
Looking at Bai Yu’s thiefish expression, the scorpion was also a little surprised at the moment.

Mainly not because of the five million taels in Bai Yu’s mouth, but because of this mysterious boy who suddenly appeared, he looked almost a teenager.

How can there be confidence to say such a thing?

Help me….

Solve the three generations of wind shadows in front of you?!

This guy is at most the strength of Shinobi, right?!

Although he can reach such a level at this age, he is indeed a well-deserved ‘genius’!

However, this one in front of him is a real shadow-level powerhouse, and it is not known as the existence of the ‘strongest wind shadow’!

If nothing else, Scorpion himself is a genius.

Now he is beaten and has no way to fight back!

In the face of absolute strength, these so-called titles have no effect at all.

This guy….

Is it to find death?

Or is it crazy for lack of money ?!

Dare to say such a thing.

Just when the scorpion was puzzled, the three generations of wind shadows also snorted coldly at this moment, stared at Bai Yu tightly, and said in a deep voice:

“You little devil, you’re a little too arrogant, aren’t you?!”

Speaking of the back, the tone of the three generations of wind shadows rose abruptly, obviously Bai Yu’s words just now made him a little angry.

A tm little fart kid actually said that he would solve himself?!

Now the little ghosts, one by one, are so arrogant?!

Although he knew that the teenager in front of him had some strength, the three generations of Feng Ying did not pay much attention to it.

He can also feel it at this moment, this little devil in front of him is only a shinobi at best!

Just as he was thinking in his mind, Bai Yu’s faint voice came into his ears again.

“No way, three generations of wind shadows!”

“My famous ‘first order’ can only rely on you!”

Looking at the faint smile on Bai Yu’s face, the three generations of Feng Ying also sneered and spoke:

“To put it bluntly, you just want to defeat me to increase your popularity, right?!”

I saw that he paused, glanced back at the scorpion behind him, and continued to speak:

“You so-called ‘geniuses’ seem to be held too high, and you can’t even weigh a few pounds or taels, right?”

“Maybe, let you see and see today, what is the gap!”

“It’s ridiculous that a person who is so arrogant that he wants my head!”

After speaking, I saw his gaze condense, and the breath on his body began to rise continuously!

Subsequently, the furious Chakra erupted again, and a steady stream began to gush out from its body!

In an instant, countless storms with the surrounding gravel constantly flew everywhere in the air!

Feeling the oppression in the air, Bai Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

I was also slightly surprised in my heart, and now the Chakra that broke out by the three generations of wind shadows does not know how many times stronger than just now!

Especially in this close situation, Bai Yu can feel the momentum even more!

The scorpion also stood up at this moment, looking at the three generations of wind shadows in front of him, and his face was full of solemnity.

His own elaborate three puppets have been completely destroyed.

Now he is completely unconfident that he can defeat the man in front of him.

Thinking of this, the scorpion also gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and looked at the three generations of wind shadows in front of him unwillingly.

Now he did not pin his hopes on the white feather that suddenly appeared.

Because he thinks that guy is very unreliable!

I can only let that guy consume it first, and then find an opportunity to sneak attack himself! In this case, maybe there is still a chance!

The scorpion also calculated in his heart.

At this moment, he had already regarded Bai Yu as his substitute ghost.

I don’t know how long he can last….

As he kept thinking about his plans in his head.

Bai Yu’s faint voice suddenly sounded again.

“I say, Scorpion!”

“Have you thought about it? My time is precious! ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the scorpion couldn’t help but sneer in his heart.

I saw him nodded gently, looked at Bai Yu with cold eyes, and said indifferently:


Before Bai Yu could react, the three generations of Wind Shadow looked at the two who had already traded themselves as goods.

I couldn’t help but be furious!

He looked coldly at the white feather in front of him and said in a deep voice

“Stupid little ghost, I will let you die in this desert today!”

After speaking, I saw his hands together, and the violent Chakra instantly began to condense!

“Magnetic Escape Sand Iron Realm Law!”

The moment the words fell, the desert actually began to shake violently!

Countless sand iron gushed out from under the desert, instantly shrouded above Bai Yu’s head, covering the clouds and the sun, full of oppression!

For a moment, the sand iron like the waves instantly surrounded the white feathers, and there was no way back!

The three generations of Feng Ying’s gaze froze, and he said in a deep voice:

“Even if you are fast, you can’t dodge this move!”

Knowing Bai Yu’s strange speed, the three generations of wind shadows did not underestimate the enemy, and the shot was the strongest killing move!

Even the scorpion not far away was shocked when he saw this scene! Bai Yu’s figure has been completely submerged by sand iron!

At this moment, he was also ready to run, such a powerful attack in front of him.

He was already convinced that that young man would never survive!

Looking at the sand and iron in the sky, Bai Yu at this moment, but did not have any panic or fear.

His eyes are all indifferent, calm as a lake, without a trace of waves!

I saw him smile slightly.

“Hide? Where did I make you generate…”

“The illusion that I’m hiding?!”

The words fell, and a strong white halo instantly covered his fist!

In the face of the countless sand iron that rushed towards him, he directly punched out…

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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