Kicked out of the rich family at the beginning

Chapter 259 259 The strength of this year’s number one pick (second update)

Today's regular meeting is because Bai Zian Ningxiao and others are very popular.

Therefore, Liang Wuyu's consideration was not to give a speech for the time being, and this time the points could be waived.

If Gao Yuan and his group were to give a speech today, there would be a lot of rumors and speculation about their group, and there would definitely be constant gossip in the future.

Ding Wenyang and Liang Wuyu thought of going together.

But they didn't expect that Bai Qian would dare to give a speech at this time. Her quality was not that high. Ding Wenyang came back to his senses and looked at Tang Ming: "Tang Ming, Bai Qian..."

"Sister Qian has her own considerations," Tang Ming looked at Bai Qian. He had never doubted Bai Qian, "Let's take a look first."

Ning Xiao nodded.

The two of them had experienced too many strong winds and waves, and they were calm and composed at this time.

Ding Wenyang was not as calm as the two of them. Not only was he worried about the effect of Bai Zian's speech, he was also worried about how much their final score would be if they lost their usual points this time.

In particular, the ppt content was almost exactly the same as Gao Yuan's group and even inferior to that group. He could almost imagine the reaction of the alumni watching behind him.

At this time, Bai Qian went to give a speech in the midst of the storm. Even Ding Wenyang felt that she was too strong inside.


Bai Zian was already standing in front of the podium.

She rarely wore school uniforms when she was in college, and Ji Heng was keen on making various types of clothes for her.

The Qing Ling dress she was wearing today had red silk threads outlining several patterns on the skirt, and the red threads surged as she moved.

Behind him, Kong Wei was holding a flower in his hand, but he hadn't started shaking it yet.

He just tilted his head and asked Yu Simin, "I remember that her ppt was copied on a USB flash drive. Why did she bring her computer with her?"

Yu Simin was also nervous. Her eyes fell on Ding Wenyang's group, and she felt something was wrong.

Facing so many students who came to watch, and also facing the camera of the school newspaper, including Huang Yushuo, dean of the School of Physics, this pressure is not something that ordinary people can bear.

On the stage, Bai Zian had already connected the computer to the projector.

There are not many software downloads on her computer. Except for the video software from Jiangjing TV, the others are all social and learning software. There are only two ppt icons on the left.

One name is "1" and the other name is "2".

Bai Zian reached out and clicked on the "2" icon.

Ding Wenyang originally raised his head and glanced at Bai Xian, but when he saw her clicking "ppt", he couldn't help but lower his head and did not dare to face the same title as the previous one.

Wang Xin sat on the far right, watching Bai Qian open the ppt with a blank expression.

Gao Yuan and the others sitting in the front couldn't help but squinted their eyes when they saw Bai Qian coming up to give a speech.

Liang Wuyu and Xu Zhiyue both looked at Bai Qian intently, their hands on the table tightening slightly.

When you click on the courseware, you will see a simple light blue page with very clear lines and colors.

There are no other fancy icons, just a blue origin and a blue dividing line.

The picture is enlarged and there are seven blue regular characters——

"Real-time Light Quantum Entanglement"

"The focus of our group's talk this time is two-photon digital holographic imaging technology." Bai Qian held the red laser light and raised it casually. The red laser locked on the part she was talking about. She spoke in an unhurried tone, "These scientists We have used advanced digital holography technology to develop in the past few years and expanded it to entangled superposition two-photons. The resolution of this camera is nanosecond level."

This paper on quantum entanglement is very new. Academician Ma specially sent it to Bai Qian and asked her to think about it carefully.

Nowadays, Academician Ma rarely sends papers to Bai Zian. He usually sends congratulatory messages to her. Every article that Academician Ma sends to Bai Zian takes a lot of time to understand.

Bai Zian has basically been reading this paper for the past ten days.

She used the Feynman learning method, and she also explained the paper, interspersed with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Even freshmen Kong Wei and Yu Simin understood the main content of her ppt this time.

When she said "double photons", Ding Wenyang felt strange because this was not their topic!

Ding Wenyang suddenly raised his head.

Bai Qian has already reached the next page. She is half leaning on the podium, holding the laser light in her right hand and pointing at the picture. She lightly clicks on the picture on the ppt, "This picture shows the pump beam passing through a yin and yang." The interference image left by the mold of the shape, and the other one is the photons in entangled superposition, reconstructing the amplitude and phase structure of the image..."

Bai Jian stood on the stage, dressed in Tsing Yi, calm and calm.

Su raised his hand and the slide switched to the next one.

Under the stage were the professors and dean of the School of Physics, and seated were classmates from the same peak class. Behind them stood a group of classmates watching the fun.

The lecture theater, which had been bustling with people just now, was now silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on her. Her appearance was clearly gentle, but there was always a sense of wantonness pouring out from her movements, soft yet fierce.

Bai Zian talked slowly from the front to the back.

Until the last page.

All ppt speeches always have a "thank you" or "thank you for watching" at the end.

To summarize.

But Mr. Jiang is very polite if he can bear to share his scientific research results with others. The last page of his ppt always has only one word——


Not even a punctuation mark.

Bai Qian changed the last page of the "Quantum Theory" ppt to Acknowledgments, but she didn't plan to give a speech on this ppt, so she didn't change it.

She raised her head and slowly stared at the blue English words for a while.

After a while, he turned sideways as if nothing had happened and said politely to Zhou Wenqing and other professors in the first row, "That's the end of my speech. Thank you for watching."

In the first row, Zhou Wenqing stared at the watermark with the words "CRFS Dark Matter Research Institute" in the lower left corner of the ppt on the last page, and did not dare to say anything immediately.

Even Dean Huang was silent for a moment.

Bai Qian adjusted the ppt to the cover page. She didn't wait for Zhou Wenqing and Dean Huang to respond. She paused and looked at the familiar Dean Huang to express doubts.

As the head teacher of the same peak class, Zhou Wenqing has worked on good projects and listened to Jiang Fuli's project summaries. His project reports are all ppts made by himself, which are the same ppts for science students.

So does he.

He and Dean Huang recognized where this template came from almost immediately.

Professor Zhuo Lan, who was sitting next to Zhou Wenqing, didn't recognize him. He only raised his head and looked at the words "Real-time Optical Quantum Entanglement". When his eyes fell on Bai Jian, he became very gentle: "So the purpose of these pictures is It’s to analyze the wave function.”

Bai Qian looked at Professor Zhuo Lan who was asking the question, and answered calmly: "It does describe waves propagating at angular frequency along the positive X direction..."

She was talking, and Professor Zhuo Lan couldn't help but nod while listening, with a barely concealed smile on his face.

All he showed was his appreciation for her.

"Professor Zhou, Dean Huang," Zhuo Lan couldn't help turning his head after listening to her answer, "I think Bai Zian's team analyzed it very well. It has only been a month since the publication of real-time optical quantum entanglement. Very few people in China have really done this. After understanding what this paper is about, I give it an A+.”

Zhou Wenqing finally moved his eyes away from the ppt and landed on Bai Qian.

After a few questions, they confirmed the ability of the girl in front of them, "A+."

The professors didn't have any other opinions at this time. After all, Gao Yuan's group all got B+, and Bai Qian's report surpassed their group in terms of quality and depth, so giving it an A would inevitably feel too low.

"Dean, what do you think?" Zhou Wenqing looked at Dean Huang. He originally thought that the performance of this group of freshmen would be mediocre, but he did not expect that the results exceeded expectations. "It is not easy for this group of students to achieve such a level. .”

Dean Huang looked in Bai Qian's direction.

Zhou Wenqing thought that this ppt was done by Ding Wenyang's group, but Dean Huang knew that this paper was sent to Bai Jian by Academician Ma, and it could not be a topic of Bai Jian's group. In other words, ——

Such a high degree of completion was accomplished by Bai Zian alone.

He gave the result, "A+."

Dean Huang's words finally detonated the group of people behind, and the quiet lecture hall began to commotion.

The people in Ding Wenyang's group finally realized at this time that they had never spent much time with Bai Jian, and it was their first time to experience the various magical operations of picking up gods. They only looked at Tang Ming.

Just a month after it was published, it shows that this ppt was also completed by Bai Qian during this period. "So...she was in the same class and studying quantum theory literature with us. At the same time, she also took the time to study a "real-time" article by herself. "Light Quantum Entanglement"?"

Is this the strength of this year’s top pick in the college entrance examination?

Okay guys, we have a laser pointer today, princess, please vote~! !

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