Obviously, Bai Yu’s words also made the big snake pill completely stunned.

He never thought that Bai Yu… He was actually invited to join the Shadow Organization!

Looking at the expression on Bai Yu’s face at the moment, Orochimaru also realized that he was not joking.

Thinking of this, the big snake pill also began to think in his mind.

Undoubtedly, what Bai Yu just said is indeed very reasonable, as a mercenary organization, and it is also a powerful organization famous in the entire ninja world, it is not so simple for ordinary people to want to join.

It is said that so far, the shadows led by Bai Yu are only four people in total!

This shows that the strength of each member is very strong!

Moreover, according to Bai Yu’s way of making money, the financial aspect is indeed not a problem, which is a very key factor for his next research!

Without money, how else to engage in ~ research?!

After realizing this, the big snake pill was also – a little moved.

Not only that, as long as you join the shadow, you can learn more about the bottom of the white feather!

It’s really a two-pronged approach!

Thinking of this, the big snake pill had also decided in his heart, only to see that the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he looked at Bai Yu and said:

“This really surprises me, Bai Yu-kun!”

“I’m actually qualified… Become a member of the Shadow Society?! ”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, I saw that Bai Yu also raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile:

“Okay, Orochimaru-san, since you have already decided, come with me!”

“Join me, it’s better than you to do experiments alone… It’s so much more interesting! ”

Hearing this, the big snake pill also nodded and said with a smile:

“Well, since that’s the case, then I’m not as respectful as smart.”

Looking at the big snake pill in front of him, Bai Yu also nodded slightly.

He knew that Orochimaru would not refuse his invitation to join the shadow.

Because of this matter, it is beneficial and harmless for the big snake pill.

Not only does he have the funds to continue his research, but he also serves as his umbrella to no longer have to hide and fear being hunted down.

Moreover, the most crucial point is that the old sixth of the big snake pill must be very interested in himself now.

With this opportunity to get to know himself up close, how could he miss it?!

After all, although Orochimaru likes to stab in the back, his brain is still quite good.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also looked at the big snake pill as if he suddenly remembered something, and said:

“By the way, Orochimaru-san, although you have become a member of the shadow, at least you still have to give me the commission first!”

After speaking, I saw that a harmless smile appeared on his face.

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, the big snake pill was also slightly stunned, and then he also spoke with compassion:

“Of course I understand this, I just don’t know Bai Yujun, you… Why are you so interested in money?! ”

The big snake pill was also a little puzzled at the moment, he also found out, Bai Yu seems to like money very much?!

Hearing this, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned, he didn’t expect that the big snake pill would suddenly ask himself this question, only to see him smile slightly, and then stared at the big snake pill tightly, and spoke:

“No way, because the more money I make, the stronger it will become!”

As soon as these words came out, the big snake pill on the opposite side was also a little confused.

Make hay…… Just get stronger?!

Are you kidding?!

This white feather won’t think of himself as a fool, right?!

However, what he didn’t know was that what Bai Yu said was indeed the truth, and the more money he made, the stronger his strength would become.

After thinking for a moment, the big snake pill did not intend to ask any further, and handed the commission this time to Bai Yu from one place.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu knew that the big snake pill did not believe what he said, but it was no wonder, after all, this kind of thing was indeed difficult to believe.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, he saw Bai Yu smile and speak:

“Let’s go.”

The next moment, I saw that the big snake pill was also standing quietly in place, looking at Bai Yu and speaking:

Sorry, Bai Yu-kun, I can’t go back with you for the time being. After all…

As the words of the big snake pill fell, Bai Yu also suddenly remembered an important thing, only to see him raise his eyebrows, and spoke:

“It’s Sasuke Uchiha, right?!”

I almost forgot about such an important thing, but this guy Orochimaru caught Uchiha Itachi’s younger brother!

If you let Uchiha Itachi know that Orochimaru wants to use Sasuke as his new container, Uchiha Itachi will definitely kill Orochimaru!

After all, this guy Uchiha is a well-known pet brother madman.

He even did not hesitate to release the sea frequently in the final battle with Sasuke Uchiha, just to make his younger brother stronger.

That’s a bit tricky.

But this can’t be blamed on the big snake pill, after all, this guy is a big fan of chakra.

I saw that the big snake pill on the opposite side also nodded lightly after hearing Bai Yu’s words, and said in a hoarse voice:

“That’s right, it’s not clear if Uchiha knows that his brother was arrested by me.”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, Bai Yu also nodded slightly, and after thinking for a moment in his mind, he said:

“Then don’t come to me for the time being, if there is any task, I will come here to find you.”

“When I go back, let’s see if a dozen seven know about this matter, and then make plans!”

So far, that’s all it can do.

After that, Bai Yu also walked outside without looking back.

Seeing this scene, a sinister smile also appeared on the face of the big snake pill, and he looked at his restored hands and muttered:

“Huh~ can’t you let Sasuke-kun… It’s been a long time! ”

After that, the big snake pill slowly walked towards a secret room…

After coming out of the secret experimental base of the Great Snake Pill, Bai Yu also rushed towards the base non-stop.

Nothing is more tempting than the system’s Lucky Wheel.

In order to be able to draw the system reward as soon as possible, Bai Yu also increased his speed to the extreme, and arrived in just a moment.

However, before Bai Yu landed, he saw a figure standing quietly in front of the residence.

His face was even more sad.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned.

I didn’t expect Uchiha to come back so soon?!

And Uchiha Itachi obviously also found the white feather in mid-air, only to see him raise his eyes slightly, and there was still no expression on his face.

Bai Yu also quickly came to Uchiha Itachi, and when he saw his expression, his eyes also moved slightly.

It seems that Ichichimaru doesn’t seem to know about Orochimaru’s capture of Sasuke.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also smiled and said:

“I didn’t expect you to be back, one dozen seven!”

“Don’t worry, I have completely destroyed that dark Konoha village.”

“So now, focus on the task!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Uchiha Itachi was also heartbroken!

He who had already recovered his indifference, after hearing Bai Yu’s words at this moment, he couldn’t help but shrink his pupils suddenly.

Although he had seen the tragic situation in Konoha Village with his own eyes, looking back now, it still terrified him.

Uchiha’s breathing was also slightly stagnant.

However, only for a moment, his face returned to that indifferent expression.

The slight change in Uchiha’s expression naturally couldn’t escape Bai Yu’s eyes.

But what he didn’t expect was that he knew that Konoha Village had become like that, and he was actually so calm?!

It seems that compared to the village, it is still his younger brother Sasuke Uchiha who is more important!

Just as Bai Yu was thinking, he saw Uchiha’s indifferent voice coming, interrupting his thoughts.

“Understood, Chief.”

“As a member of the shadow, I do my best to contribute to the cause of the shadow organization.”

Hearing this, Bai Yu also raised his eyebrows slightly. Nodded gently.

You can’t let Uchiha Itachi and himself continue to act like this, you must completely turn Uchiha Itachi into a part of the shadow organization.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also secretly made up his mind.

And at this moment, the other two figures also came out of it noisily.

Attracted the attention of the two.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was also a little speechless.

It’s been so long, how come these two guys are still like this!

In the original book, these two guys also like to stir their mouths so much when they act together as partners in the Xiao Organization.

It seems that this is something that cannot be changed.

It’s the scorpion, and Deidara!

It was clear that the two were arguing over the word art. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The moment he saw Bai Yu, Deidara, also immediately ran towards him, and said excitedly:

“Chief, are there any new missions, I can’t wait to show my art!”

The words fell, and before Bai Yu could react, he saw that the scorpion behind him also said with disdain:

“Just your muddy trick can also be called art?!”

“My puppet is truly eternal art!”

As soon as the words fell, I saw that Deidara’s face was also instantly gloomy.

Seeing that the two were about to start again, Bai Yu also quickly interrupted:

“Okay, there will be a new mission soon, so take advantage of this time to take a good rest!”

After speaking, Bai Yu also waved his hand, ignored the two, and rushed directly into his room.

“System, open the panel!”

As soon as the words fell, with a crisp prompt, the familiar Unreal Panel also appeared in front of Bai Yu’s eyes.


Host: White feathers

Wealth value: 8000

Number of draws remaining: 80

Rewards: Shock Fruit, Horse Charm, Purple Pole Demon Pupil, Divine Machine Hundred Refinement (already given), Chicken Charm, Sealing Seal!

Looking at the data on the system panel, Bai Yu also smiled slightly.

Eighty lucky draw chances!

I don’t believe that I can’t draw a few cows for rewards?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu remembered the plush toys he won in the last lottery, and he didn’t hit a single place!

A moment later, Bai Yu also spoke to the system in his mind:

“System, start the lottery!”

Ask for flowers 0


As Bai Yu’s words just fell, I saw the mechanized voice of the system slowly sound.

“Detected that the host’s current wealth value is sufficient, and the ten-consecutive draw function has been turned on!”


Hearing this, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned.

Ten consecutive draws?!

Generally, there will be any discounts or an extra lottery opportunity for a ten-consecutive draw like this?!

Realizing this, Bai Yu’s heart also began to become a little excited.

At this moment, as if he heard Bai Yu’s inner thoughts, he saw that the sound of the system continued to sound.

“Ten consecutive draws will consume 1,000 Fortune Points! However, the odds of drawing the best rewards will also increase! ”

As the system’s prompt tone fell, Bai Yu was also overjoyed.

Sure enough!

So, the opportunity to draw ten times for eight consecutive times, and worry that you won’t be able to draw any decent rewards?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also immediately said to the system in his mind:

“System, start ten consecutive draws!”


As Bai Yu’s voice fell, the mechanized voice of the system suddenly sounded.

“The reward is being drawn…”

The roulette wheel fluttered and the hands began to spin rapidly.

Bai Yu’s breathing also accelerated, and every time a divine technique flashed, his heart tensed a little.

A moment later, under Bai Yu’s extremely expectant eyes, the voice of the system finally sounded.


“Congratulations to the host, get the reward: Water Escape Water Dragon Bullet Technique! Fire Escape Dragon Fire Art! The art of the water mackerel! Ichiraku Ramen Limited Edition! 100 pills! Dirt and earth formations! Fire to ashes! Water Escape Wall! Psychic Thunder Lightsword! The art of multiple shadow avatars! ”


When Bai Yu looked at the useless rewards one after another, the flame of incomparable excitement in his heart was also extinguished in an instant!

“…… Scald! ”

What about the increased chance of winning the best reward in a row?!

Is this the ultimate reward?!

Ichiraku ramen is all TM out?!

Did I make a mistake?!

So many ninjutsu are all B-grade ninjutsu, just a multi-shadow avatar technique can still look a little!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also gritted his teeth angrily.

Forget it, let’s keep the art of shadow doppelganger, the rest is really not seen.

Go on!

“System, start ten consecutive draws!”


The mechanized voice of the system sounded again.

“The reward is being drawn…”

The wheel fluttered and the hands began to spin rapidly again.

Seeing this, Bai Yu no longer had the heart to stare at the illusory big turntable, let it be…

A few moments later, the reward tone sounded again.


“Congratulations to the host, get the reward: cute stuffed animal!”

Hearing this first reward, Bai Yu’s heart was also tight.


That doesn’t sound like a good sign!

Before he could think about it, he saw the system’s prompt tone continue to come.

“Matryoshka doll! The Art of Fireballs! Armed color domineering! Twelve Charms – Bull Charms! The Art of Waterfall! Harem art! Ichiraku Ramen Deluxe Limited Edition! Forbidden – Ghouls are sealed! Cartoon toys! ”

Hearing the reward behind, Bai Yu also had no mind.

Armed color domineering?!

This is one of the three domineering in the pirate world!

And it is a domineering spirit that can improve its own defense and attack power!

Although in the pirate world, after the new world behind, it can be said that this is a universal skill, and even some small karami can do it.

However, for the ninja world, this is already a very good skill.

Moreover, through continuous cultivation, you can become stronger, but I don’t know what level of this armed color domineering obtained is.

Next, Shiji Curse Cow Charm!

Seeing this, Bai Yu’s heart was also slightly excited, after all, the previous two obtained spells have magical abilities, this cow charm should be the same, right?!

Just as Bai Yu was thinking, the voice of the system also sounded slowly:

“Bull Charm: It can give the owner great power, and it can also increase the holder’s body size.”


Muscle gainers?! Fitness beauty?!

Hearing the system’s explanation, Bai Yu also shook his head helplessly.

Compared with the horse charm and chicken charm obtained before, the cow charm this time is still a little bit of a fly in the ointment.

After all, now that he has the Shock Fruit, he is not much needed in terms of strength.

However, there is no harm in keeping them, after these twelve spells are collected, there should be some different effect, right?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also put away the armed color and ox charm, and when he saw that the ghoul was sealed, he also gave up.

Although this is an S-class ninjutsu, this is also a move that hurts the enemy by a thousand and self-damage by a thousand!

Just like the previous three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, if you use it, you will be dead, what is the use of it?!

A moment later, Bai Yu also started the next round of the Lucky Wheel… Seven..

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