Three days later.

Boundless desert, clear sky!

Under the scorching sun, even the air became very scorching.

And at this moment, a location in the desert.

A fierce battle is breaking out!

A crisp sound of swords clashing came out from time to time!

One of the figures is constantly dodging attacks!

I saw three strangely constructed puppets, which were already encircled at this moment, and were constantly approaching this figure!

The next moment, the three puppets attacked together!


A loud noise suddenly sounded, stirring up dust and smoke!

A moment later, a gentle breeze hit, slowly blowing away the smoke and dust here.

I saw that where the figure was just now, a huge hole emerged, but the figure was not in it!

Seeing this scene, a red-brown-eyed boy with a beautiful face also stared at him, and he let out a dissatisfied ‘sigh’.

Above his ten fingers, several light blue chakra lines floated, connected to the three puppets that had just attacked!

Obviously, the blow just now was lost!

Thinking of this, that beautiful face gradually became solemn!

The next moment, the young man’s eyes moved slightly, looking towards a place.

I saw the figure just now, holding his hands around him, looking at him quietly.

Wearing a wide white robe, a blue hedgehog head, and yellow eyes made him look a little unangry!

Behind his wide white robe, five pitch-black characters are also particularly eye-catching.

Three generations of Mekazekage!

That’s right, this is the current wind shadow of the Sand Shinobi Village in the Land of Wind! It is also known as the existence of the ‘strongest wind shadow’!

At this moment, the third generation of Mekaze glanced at the deep pit just now, and then turned his gaze to the red-haired boy in front of him, and said lightly:

“Scorpion, haven’t seen you for so long, do you still want to kill me?!”

“Plus that time, you have already sneaked up on me for the second time!”

“Give up, with your current strength, you can’t do it!”

And the red-haired boy named ‘Scorpion’ is the ‘genius puppeteer’ of Shayin Village-the Red Sand Scorpion!

At this moment, his eyes were full of gloomy coldness, staring closely at the third-generation wind shadow on the opposite side!

I saw him grin and speak

“See these three puppets of mine, they are specially made for you! When you die, I will make you my most proud work! ”

Speaking of this, the scorpion’s expression gradually began to become hideous!

Looking at the scorpion that had fallen into madness at this moment, the eyes of the three generations of wind shadows moved slightly, and he said lightly:

“Scorpion, you are a rare talent! Follow me back to the village, and I can blame you for what you did!” ”

“Or do you think… My name ‘Strongest Wind Shadow’ was fabricated out of thin air?! ”

As his words fell, a powerful chakra instantly erupted from his body!

Countless wind pressures swept around!

Dust in the sky, flying sand and gravel!

Feeling the invisible sense of oppression in the air, the excitement in the scorpion’s eyes is also difficult to hide!

At this moment, he was not afraid at all, his eyes were burning at the three generations of wind shadows over there, and he couldn’t help but mutter


“It’s amazing! You will be my perfect work of art! ”

“Your soul will remain in this desert forever!”

The moment the words fell, I saw the scorpion’s hands interlaced, and the light blue chakra thread began to dance!

I saw that above the arms of one of the puppets, a broad huge blade unfolded impressively, sweeping directly towards the three generations of wind shadows!


The knife light flashes, and it is in the blink of an eye!

The power is terrifying!

The third generation of Feng Ying glanced coldly at the red-haired boy in front of him, and sighed helplessly.


“In that case, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

“Magnetic Escape Sand Iron Wall!”

At the moment when that blade was about to hit him.


A crisp sound suddenly came out, and I saw that the puppet’s blade slashed on a black wall made of sand iron!

“Magnetic Triangular Pyramid of Sand Iron!”

Before the scorpion could react, the deep voice sounded again!

When the words fell, I saw that the solid sand-iron wall began to flow, like a monstrous black wave, as if it was going to cover the entire sky at this moment!

Subsequently, all the sand iron quickly began to coalesce.

A moment later, it directly turned into a huge Mitsubishi cone and exploded directly towards the scorpion in front!

Seeing this scene, the scorpion did not dare to be careless, and immediately waved the Chakra thread in his hand and protected the three puppets in front of him!


A loud noise suddenly sounded, and the three puppets were in front of the huge sand iron, like mantis arms as a car, without any buffer strength, and they were knocked away in an instant!


Seeing this scene, the scorpion was also full of shock, and the secret path was not good!

The next moment, the figure of the scorpion flew out upside down, and immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood!

Until it dragged out an extremely long groove mark, the scorpion was able to stabilize its figure, and his face was full of horror!

It’s a magnetic escape!

Sure enough!

That’s what makes it my artwork!

However, just as he was thinking, a cold voice came from behind him.

“Your puppet has been destroyed by me, it’s over. Scorpion! ”

Hearing this, the scorpion was also stunned, and then danced the Chakra line, but found that the three puppets did not react at all!

Seeing this, the scorpion’s eyes were full of disbelief.

This…… What’s going on?!

Could it be….

Am I going to die here?!

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded.

“Yo, it seems…”

“Someone needs my help!”

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