Looking at the boy who was still standing motionless in the face of his blow at this moment.

Ichio Shouzuru was also slightly stunned, and then revealed a cruel smile.

It seems to have seen the little ghost, who was photographed as a meat puree.

However, it was secretly rejoicing.


A crisp glass breaking sound reached its ears incomparably clearly.



Hearing this strange sound that suddenly sounded, Ichigo Moritsuru couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

Before it could think about it, something even more incredible had happened to Shouhe.

I saw that its giant claw with great power seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall at this moment, unable to advance any further!

Feeling the strange feeling coming from under the claws, Ichigo Shouzuru couldn’t help but be surprised:

“Huh?! What is it? ”

It knew very well that it could easily destroy a mountain peak with this blow, and it was actually blocked at this moment!

What the hell did that little ghost do?

It seems that it is not as simple as you think!

Just as he was wondering, he saw that in the space under its giant claws, white cracks spread out like lightning.

That space is like a mirror, and the next moment it seems to be shattered!

Looking at this strange scene, Shouhe was even more confused.

What kind of weird ninjutsu is this?!

I have existed in the ninja world for so long, and I have never seen such a weird ninjutsu.

And at this moment, Bai Yu’s face is calm, and his eyes are indifferent, without the slightest wave.

The next moment, I saw his gaze fixed, and the light on his hand was even worse.

The ground of the entire Shayin Village actually began to shake violently again, and the ground under him was gradually cracking!

The people of Shayin Village felt this terrifying movement, and they all looked at the huge figure in horror.

“This is … Earthquake?! So, what did that monster do?! ”

“I don’t think it’s that monster, you forgot that this vibration appeared once before it appeared!”

The onlookers from afar were also shocked at this moment and began to communicate.

“Could it be… Yes, that intruder?! ”

Realizing this, everyone’s expressions were shocked.

And this side at this time.

Shouhe felt this violently shaking ground, and his expression became a little solemn.

“Good boy, I’m starting to take some interest in you!”

“Maybe, you’re even stronger than that guy from Luo Sha! There is actually an existence like you in Shayin Village, it’s interesting! ”

However, as soon as its voice fell, a powerful shock force suddenly poured into his giant claw!

The next moment, in Shouhe’s shocked eyes, its huge claws exploded directly in just an instant, turning into countless tiny grains of sand!

“What, what?!”

Looking at his paws that had turned into powder, Shouhe was a little stunned for a while.

What kind of strange power is this?!

Can it actually have such a powerful power?!

It seems that this little ghost is not as simple as he thinks!

“Hey, tanuki!”

Just as Shou Tsuru was stunned, Bai Yu’s faint voice suddenly sounded, interrupting its thoughts.

Shouhe looked down and saw that the boy was staring at him with a malicious expression.

I saw Bai Yu smile slightly and spoke:

“Are you going with me on your own? Still is…… I’ll beat you down and take you away?! ”


At these words, Shouhe was also angry and shouted at Bai Yu:

“What did you say?!”

“Little ghost, less get carried away. Look at me… This will blast you into slag! ”

As soon as the words fell, Shouhe couldn’t bear it anymore, he just wanted to teach a good lesson now, this arrogant little ghost in front of him!

The next moment, I saw him open his mouth sharply!

Two very weird black and white chakras began to converge continuously!

After about a few seconds, all the chakras quickly fused and condensed, turning into a huge purple-black energy ball.

With the appearance of this energy ball, even the surrounding space began to tremble!

Seeing this picture, the onlookers could no longer hide the horror in their hearts, and cold sweat had covered their whole bodies!

Because above that energy ball, they felt a strong aura of death.

This monster… This Shayin Village is really finished!

Seeing Moritsuru unleash such a terrifying skill, all the Shinobi were almost ready for the arrival of the Grim Reaper.

In their hearts, no one can stop this devastating blow…

And at this moment, Chiyo, who had been paying attention to Shouzuru’s dynamics, was also immediately terrified when he saw this.

Damn, that was… Tailed beast jade?!

Luo Sha, that kid, what the hell is he doing?!

If you don’t stop it, the Sand Hidden Village will be destroyed!

The scorpion on the side was silent at the moment, he knew very well that the person who was fighting with Ichigo now was Bai Yu.

Because the vibration just now was caused by Bai Yu’s strange ability.

And at this moment, Bai Yu’s eyes moved slightly, staring closely at the huge tailed beast jade.

Annoyed into angry? He actually used his ultimate meaning directly?!

Just as he pondered.


Shouhe’s already condensed tailed beast jade directly blasted towards the white feather!

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