Listening to Bai Yu’s words, Deidara, too, was very puzzled.

What the hell is going on?!

What the hell did this guy do?!

Why doesn’t my detonating clay explode?!

Deidara’s face was full of big and small question marks at the moment.

As if he didn’t quite believe it, he raised his hand again and burst out:


However, the clay that was pinched by Bai Yu in his hand still did not react.

Seeing this scene, Deidara’s expression slowly began to become solemn.

What’s the situation?!

Could it be… Lei Duan?!

Deidara, too, couldn’t help but think of this, because the only way to restrain himself from detonating the clay explosion was to use thunder!

However, Deidara, just now, it was extremely clear that that guy didn’t use any magic at all, just stretched out his palm so plainly!

That is, this guy did not use Thunder!

Realizing this, Deidara, too, was completely stupid.

Looking at Deidara’s appearance at the moment, Bai Yu also threw off the detonating clay in his hand very casually, and then said with a smile:

“What’s wrong? Is this the art you want me to see?! ”

“After all, it’s just a child, and he’s still playing in the mud here!”


Play…… Mud???


His own explosive dirt, full of art, becomes playing mud in this guy’s mouth?!

Thinking of this, Deidara, also gritted his teeth and said:

“You guy! Dare to insult my art! ”

“It seems that I have to let you understand what the power of art is!”

Deidara said this, her hands constantly pounding in her bag.

The next moment, I saw him pull out his hands, and in the mouth of the palm of his hand, a pigeon clay bigger than his head instantly spit out!

Looking at Deidara’s move, Bai Yu “One Eighty-Seven” also shook his head helplessly and spoke:

“Didn’t I tell you, the mud that children play with is useless to me!”

And the scorpion and Uchiha weasel on the side all looked at the clay in Deidara’s hand at this moment with a somewhat solemn face.

Ignoring Bai Yu’s taunt, Deidara also stared at Bai Yu and threw the clay bomb in his hand directly towards Bai Yu again!

At this moment, one of his hands has been quietly placed behind him.

The next moment, I saw that in the mouth of his palm, several clay centipedes instantly spit out and drilled into the ground!

Secretly retreat towards the white feather over there!

Soon, the white pigeon clay instantly flew in front of Bai Yu’s body, just as he was about to raise his hand again and cast a sealing technique to absorb the seal.


I saw Deidara’s one-handed seal and burst into a loud bang!

Bai Yu also stared.

The next moment.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded. And Bai Yu, like before, did not dodge.

And that clay also exploded completely in front of Bai Yu in an instant before he had time to absorb it!

Countless smoke and dust instantly shrouded.

Seeing this, Deidara’s eyes also flashed with excitement.

In this way, even if he is not solved.

Your own clay centipede should be able to successfully lock it up, right?!

Very good, this arrogant guy, finally let him see my art!

The next moment, Deidara, also raised his hand instantly, and the clay centipede under the ground also broke through the ground in an instant!

Straight towards that thick smoke!

And the scorpion watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn’t help but change his face when he saw this scene, this time the guy with the white feather didn’t have time to absorb?!

Feeling the power of this bomb, the scorpion couldn’t help but pinch a cold sweat for Bai Yu.

Now, the thick smoke had blocked his vision, and he couldn’t see Bai Yu’s figure now.

Even Uchiha Itachi, who has the eyes of the writing wheel, is in the same situation, and because his vision is blocked, he can’t see the white feathers in the smoke.

And when he saw the few clay centipedes that broke through the soil, he was also slightly surprised.

The energy contained in this is obviously not comparable to the pigeon clay just now!

Then its power is naturally extremely terrifying!

Feeling that his clay centipede had gone to the position of the white feather just now, Deidara also grinned at the corner of his mouth:

“To die under my art, you should too… It’s an honor! ”

“Arrogant fellow!”

“In this case, I win!”

After speaking, Deidara did not intend to give Bai Yu a little time to react, and directly drank lowly:


One-handed instant imprint!

The next moment.

The figures of several clay centipedes also expanded violently, and a strong fire light was revealed from the thick smoke!

Seeing this scene, the Uchiha ferret on the side also immediately pulled up the scorpion and retreated rapidly!

This guy… I’m going to blow it up!


A deafening explosion sounded! The majestic fire also filled the entire building in an instant!

In the end, the power generated by the explosion also directly blew up the roof of the building where several people were located!

The furious shockwave also swept towards the surroundings in an instant.

This power has completely surpassed Deidara’s previous two attacks, I don’t know how many times stronger!

Seeing this scene, the scorpion and the Uchiha weasel also shrank their pupils suddenly, and immediately increased the speed on their feet and rushed towards the outside!

Just a moment later.


The entire building was also directly destroyed by this earth-shattering explosion in an instant!

In just a few seconds, it turned into ruins!

Countless smoke and dust also rose up with this violent explosion!

At this moment, Deidara, also looking at the ruins in front of him, was also extremely excited in his eyes!

I saw him grin at the corner of his mouth and say loudly:

“See, this is the power of my art!”

When the words fell, the smile on Deidara’s face became stronger, and a touch of contempt appeared in his eyes.


It seems that he thinks a little up to him, this arrogant fellow.

After all, he died under his blind confidence!

Thinking of this, Deidara also shook his head and was about to leave.

The next moment.

“Hey, I said…”


A faint voice suddenly sounded above Deidara’s head.

Deidara was also shocked, and raised his head in confusion to look up!

I saw that his pupils also shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

“You, you guy… How could it be…?! ”

I saw that in the mid-air above his head, Bai Yu was standing in the air intact like that, and even the black robe on his body did not have the slightest trace of damage!

Seeing this scene, Deidara also opened his mouth in shock, and his eyes were wider than copper bells.

This guy… How can there be nothing!

The explosion just now was completely enough to make a person’s bones disappear!

No, the point is not this!

Why can this guy stand in the air?!

Deidara’s expression at this moment was like seeing a ghost, and she couldn’t believe the scene she saw in front of her.

Could it be this guy… Will it also be the light and heavy rock technique of the old man of the earth shadow?!

Because this ninjutsu of the three generations of Tokage can reduce the weight of matter, Onoki can float in the air and even fly!

This guy, how can that ninjutsu?!

Just when Deidara’s heart was horrified, he saw Bai Yu’s faint voice enter his ears again.

“I said, can you not make such a big movement, you can easily make people sleep!”

When the words fell, I saw a faint smile slowly appear on Bai Yu’s face.

As if what had just happened had nothing to do with him.

And at this moment, inside the village of Yanyin.

Onoki heard the huge movement coming from there, and the flames that rushed into the sky.

A trace of color also flashed in his eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seemingly…… Those guys have already dealt with Deidara!

I wonder if in Deidara’s hands, that young man named Bai Yu can take advantage?!

Because he knew extremely well that with Deidara’s talent and strength, he had surpassed the vast majority of people at his age!

He had also been grooming Deidara’s successor before.

And this time, if Bai Yu really has the strength as rumored to be, it can just make that Deidara’s guy suffer a little, maybe it can change his mind.

By the way, make good use of the white feather and complete your goal!

That’s exactly what kills one stone.

On the other side of the moment, Bai Yu stood in the air as if he was walking on the ground, looking down at Deidara.

There was also a flash of contempt in his eyes!

And Deidara’s brain was blank at the moment, completely short-circuited.

After being silent for a long time, he began to sort out his thoughts.

He is also constantly reminding himself to calm down.

The moment the pigeon clay exploded just now, it already flew into the air?!

Then how did he find the clay centipede I buried in the ground?!

After the whole battle, this guy’s body was full of strange aura!

First of all, he couldn’t explode his detonating clay, and he could actually fly like the old man of the earth shadow!

Even the trap I buried in the ground can be found?!

This guy in front of me is really a little too weird!

After thinking for a moment in his mind, I saw him gritting his teeth and saying:

“You… How did you find out the trap I buried in the ground?! ”

As his words fell, Bai Yu also jumped down from the air, came to him, and said lightly:

“Oh? You said that! ”

“Isn’t that something you can see with your eyes?”


As soon as these words came out, Deidara, too, couldn’t help but feel a little speechless.

The next moment, I saw that Bai Yu’s eyes instantly turned a strange purple, exuding a faint light.

“Look, I didn’t lie to you, I did see it with my eyes!”

Bai Yu said with a flat face.

I saw that Deidara’s eyes were also staring at the white feather in front of him, and his eyes were also full of shock.

Purple, purple eyes?!

This guy… Who the hell is that?!

Why does he have so many weird abilities on his body?!

Is this the same as that red-eyed guy, Hitomi Technique?!

At this moment, I saw Bai Yu say faintly:

“Still fighting? Forget it, you have no chance of defeating me! ”

“You better go back with me obediently, so that I can complete the task…”

At this moment, the two of Scorpion and Uchiha Weasel also came to the side and stood quietly.

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw Deidara gritting his teeth and speaking:

“Impossible! I haven’t lost yet, and you want me to go back to Yanyin Village with you?!” When pigs fly! ”

Deidara also spoke excitedly, and her face was also full of grievance.

After beating for a long time, he didn’t even touch other people’s clothes, which made his heart very frustrated.

Hearing this, the scorpion and Uchiha weasel on the side were also a little stunned.

However, at this moment, Bai Yu was still flat.

After hearing Deidara’s words, I saw him raise his eyebrows, and said lightly:

“If that’s the case, then you say, how can you convince you?!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw Deidara’s excited speak:

“Show your true strength, fight with me, hide like you all the time, can it be called a fight?!”

Hearing this, Bai Yu also shook his head helplessly and said with a smile:

“It’s just a kid! I haven’t realized the gap between you and me! ”

“It seems that you don’t shed tears if you don’t see the coffin, it’s okay!”

“Since you said so, then I’ll let you see it…”

“What is true art!”

The words fell, and in the blink of an eye, Bai Yu had already arrived a hundred meters away.

I saw him looking at Deidara in front of him indifferently, and spoke:

“Come on, I’ll play with you seriously!”

Seeing this scene, Deidara’s pupils also shrank.

What a speed!

Immediately, he also gritted his teeth and stared at Bai Yu not far away.

How can this kind of guy understand real art?!

Thinking of this, Deidara, also no longer hesitated. Immediately, he began to pound his clay again.

The next moment, I saw that he directly stuffed a large ball of white clay into his mouth.

Start chewing up.

And Bai Yu looked at this scene, also with a smile at the corner of his mouth, but there was no wave in his eyes.

He knew that this guy Deidara, was going to get serious.

But he waited quietly.

A moment later, I saw Deidara, whose mouth was stuffed with clay, muttering:

“Are you ready, this next move, but very strong!”

After speaking, I saw that he began to spit out white clay from his mouth continuously.

Soon, a huge dragon instantly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Looking at this thing in front of him, the scorpion and the Uchiha weasel also had their pupils suddenly constricted.

This guy… Is it to raze this generation to the ground ?!

The few centipedes just now, less than half the size of the claws of the dragon in front of them, could produce that kind of power.

If this thing explodes…

The consequences are unimaginable!!

And at this moment, Deidara, with a crazy look on his face, looked at the white feather in front of him, and grinned:

“If you can block my move head-on, I’ll go with you!”

After that, he also instantly controlled the dragon to rise into the air and rushed directly towards Bai Yu!

Seeing this, Bai Yu’s eyes also moved slightly, looking at the clay dragon that 5.9 brought up countless sands and dust.

The next moment, his hand was immediately covered with a strong white light.

Deidara felt the dazzling white light, and also narrowed his eyes, feeling slightly surprised.

What kind of strange ability is this?!

And the Uchiha weasel on the side is also a little stupid.

This was the first time he had seen Bai Yu use this strange power, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the clay dragon came directly to Bai Yu’s body and crashed towards him!

Seeing this, Bai Yu also smiled slightly, and a fierce punch directly blasted out!

Seeing his move, Deidara’s and Uchiha’s eyes were also full of doubts.

With fists…?!

Before they could think about it, a crisp glass breaking sound suddenly sounded!


I saw that in the space where Bai Yu’s fist went, white cracks spread out like lightning.

Like a broken mirror!

It’s constantly crumbling!

The next moment, the huge clay dragon slammed straight into the space that seemed to be shattered!

Seeing this strange scene in front of him, Deidara no longer hesitated, quickly raised his hand, and drank lowly:


However, his voice just fell.

A powerful concussive force instantly emanated from above Bai Yu’s fist.

The whole ground began to tremble violently!

Amazing ravines appeared from the ground under Bai Yu, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings!

That huge clay dragon collapsed in an instant in just the blink of an eye!

It’s like a broken mirror, shattered in an instant!

And at this moment, Deidara, looking at Bai Yu’s eyes, already had a touch of fear appear.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying concussive force instantly hit his body.

I saw that his body was like a kite with a broken thread, and it flew out upside down in an instant! .

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