Looking at the white feather who had come to him, Shimura Danzo was also unable to care about the sharp pain coming from his body at this moment.

I saw that his pupils were constricted, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

This guy did what he did… What kind of technique?!

Shimura Danzo clenched his teeth, with his experience, he had never even heard of it.

Bai Yu this guy… Turned into a monster?!

Could it be that he really mastered some kind of terrifying blood succession limit?!

I saw that Tuan Zang’s expression was also extremely ugly at the moment.

Just as Tuan Zang was thinking in his heart, the corner of Bai Yu’s mouth hooked, looked at Tuan Zang who was embarrassed at the moment, and chuckled:

“What’s wrong, Tuanzo. The ninja under your command, could it be… That’s all there is to it?! ”

“I haven’t come back for a few years, but the strength of Konoha ninja has not grown at all!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Shimura Danzo also clenched his teeth and said in a deep voice:

“Hey, you guy…”

Tuan Zang said while standing up tremblingly, still with a little shock in his eyes when he looked at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu’s eyes that were emitting a lilac light made him feel a little chill in his back.

He also did not expect that this guy’s strength was actually terrifying to this extent!

This guy, obviously… It only took one punch!

Can it actually cause such damage?!

Bai Yu looked at Tuan Zang, who was a little confused in front of him, and couldn’t help but feel a little funny, and said lightly:

“It seems that tonight, your plan is doomed to fail.”

Hearing this, Shimura Danzo also gritted his teeth a little unwillingly, and looked at the white feather in front of him with a resentful face.

Hey, that guy from Uchiha, why didn’t you come yet?!

It’s been so long, isn’t the collection of the Sharingan not completed yet?!

Tuan Zang’s heart also began to feel a little anxious.

Originally, the plan of the two was to get rid of Bai Yu together, but now TM didn’t even see the shadow of that guy.

Suddenly, an amazing idea also instantly popped up in his heart.

That guy… Wouldn’t run away with the Sharingan, would you?!

Thinking of this, Shimura Danzo is also heartbroken.

He can only pin his hopes on Ape Flying Sun Chopper now.

The next moment, I saw that he took out Ku Wu and stabbed directly towards Bai Yu with a thunderous momentum!

At this distance, Shimura Danzo also decided to fight.

Seeing this, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned, and then said with a chuckle:

“It’s really worthy of being a man who cuts Susa with bitterness.”

“But you don’t really feel… This little bitterness can hurt me, right?! ”

This wave of operations by Tuan Zang also surprised Bai Yu.

I didn’t expect that this old sixth actually dared to sneak up on himself?!

Knowing that Tuan Zang was very insidious, he did not turn off the Purple Pole Demon Pupil.

Just in case.

And at this moment, Shimura Danzo, looking at the kunai in his hand about to pierce Bai Yu’s body, was also happy in his heart.

It worked!

However, what he didn’t know was that he had been captured by Bai Yu from the moment he reached out and took out Ku Wu’s action.

The next moment, a familiar sound of glass shattering sounded.

Cracks in the space in front of Bai Yu began to emerge.

I saw that when that Ku Wu touched that space, no matter how hard Tuan Zang tried. I can’t move any further!

The space in front of Bai Yu was as if a hard invisible wall had been formed!

Seeing this scene, Shimura Danzo also constricted his pupils, and said in a trembling voice:

“What, what?!”

What the hell is this?!

Just as Tuan Zang was shocked, Bai Yu’s faint voice suddenly sounded.

“Tuan Zang, don’t you understand? My task…”

“It’s not just as simple as destroying the Uchiha clan!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Tuan Zang also trembled in his heart, and said with some doubts:

“What, what do you mean?!”

Bai Yu also shook his head with a smile and spoke:

“What do I mean, don’t you still know?”

“Look at you, you have lived in vain at this age, and you have been played by others, don’t you know yet?!”


When the words fell, Shimura Danzo was completely stunned.

Looking at the playful expression on Bai Yu’s face, he had completely understood.

That guy from Uchiha has only one goal from beginning to end!

That’s the Sharingan.

And himself, actually used by him as a pawn?!

Damn it….

That guy, really didn’t he have any good intentions in the first place?!

That is, the guy has already run away with the Sharingan!

Actually, leave none of them to me?!

Thinking of this, a sense of powerlessness instantly surged in his heart, and the kunai in his hand also fell to the ground.

On his face, the green tendons were exposed, and his eyes revealed an unprecedented powerful hatred!

“U Chi Bo Madara!”

“You tm, dare to sneak me in?!”

And at this moment, Bai Yu, seeing the expression on Tuan Zang’s face, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

It seems that his purpose has been achieved, and these two guys actually want to suck me?!

Isn’t this business opportunity coming?!

However, the priority now is to find Uchiha Itachi first.

He also doesn’t plan to spend time here with Tuan Zang.

He took out a business card of his own from his pocket, handed it over, and said lightly:

“My task has been completed, and as for the rest, it has nothing to do with me.”

“But… If you have any ideas, you can come to me, I charge very little! ”

After speaking, regardless of Shimura Danzo’s reaction, Bai Yu’s figure also flashed and completely disappeared into the night.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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