Kicked out of the rich family at the beginning

Chapter 155 155 Dean Jian’s next leader (second update)

Because Wutong Street is popular, many tourists come to visit the calligraphy association and martial arts school during the day. The calligraphy association gives away free calligraphy to tourists, so Qiu Xuezheng did not go back even during the Chinese New Year.

The calligraphy association has not closed until ten o'clock in the evening for the past month.

Jian Zhe: [Teacher Qiu went home today and there is no one in the calligraphy association. I will be back soon]

Jian Zhe lives in the Book Association, and he has the key.

A little worried that Bai Zian had been waiting alone for a long time, Jian Zhe asked Jian Rong in a low voice: "Can you send me back to the Book Association?"

The mansion is in a special location. There are no buses nearby and taxis cannot come in.

Jian Zhe asked Jian Rong.

He has a good relationship with Jian Rong, because Jian Zhe came to Xiangcheng instead of Jian Rong, and Jian Rong is quite grateful to Jian Zhe.

"Of course." The Ren family specially assigned a car to the Jian family, and Jian Rong went to Assistant Jian to get the keys.

The calligraphy association is usually open because Wutong Street is popular, and many tourists come to visit the calligraphy association and martial arts hall during the day. The calligraphy association gives free calligraphy to tourists, so Qiu Xuezheng didn't go back even during the Chinese New Year.

Jian Zhe: [No one was watching Teacher Qiu when he went home today. Are you at the calligraphy association? I will be right back】

Jian Zhe lives in the calligraphy association and has the key.

He was afraid that Bai Qian would wait too long, so he asked Jian Rong in a low voice: "Can you send me back to the Book Association?"

Assistant Jian heard it and said in a loud voice: "Master Jian Zhe, you said your friend is waiting for you? Did you ask Master Jian Rong to send you to find your friend?"

"What?" Jian's father quickly lowered his voice. He looked at Jian Zhe, "Didn't I tell you not to go back at night and study with Jian Rong tomorrow?"

Everyone knows that Jian Zhonghai found a teacher for Jian Rong to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

"I'm studying with the others," Jian Zhe frowned, "Sister Bai is still waiting for me."

It's nothing. When Jian's father heard the blood from those friends he made, he rushed to his forehead, "You..."

The sound here was so loud that Jian Zhonghai could hear it. He put down his tea cup and looked at Assistant Jian: "Master Jian Rong still wants to read. Send him to the main road outside."

You can take a taxi on the main road.

Ren Qian sat next to Jian Zhonghai, drinking tea with his head down and not interfering in their family affairs.

Assistant Jian replied respectfully: "Yes."

He took the car keys and went to see Jian Zhe off.

Jian Rong looked at Jian Zhe apologetically. If he insisted, he could send Jian Zhe off, but Jian Rong didn't want to make Jian Zhonghai unhappy.

Assistant Jian sent Jian Zhe to the road, "Master Jian Zhe, be careful along the way."

After delivering the goods, Assistant Jian went upstairs to find Jian Zhonghai.

"This Jian Zhe is getting more and more ignorant of the rules," Jian Zhonghai put down his pen and looked indifferent, "Didn't his father say that he also wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination? Why didn't he see him reading? What are he going to do?"

"I heard he was giving the keys to his friend." Assistant Jian shook his head.

"Let Jian Rong have less contact with him." Jian Zhonghai gently blew on the wet pen and ink.

Hanging out with some random friends all day long.


This way.

Jian Zhe flew quickly to the door of the Calligraphy Association.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Jiang Fuli standing out among the brightly lit opposite side.

It was close to nine o'clock, and there were not many tourists. Jian Zhe squeezed into the crowd and talked to Bai Qian, "Are you going to the Book Association now? But why are you still here so late?"

"Oh, it's not me," Bai Zian tilted his head slightly and said in a casual tone, "It's him who wants to live here."

She raised her chin forward.

Only then did Jian Zhe see that in front of Bai Qian were Lu Xiaohan and an old man——

The old man turned back and nodded slightly to Jian Zhe, "Excuse me."

very polite.

"Ah... no," Jian Zhe thought it was only Bai Qian. He didn't expect to see Jian Zhongyou again, so he stuttered, "No, no, don't bother me."

A puppet show is over.

The crowd gathered in twos and threes. Jian Zhe held the key to the book association and walked in front. His steps felt like stepping on pieces of cotton, which was not very energetic.

When the calligraphy association opened, Jian Zhe was still in a daze.

Dean Jian wants to live here?

As soon as the calligraphy association door opened, Bai Qian went to turn on the lights in the courtyard. Dean Jian stood on the steps and looked at the small table in the courtyard with an inkstone on it.

After so many years, when he read the calligraphy association again, these pens and inks were no longer his nightmare.

"You live next door to Jian Zhe," Bai Qian asked Qiu Xuezheng. She opened the door of the room next to Jian Zhe's and saw disposable utensils inside. "This is usually used to receive guests. If you need anything, just ask Jian Zhe."

After saying that, Bai Qian told Jian Zhe, "Take good care of Dean Jian."

"I know." Jian Zhe nodded solemnly.

Dean Jian went in to check the room. Outside, Lu Xiaohan was talking to Bai Qian: "Sister Qian, do you want to record a video?"

"What video?" Bai Zian sat lazily on a small table, arranging the inkstone with his slender fingers.

"That's it." Lu Xiaohan took out his mobile phone and played her a video of a girl playing the guzheng.

The song I played was "Gamble on Wine".

Lu Xiaohan pointed at the girl in the video and said to Bai Xian: "She has been very popular recently. I heard that she will play "Another Autumn" soon. Comments are asking Dean Jian to accept her as his apprentice. How about we jump on the trend and show off? "

Bai Zian lowered his head and saw a man named——

Bai Shaoqi?

What an unlucky son of an outsider.

"Oh, don't play." Bai Qian leaned back, crossed his arms over his chest, and raised his eyebrows.

Lu Xiaohan: "..."

Why did she smell a sense of rebellion?

After Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli left, Dean Jian took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and asked Jian Zhe casually: "Would you like to add WeChat?"

Jian Zhe mechanically took out his phone and scanned Dean Jian's WeChat.

add friend.

Done in one go.


Dean Jian’s video went viral on the Internet.

Tourism in Xiangcheng has been a hot spot recently.

Videos involving Xiangcheng can easily go viral if you vote for them, not to mention that the person who plays the erhu is an expert like Dean Jian. Xiangcheng, the erhu version of "Sexy Love"...

A strong sense of contrast.

This is the era of information technology. In one afternoon and one night, the most popular video exceeded 10 million views, more than 3 million likes, and hundreds of thousands of comments——

[The sense of oppression from Erhu! 】

[This is the real rhythm master (face covering)]

[It has to be the uncle! 】

[Only professionals know how awesome the uncle is (crying)]

[Family members, I need to go to Xiangcheng]

[Sure enough, masters come from among the people]


In the originally good comment section, a comment suddenly appeared——

[Masters come from among the people? You guys go to @Jian Zhongyou and take a look]

【? ? ? 】

【I go? 】

【Is it true? ? ? ? 】

It has been played so widely that some people have already recognized Jian Zhongyou.

For a time, the popularity of the entire video reached its climax.

Early on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

At the mansion, Jian Rong saw this video through big data push in the same city. He took his mobile phone and excitedly went to Jian Zhonghai, "Grandpa, uncle is really in Xiangcheng!"

Jian Zhonghai took the phone and said excitedly: "Where is this?"

"Xiangcheng tourist area." Jian Rong replied.

"Okay, okay," Jian Zhonghai hurriedly walked out, "We'll look for him nearby today."

As long as Jian Zhongyou is still in Xiangcheng, everything is easy to say.

Jian Rong followed Jian Zhonghai with his mobile phone. Suddenly he remembered something, turned on his mobile phone and sent a message to someone——

[OK, my uncle is in Xiangcheng]



Bai family.

Bai Shaoqi is reading the comments and has also added push notifications on her social account. From the first video of "White Clothes" played by Jiangjing Music to the current video of "Gamble on Wine", every video is very popular.

She knew that Jian Zhongyou also had an account in this software, so she was working hard to manage it.

She is good-looking, has a good family background, and is the top student in Beicheng No. 1 Middle School. Netizens also think she plays the piano superbly, and even went to Jiangjing Conservatory of Music for an internship...

All kinds of experiences made netizens exclaim.

She is willing to spend money to create an account, and her popularity for guzheng online is second only to Jian Zhongyou.

Most of the comments were on @Jian Zhongyou, asking him to take a look at Bai Shaoqi and regard her as the next successor of Guzheng.

Next to him, Bai Qiming was talking to Bai Shaoke and stood up suddenly: "Are you serious? Dean Jian is in Xiangcheng?"

Although Bai Shaoke is only a freshman, he has been working hard to develop connections in Jiangjing.

I set off for Jiangjing on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

Bai Shaoqi heard the words "Dean Jian" in her ears and sat up straight.

"Okay, dad knows," Bai Qiming hung up the phone and asked someone to pay Bai Shaoke some money before saying to Bai Shaoqi, "Jian's family said Dean Jian is in Xiangcheng..."

Speaking of the word "Xiangcheng", Bai Qiming frowned subconsciously.

Bai Zian is in Xiangcheng.

He shook his head and threw Bai Qian behind his head, "You pack your things now. I'll arrange for a driver to take you to Xiangcheng. I'll call the school."

Bai Shaoqi hasn't seen Dean Jian for a long time. Last time Dean Jian specially greeted her, she thought Dean Jian would contact her later, but she didn't expect him to wait.

When I heard the news.

She couldn't contain her excitement.

School is about to start on the eighth day of the third year of high school, but for Bai Shaoqi, Dean Jian is the first priority now. Bai Qiming directly asked Bai Shaoqi for a week's leave.


The eighth day of the lunar month, afternoon.

The Ren family's extended commercial vehicle stopped at the intersection of Xiangshan Avenue, and Jian Zhonghai came out with Jian Rong and Assistant Jian.

Jian Zhonghai didn't wait for Dean Jian here yesterday, and he planned to go around again today.

As soon as Assistant Jian got out of the car, he saw Jian Zhe across the street, "Master Jian Zhe?"

Jian's father had just gotten off the passenger seat. When he heard the voice, he quickly looked to the opposite side——

Jian Zhe is standing with two girls and Huang Mao.

One of the girls was tall and had a hairpin on the back of her head. She was holding a mobile phone in her hand and seemed to be playing some game. The other girl was holding a camera in her hand and talking to Huang Mao.

That Huang Mao looked like a gangster at first glance.

Father Jian's face darkened instantly.

Jian Zhonghai glanced over casually and then looked away. Assistant Jian looked at Jian's father calmly.

"Grandpa, I'm going to ask Jian Zhe if he's coming." Jian Rong whispered and ran to find Jian Zhe.

Jian Zhonghai gave his assistant a look, and Assistant Jian immediately followed him.

When he ran to Jian Zhe, Jian Rong realized that one of them was Bai Qian. They had met in Jiang Jing, "It's you."

Jian Rong's eyes lit up.

Mao Kun held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at Jian Rong with squinted eyes, but said nothing.

Bai Zian raised his eyes slightly and greeted him politely: "Hello."

Then he continued to lower his head and write down words at random, polite and distant, not saying much.

Assistant Jian only followed Jian Rong respectfully, glancing at the rabble. His eyes were fixed on Mao Kun's yellow hair for a long time. When he saw him looking at Jian Rong in an airy manner, he couldn't help but frown. Master Jian Zhe, this friend is too ignorant of etiquette. .

"They start school tomorrow," Jian Zhe walked up to Jian Rong and put his arm around his shoulder, "We are going to have hot pot, are you going to go?"

When Assistant Jian heard Jian Zhe's words, he looked away and focused on Jian Rong's answer.

"No," Jian Rong hesitated for a moment and shook his head, "I'm going to pick up sister Shaoqi later. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sister Shaoqi?" Jian Zhe didn't recognize her.

"That's Shao Ke, the younger sister of the No. 1 Scholar in Beicheng." The Jian family looked down on the smell of copper from the Bai family. They had not had any contact before, but Jian Rong and Bai Shao Ke were good friends in junior high school. "Bai Shaoqi is very famous and has become very popular on the Internet recently. ,you do not know?"

"Bai Shaoqi?" Lu Xiaohan put the camera in his school bag and was a little surprised, "The one on the Internet?"

As a phenomenon-level Internet celebrity, Lu Xiaohan has a good impression of Bai Shaoqi, mainly because Bai Shaoqi plays the guzheng well and has also played Baiyi Xing.

Bai Zian finally raised her head, licked her lower lip, and narrowed her eyes dangerously.

Seeing Bai Qian like this, Mao Kun next to him immediately lowered his head and smoked without saying a word.

The reaction of the group of people was neither cold nor indifferent. Assistant Jane next to her finally couldn't help but explain, "Miss Bai is not 'the one on the Internet'. She has been to Jiangjing Conservatory of Music to rehearse. Our the Jiangjing Conservatory of Music." Dean Jian, do you know Dean Jian? He values ​​Miss Bai very much. Miss Bai is very capable and is very likely to become the next head of Dean Jian."

Assistant Jian has great respect for Bai Shaoqi, who may become uncle's disciple.

After finishing speaking, Assistant Jian sighed again, why did he explain so much to them. They don't even know the weight of the next leader.

See you guys tomorrow

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