?!

However, the reality is that the four generations of wind shadows that they have pinned high hopes on have fallen at this moment….

At this moment, countless sand ninjas were already horrified in their hearts when they saw this scene in front of them, and their faces turned pale.

An invisible chill instantly enveloped everyone.

As strong as the four generations of wind shadows, they were all defeated!

That guy… Who the hell is it?!

Just when countless Sand Ninja were desperate, an extremely violent Chakra suddenly broke out!

Everyone looked at it in shock, and saw that in front of the mysterious man, there was a small figure standing!

“That, that’s……. I love Ro?! ”

Immediately afterwards, with the continuous gushing of that violent chakra, an invisible sense of huge oppression instantly shrouded this desert!

And at this moment, even Bai Yu couldn’t help but look at him!

Is this the tailed beast?!

You really have to see it with your own eyes to understand the horror of it!

And the ninjas, the faces of the sand hidden faces changed suddenly, and their eyes revealed a look of fear that was difficult to hide!

“Not good! I’m going to run into a rampage! ”

“Oops! That…… That terrifying monster… Is it going to appear again?! ”

In an instant, countless sand ninja turned pale and were terrified.

And at this moment, Luo Sha was slightly surprised when he saw my love Luo’s current state.

Originally, he hoped to wake up Iroh and let him perfectly control the power of Shouzuru to fight.

Unexpectedly, while I Ai Luo was in a coma, that guy from Shouhe actually directly occupied his body!

If nothing else, the guy is going to fall into a complete state of rampage….

That is, complete tail beasting!

Realizing this, Luo Sha also clenched his teeth, and his gaze became extremely solemn.

And now I can’t stop it anymore!

And at this moment, the two people Chiyo and Scorpion not far away also felt the terrifying aura, stopped fighting, and looked over there in horror!

Chiyo’s face was also full of shock, and he couldn’t help but mutter


“Hey, is that guy from Shouhe going to storm away again?!”

And the scorpion on the opposite side also chuckled and spoke:

“Mother-in-law Chiyo, it seems that there is big trouble in Sand Hidden Village!”

Although he said so, the scorpion was still a little worried. After all, the purpose of their coming to Shayin this time is to capture a human pillar force!

I don’t know if that guy Bai Yu is sure…

At this moment, everyone in Shayin Village felt the powerful sense of oppression that permeated the air.

This feeling is extremely familiar to them! This is a precursor to that monster’s appearance!

Everyone began to pray in their hearts at this moment.

In the conference room of Shayin Village, these high-level people of Shayin naturally also heard the terrifying movement, as well as the furious aura!

Everyone present was shocked.

I saw an old man slowly speak:

“Trust Luo Sha, he is our fourth generation of wind shadows!”

When everyone heard this, they had to nod lightly.

However, what they didn’t know was that the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosa had been beaten and couldn’t stand up at the moment.

Just when everyone was shocked.


Suddenly, the huge Chakra once again gushed out from my Airo’s body and rushed straight to the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a raccoon-type giant beast covered in spell print appeared instantly!


A furious roar emanated from its huge body!

The moment this giant beast appeared, around it, countless violent winds were set off, sweeping towards the surroundings!


Some sand ninja who are not strong are also instantly swept away!

At this moment, Bai Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the giant beast in front of him, but he did not have the slightest panic, and saw a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Finally appeared….

Ichio Moritsuru!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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