Kicked out of the rich family at the beginning

Chapter 214 214 Hot Searches, Full Score Essay

Lu Lingxi stood on the right side of the principal, and she was also startled.

She could understand Yang Lin's point of view. She broke out of the cage and made a desperate move. No matter where she reached in the future, Lu Lingxi would not be surprised.

In this chess game, Bai Qian and Yang Lin were both in charge, and they knew exactly what they wanted.


Lu Lingxi stared at Lu Xiaohan's name. As a class teacher, she really couldn't understand it!

She knew exactly what the little students in the class were playing with. The senior year of high school had a heavy workload. Except for Bai Zian and the others, few people could finish the weekly test papers.

Lu Xiaohan basically copied Bai Qian and Ning Xiao's homework.

How did you get into the top 50 in the province? !

"Teacher Lu, how did the students in your class take the exam?"

Lu Lingxi knocked on her head and forced herself to calm down: "Don't, don't ask me, I don't know either."

Beicheng is a major college entrance examination province, with 900,000 candidates taking the exam this year. This ratio shows how competitive it is.

Six provinces in the top 50 may not be considered a big deal in other schools, but now we are in Xiangcheng, a border town with teachers and information that lags behind first-tier cities. In previous years, it was difficult to get into the top 50 in a province. This year there are six, and four of them are They are all in the same class!

There has never been such a grand event in Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School before.

The principal grinned from ear to ear, "Definitely, order some more banners!"

Although other teachers envied the four treasures of Class 15, the scores of the college entrance examination students in Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School this year were not low. The scores of the six shielded students did not fall. The teachers quickly went to collect the scores of the students in their own class and valued them. Rate.

This year's questions were difficult, with a full score of 750. The second line was only 431, and the first line was 492. Last year, both lines were 499.

"There are actually fifteen people in our class who are above the first line?"

"There are also thirteen in our class!"


Teachers from each class are sorting out class scores, and the computer room is as lively as the Chinese New Year. "Teacher Lu, thank you for sharing the learning materials with your class!"

The learning methods and mind mapping of top students are also very important. This is very likely to be the learning method of this year's No. 1 student in Beicheng.

There are very few top academics who are willing to take the trouble to share learning methods and organize mind maps with everyone in detail.

Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School did so well in the exam this year, and Bai Qian and Ning Xiao were indispensable.

Lu Lingxi found an empty machine and took the total score of Class 15.

Except for the four students whose scores have not yet come out, the scores of others in Class 15 are also terrifyingly high.

The dean and principal were both curious about the scores of other students in Class 15. After looking at the scores of other classes, they looked at Lu Lingxi's scores.

"The students in your class did so well in the Chinese language test?" the principal was surprised.

This year, Chinese was difficult at the beginning, and the composition was too easy, but composition rarely gets high marks.

Most of the Chinese subjects in other classes were not opened.

It just so happens that Class 15 is extremely good at Chinese.

"They..." Lu Lingxi scrolled the mouse and calmly stared at the scores on the page: "The composition should be slightly better."

Lu Lingxi was very sure.

The principal was surprised how Lu Lingxi knew, but he didn't ask any more questions. He puffed on his cigarette and said, "Teacher Lu, you haven't told me how much Bai Qian and Ning Xiao will score?"

Others in the computer room lowered their voices.

"Ning Xiao should not be low, classmate Bai Qian..." Lu Lingxi stopped her fingers and inhaled slightly.

"What's wrong with Bai Zian?" the principal asked.

Lu Lingxi said no more.

Her thoughts returned to the day of the college entrance examination. She knew the essay topic just after finishing the Chinese language test——

["The most unbearable thing in the world is that the beautiful lady bids farewell to the mirror flower and the tree." "I wanted to buy sweet-scented osmanthus to carry wine with me, but it turned out not to be the same. I was a young man traveling." "Wang Shibei set the day of the Central Plains. He never forgot to tell Naiwen during family sacrifices." "Please write an article based on this. There is no restriction on the style except poetry. 】

The atmosphere in Class 15 has always been very good.

Lu Lingxi actually had a hunch that most of the composition class this year would do well in writing. Yang Liningxiao, them, and others...

Probably half of the people wrote about Zhang Shize. They wrote about his high school graduation photo in absence, which was true and sincere. It is normal for him to have a high score in Chinese.

But this composition topic is also what she fears most.

After only being together for a year, Lu Lingxi already knew Bai Qian well enough. Such college entrance examination questions had never restricted her. She had no regrets or regrets in life. She was rebellious and would always do whatever she believed in.

Lu Lingxi was really afraid that Bai Qian would sit there and say something to her——

[Sorry, I was born arrogant, I have no regrets. 】

Thinking of this, Lu Lingxi pressed her temples.

She could really do this. Lu Lingxi couldn't let go when her college entrance examination scores didn't come out for a day.

after all--

Lu Lingxi had no doubt that, excluding the essay score, she would be among the top 50 in the province.


Ji Heng's small yard.

When he learned that his college entrance examination scores had been blocked, he took his chessboard and went to the streets to find someone to play backgammon.

Jiang He got up from the bed and brushed his teeth unsteadily.

Ji Heng didn't sleep all night last night. He took Jiang He to chat. Jiang He didn't fall asleep until three o'clock in the evening.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he stood next to the sycamore tree. On the sycamore tree, there was a height record imprinted by Ji Heng on him.

Jiang He compared it with his hands. There was almost no change from the mark last month. He was less than 1.2 meters tall and looked at the height line with a pair of dark eyes.

After a long while, he went to the kitchen with a blank face. In the rice cooker, there was breakfast and milk that Ji Heng had warmed for him.

He bit the steamed bun and walked slowly to Bai Qian's room.

Bai Xianqin was still on the piano stand. She was sitting at the table, with a pile of manuscripts written on the subtraction score in her hand, and her mobile phone pressed against the documents in front of her.

She didn't block the group.

Today's college entrance examination is announced, and the news about Class 15 is 999+ every minute.

In addition, WeChat friends are also asking about her college entrance examination results.

"Are you getting up now?" Bai Zian saw Jiang He sitting next to her, biting the bun.

Jiang He was wearing a beige cotton and linen jacket with cabbage-style buttons. His legs were dangling slightly. Because he stayed up late and didn't grow taller, he was autistic and didn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Bai Zian snatched his milk, slowly put the straw in and drank it herself.

And motioned Jiang He to get another bottle himself.

She bit the straw and turned on her phone to take photos of the finished song.

When I clicked on WeChat, I saw @her in the group.

Wen Qi: [Damn, there are four shielded students in our class, @Bai Qian @Sister Ning Xiaoqian, I can’t stand it anymore, @Lu Xiaohan, what’s going on with you! 】

Wen Qi: [I knew you were secretly working hard behind my back, right? 】

The messages in the group are dizzying, and they are all talking about shielding students.

Bai Zian didn't check his scores. Only when he mentioned it in the group did he realize that his scores had been blocked.

It turns out that there is such a thing as shielding students.

She cut out and found that her dog friend was still talking to her yesterday, but he didn't bother her today.

Bai Qian flipped the dean's profile and clicked on his profile picture to send him new songs.

The concert in Beicheng gave her a lot of inspiration. She revised it and finally released the song today.

Dean Jian:【1】

After another minute, he realized belatedly——

[The college entrance examination scores are out today, what’s your score? 】

Dean Jian is the only one who hopes that she will not be admitted to Jiangjing University and go to Jiangyin.

Bai Zian replied slowly: [Shield student, understand? 】

Dean Jian: [……]

He didn't speak anymore, silently looking at the subtraction score that Bai Zian sent.


Ren family.

Ren Wanxuan's college entrance examination results came out. Ren Qian was on the phone with Ren Jiawei, with a very happy expression on his face, "Yes, 641, 89th in the province, within 100th place! Beicheng University called her, she can choose any major."

Ren Wanxuan has never had such good results before.

Basically, Chen Zhuo has passed the exam in the top 100 in the province.

Over the years, Xiangcheng has rarely seen students ranked among the top 100 in the province, and Ren Qian was obviously happy.

He called one by one to reply to Ren Wanxuan's college entrance examination results.

The servant next to him was also congratulating, "Congratulations, master and miss."

Ren Qian's face was bright red, "Miss, you did well in the exam, but it's a pity that you are in the same class as Chen Zhu." As he said that, he looked at Ren Wanxuan next to him, "Xuanxuan, how many exams did Chen Zhu take?"

Ren Wanxuan held her cell phone and said nothing.

On her mobile phone is the page of the class group of Class 8. Everyone in Class 8 did very well in the exam this time.

Ren Wanxuan also performed exceptionally well and should be happy, but she looked at the messages in the group——

Monitor: [Six shielded students, four in Class 15! Bai Zian, Ning Xiao and the others are all here. According to rumors, Bai Zian may be the top pick in Beicheng this time! 】

Bai Qian and Ning Xiao were both in the top fifty, and she could predict that.

But why is that Lu Xiaohan whose name I have never heard of before?

And Tang Ming. At the beginning, Tang Ming was only among the top ten in the school. She didn't even get into the top fifty. How did he get there?

Ren Wanxuan didn't answer Ren Qian. She clutched her phone and ran upstairs with her head down.

"This kid?" Ren Qian looked at Ren Wanxuan's back, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "Are you still not satisfied with such a high score?"

The person next to me congratulated you, "Miss, you have high standards for yourself."

Ren Qian held the phone and squinted his eyes slightly, "I wonder how many exams Ji Heng's granddaughter took..."

He asked Ji Shaorong and Ren Jiawei, but they both said they didn't know.

This is strange.



This year, Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School has an unprecedented 21% emphasis on capital, which is not as good as Beicheng No. 1 Middle School, but it definitely has the potential to become a provincial key high school, especially...

There are still six students whose college entrance examination scores have not been released.

The first-year and second-year students in high school have not yet had a vacation, and the school teachers are talking about it. Because of the success of the third-year students, the teachers of the first- and second-year students have already copied the learning experience and mind maps of Xueshen.

The head teachers of each class in the senior high school statistics on the scores and average scores of each subject.

In the principal's office, he had already ordered a new banner, personally invested in buying a bunch of fireworks and firecrackers, and two large boxes of wedding candies.

Lu Lingxi took the printed results to the principal's office and saw two boxes of candy on the ground.

"Teacher Lu," seeing Lu Lingxi, the principal greeted her cheerfully, "Did Ning Xiao's estimated score be 700? I just heard that Song Min from Beicheng estimated his score to be around 690. This year's provincial champion will definitely go to our school, but not I don’t know if it’s Ning Xiao or Bai.

Lu Lingxi nodded and handed the report card to the principal: "He said so."

"Why don't you look happy?" the principal wondered.

"No." Lu Lingxi sighed and changed the subject, "Is it difficult to get into a key high school?"

"With a capital-heavy rate of 21%, the provincial champions are all in our school," the principal said as he picked up the tea slowly, confident of winning. "It's not difficult at all."

It's a good thing if you can upgrade the key points of the province.

After Lu Lingxi delivered her transcripts, she walked to her office. Along the way, she met many teachers who congratulated her.

The head teacher of the liberal arts class who often hangs around Lu Lingxi's class also stopped and asked, "How did your classmate Baizian do in the Chinese language test this time? This year he wrote a perfect essay."

"What perfect composition?" Lu Lingxi stopped.

The sun shone on her face.

She was in a daze.

“A full-score essay this year was posted on the Internet, but it did not include the name of the candidate,” the head teacher of the liberal arts class lamented. “I have only seen Bai Qian write the perfect score essay. I don’t know how well Bai Qian did in the college entrance examination essay.”

It is not easy to get full marks in Chinese composition.

When Lu Lingxi heard the perfect score composition, she suddenly had a strong premonition in her heart.

After she hurriedly spoke to the head teacher of the liberal arts class, she picked up her phone and opened the short video app.

Before the scores of some college entrance examination students were released, their perfect score essays were first revealed by the authorities.

In recent years, there have been almost no essays with perfect scores for the college entrance examination. As soon as the official website posted it, it was on the short video hot search list. As soon as Lu Lingxi clicked on it, she saw the third most popular search——

College Entrance Examination Full Score Essay [Hot]


On the twenty-fifth year of Chengyuan, General Dayong Baili guarded Xiangcheng.

The sound of drums suddenly started, and the general was startled to sleep in the middle of the night. He put on his clothes and marched up to Gaocheng alone. There were one hundred thousand enemy cavalry in front of him, and millions of civilians in Xiangcheng behind him. However, Xiangcheng did not have enough food and grass, and its survival was in a dilemma.

Today, Mobei has not been captured, the enemy army is endless, the city is in danger, and the general has sworn to serve the public to the death, why retreat? So he guarded the city gate with the people.

The general spent half his life in the army, fighting in Kyushu, and entered the battlefield with no regrets despite nine deaths.

What's the regret?

Before you saw it, his son abandoned his pen and picked up a spear to kill the bandits; before you saw it, his cavalry was drinking from the desert and drinking wine; before you saw it, today's Haiyanhe is Chang'an in the prosperous Qing Dynasty.


The general's sword drinks the blood of thousands of years,

Bury bones in the yellow sand and enjoy the sunset.

Today the Sheng flag is red everywhere,

Marching thousands of miles eastward to plant peach blossoms.



General, does the sunset below Xiangcheng look good today?

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