Kicked out of the rich family at the beginning

Chapter 69 069 Practice with a bunch of iridium, the director of Jiangjing Hospital! (two more)

On the table of the Eight Immortals, except for Bai Jian, everyone's eyes subconsciously focused on Jiang Fuli's face.

His face, like that of Bai Ke, is too deceptive, not like the type of person who can write well.

How did he know that he would just throw out the phrase "Chinese Calligraphy Association" so lightly? ? !

Or premium membership?

There are only five special members of the Chinese Calligraphy Association!

Except for the president, everyone else lives in seclusion, and often only sees the works but does not see the person. Even the members of the Chinese Calligraphy Association can hardly see these senior members. Is this one of them?

Beside him, Jian Zhe seemed to be struck by lightning.

He couldn't help but poked his head to look at Jiang Fuli, and when he touched Jiang Fuli's shallow eyes, Jian Zhe immediately looked back.

"Is there a problem?" There was no movement for a long time, Jiang Fuli raised his eyebrows.

"Ah, no," Qiu Xuezheng was also hit hard, he had experienced many storms, and he slowly put away his shock, "No problem."

Trembling with the tip of his pen, he wrote the word Super Grade after Jiang Fuli's name.

"Do you want to take a grade test?" Bai Po tilted her head, she didn't understand the rules here.

Tilting his head slightly, he calmly asked Jiang Fuli.

She was wearing the simplest school uniform, with a clear side face, eyebrows and eyes like flowers and trees piled up with snow, and the light above her head enveloped her in a hazy and gentle temperament.

"Not only the members, but also the association." Jiang Fuli took the purple sand pot, slowly filled her cup with tea, and poured another cup for himself. "We only have eight people now, just a junior association."

Every June, the major book associations will be rated.

Associations are divided into special associations, senior associations, intermediate associations, and junior associations from top to bottom.

There is only one special association in the country, the Chinese Calligraphy Association, which is one of the reasons why everyone wants to join the Chinese Calligraphy Association.

Senior associations are located in four major cities.

Like Bai Po, who has never participated in ratings, even if he won the Lanting Award, he is currently only a junior member.

"This is the membership fee, there is no password." Before leaving, Jiang Fuli gave Qiu Xuezheng a card, "She wants to make a good calligraphy school, here is the start-up capital, and I have already asked someone to make a plan, someone will add you .”

Qiu Xuezheng sat on the Eight Immortals table, looking at the black card of Suzaku Bank, an international bank, in front of him.

Doubt about life.

"Teacher Qiu," Jian Zhe looked at the leaving figure of Jiang Fuli and Bai Po, and then looked back at the black card, "It won't be difficult for us to become a senior association in the future, right?"

Qiu Xuezheng was also in a daze, "Should...should be..."

He felt that Bai Ji would definitely be admitted as a special member.

With two super members in charge, the senior association should be fine, right?

As for the special association, it will only appear in Jiangjing, they have never thought about it.

Of course, the current Jian Zhe and Qiu Xuezheng don't know yet, they think they are very powerful, but they don't know that these two people... are the most powerful in teaching talents!

Especially Bai Po, in terms of calligraphy, she can even completely reproduce Liang Zewen's teaching!

Qiu Xuezheng took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Vice President Qian——

[They don't have to force them if they don't want to come. 】

On the other hand, Jian Rong and Qiu Boqing breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Vice President Qian said that they would not release people in Xiangcheng.

Especially Qiu Boqing, he thought that Qiu Xuezheng would persecute him.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Xuezheng didn't send him a single word.


at the same time.

Yongfu District.

The man in the shirt held a cigarette in his hand, the tattoo on his vest extended to his neck, and four large excavators followed behind him, "Nobody here signs?"

"Mr. Lu, it's mainly because of a painter." His subordinates carefully lit a cigarette for him, "The one in building 7, 601, Ji Shaojun, he is educated, and he is very respected here. It should be seen from the contract Loophole, don't let people here sign."

As he said that, his subordinates took out another stack of documents and handed them to Mr. Lu.

Yongfu Community is located in the development zone, and everyone wants to take this piece of cake.

All the people living here are ordinary people. The demolition agreement given by Mr. Lu has loopholes. I thought it would be easy to trick this group of widowed and lonely old people.

None of these people signed.

After a thorough investigation, it was all because of the one in Building 601.

The whole community listened to the painter.

"Let's go." Mr. Lu bit his cigarette and glanced at the documents. He was an ordinary painter and a philistine housewife.

It was nearly eight o'clock.

When they arrived, Ji Shaojun was washing the dishes. Shen Qing saw Mr. Lu with his arms open and the ferocious python tattooed on his body, so he couldn't help but took a step back, "Old, old Ji..."

"Shen Qing, Ji Shaojun, right?" Mr. Lu sat on the chair brought over by his subordinates, tilting his head slightly.

The subordinates immediately handed Shen Qing a card.

Mr. Lu bit his cigarette and smiled, "There is a million here, as long as you let the people here sign the demolition contract, the one million is yours."

They specifically investigated.

Ji Shaojun is a noble man, but Shen Qing is a petty bourgeois.

one million.

Enough to buy a soul.

"One million?" Hearing this, Shen Qing couldn't help but stare at the card with wide eyes.

For an ordinary person, this is huge wealth.

Shen Qing has never seen so much money.

Ji Shaojun returned the card to Mr. Lu without blinking an eye, "We won't do this kind of thing."

President Lu smiled.

He took a deep look at Shen Qing, then waved his hand, "Let's go."

After the people left, Ji Shaojun closed the door with a "bang", frowned and said to Shen Qing: "Don't even think about it."



Yang Lin has been coming to school for the past two days, Bai Po took out the books one by one, and thought about how to tell her about moving out of the household registration.

Unlike others, Yang Lin has been avoiding contact with people.

"Xiao," in front, Lu Xiaohan twirled his finger to look at Bai Xun, "That..."

Bai Po raised his eyes, his brows and eyes reflected the rising sun, very charming, "Say."

"Oh," Lu Xiaohan looked at Bai Po, "I'm a self-media practitioner, of course I'm still in its infancy. I want to post your school celebration video to my account. Can I blur it a little bit?"

Zhang Shize, who had just arrived in class, was dizzy. He straddled his long legs, "Lu Xiaohan, can you speak slowly, who can hear this clearly? I didn't catch my breath."

He just finished.

Bai Po leaned back, "Okay, you can send it."

She has no opinion on this matter, and she doesn't know much about it from the media, but it is difficult for her to refuse Lu Xiaohan's request.

Zhang Shize: "?"

"You are so kind!" Lu Xiaohan exclaimed, going to hug Bai Po.

But she was held back by Bai Po with one finger, and her fingertips lightly pressed against Lu Xiaohan's forehead. With the other hand, she randomly pulled out a book, turned her head slightly, and smiled lazily at Lu Xiaohan, " Speak well and don't move your hands."

"Oh." Lu Xiaohan's ears turned red.

Then he remembered something, rolled his eyes at Zhang Shize, "Stupid thing."

Zhang Shize: "..."

The course is over in one day.

Bai Po didn't go to the milk tea shop after school at night, but went to the Book Association with Jiang He. The bus stop sign has been applied for, and the route is being planned now.

"Sister," Jian Zhe was moving a chair in the yard, when he saw Bai Po approaching, his eyes lit up, "Come and see our classroom."

The Calligraphy Association is next door to the Wuguan.

The martial arts gym is smaller, covering an area of ​​one acre, and the surrounding rooms are planned by Qiu Xuezheng as classrooms, office reception rooms...

Jian Zhe took Bai Po to the classroom at 30 square meters, "After the equipment arrives in two days, the children nearby will be able to learn."

"Not bad." Bai Ke put down the schoolbag, then unzipped the zipper, and casually handed the bag of things inside to Jian Zhe.

See how easy it is for Bai Ji.

Jian Zhe also took it with one hand.

When he brought it over, he almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, he quickly supported the wall on one side.

Jiang He sat on a stool beside him, dangling his legs, and looked at Jian Zhe expressionlessly.

"What is this?" Jian Zhe lowered his head in shock, and saw dozens of silver metals the size of quail eggs inside.

So much, dozens of catties?

"It's for handwriting," Bai Po raised his hand, revealing a scarlet ribbon and an egg-sized iridium on his hand. "You also hang one every day."

She asked Mao Kun for it a few days ago, and Mao Kun was very fast.

Of course, Miss Bai doesn't know the price of her quail eggs yet.

Jian Zhe nodded in a daze.


Outskirts of the city, abandoned warehouses.

With two cards in his hands, Mr. Lu slowly squatted beside Shen Qing, narrowing his eyes, "Don't you like money? Two million, you don't want to either?"

He didn't understand, two million was put here, but Shen Qing said he didn't want to.

The Shen Qingai in the data is greedy for petty gain, vulgar, selfish, and philistine.

He can naturally see that she is a person who loves money extremely.

Shen Qing glanced at the bank card, and after a long while, raised his head and smiled obsequiously, "Lu, Mr. Lu, the old people in our community..."

"I thought we were the same kind of people, but... you really, really disappointed me." Mr. Lu smiled. He stood up, crushed Shen Qing's right hand with his foot, and gently threw the two bank cards into the side.

Shen Qing felt the pain from his fingertips, and his facial features instantly twisted into a ball, "Lu, Mr. Lu..."

Mr. Lu admired Shen Qing's painful appearance, then took a step back, tilted his head, "You guys come here."

five minutes later.

"I didn't expect you to be such a tough guy." He looked at Shen Qing who was collapsed on the ground, and lit a cigarette again, "What now?"

Shen Qing raised her head again, she gave a "bah" to Boss Lu, and spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, "I even lied to the old man's money... You are also considered a person, haha!"

"..." Boss Lu stretched out his hand and slowly wiped the saliva off his face. The smile on his mouth didn't diminish by half, but his gaze was like a poisonous snake hiding in the abyss, like a boa constrictor extending to his neck. "Teach me a good lesson." she."


Nine o'clock in the evening.

Ji Mulan, who had just taken a shower, received a call and nearly dropped the bath towel in her hand, "What?"

She hangs up.

After changing my clothes, I hurried to find my coat.

"What's the matter?" Xu En had just finished the meeting when he saw Ji Mulan put on his coat and go out.

"My brother," Ji Mulan frowned, and took the car keys, "he is in the hospital now, and my sister-in-law is in emergency treatment. He is short of panda blood, and I am the only one."

She looked down on Shen Qing, a petty citizen who was following his power.

But Ji Shaojun made the call.

"First aid?" Xu En hurriedly followed, took her car keys and handed them to the assistant. He couldn't drive after drinking at night, "Don't worry, I'll accompany you."

Ji Mulan followed behind Xu En, calming down a lot.

Arrive at Xiangcheng Central Hospital.

When Ji Shaojun, who was standing at the gate, saw Ji Mulan, he hurried forward, grabbed her arm and pulled her forward without saying a word.

"Brother, slow down!" Ji Mulan staggered, "What's the matter?"

Ji Shaojun didn't say a word.

Handing Ji Mulan directly to the nurse, he said with deep eyes, "She is panda blood."

"Get ready," the nurse hurriedly took Ji Mulan to draw blood, not forgetting to hand over the critical illness notice to Ji Shaojun, "The patient's condition is very bad."

Ji Shaojun took the paper and signed it tremblingly.

In just half an hour, three critical illness notices have been issued.

"You have to be steady," Xu En patted Ji Shaojun on the shoulder, and then asked, "What's the matter with Auntie Ah? If you need any help from me, just tell me."

After signing the critical illness notice, Ji Shaojun sat down on the ground leaning against the wall.

Didn't say a word.

Ji Mulan quickly drew blood and came out, her complexion was a little pale.

"Where are Shen Qing's family members?" The nurse went in and came out with a blood bag, and said anxiously: "There is not enough blood, and the patient's condition is complicated. She has panda blood. We can't do craniotomy. It's best to go to the Affiliated Hospital of Beicheng University Or a larger hospital. We have already applied for a consultation with a higher-level hospital, and the above is still giving feedback. I suggest that you try to contact the hospital yourself as soon as possible.”

Transferring is not easy, you need to apply in advance, and you need contacts.

Xiangcheng Hospital has already responded to Beicheng, but Shen Qing's situation is really complicated, and it is still panda blood.

There was no movement from the Beicheng courtyard.

Xu En patted Ji Shaojun on the shoulder to comfort him, and signaled his assistant to call to help Shen Qing contact the hospital.

Xu En is from Jiangjing.

I usually only know Jiang Jing’s chief physician, and the assistant sent Ji Shaojun’s medical condition to the doctor. After seeing it there, he was straightforward: “Tell Mr. Xu that it’s too far away, and the patient can’t stand it, and this operation… ...I'm afraid only the dean can do it, I dare not take the lead."

Everyone could hear the voice played by the assistant clearly.

Ji Mulan couldn't help clutching his jacket, a little dazed.

Although she didn't like Shen Qing, she didn't want to see her die on the operating table.

So serious?

"You can't contact the dean either?" Ji Mulan looked over to Ji Shaojun.

He lowered his voice and asked Xu En again.

Xu En's assistant held his glasses and looked at Ji Mulan. He knew that Ji Mulan, the old lady had never recognized her, and heard that she was married and had a terrible daughter.

Xu En wanted to take that daughter back, but the old lady directly satirized her wishful thinking.

However, the assistant was not ambiguous towards Ji Mulan, and just told the truth, "Ma'am, that is the director of Jiangjing Hospital, and his appointment will be scheduled until next year. Let alone Mr. Xu, even Ms. Xu finds it difficult to see him. "

Ji Mulan didn't know about Jiangjing's affairs.

But when she heard that Xu Yajun couldn't even see the dean, she probably understood.

Xu En was silent for a while, then looked at the assistant: "You call the young master, he is in Jiangjing University, he should know some people."

The assistant was a little hesitant, interrupting the young master, it was time for the old lady to talk, but in the end she went to contact her.

"Thank you," Ji Shaojun sat on the ground, staring blankly at the emergency room, "Blame me, blame me..."

"Where are Shen Qing's family members? The patient doesn't have enough blood..."

Ji Mulan hurried forward.

The nurse glanced at her and shook her head, "No, you can stop smoking!"

Ji Mulan drew a lot of blood, and her mind was buzzing. She remembered that her number was blocked by Bai Po, and asked Xu En to call her, "Quick, Ah Po... Ah Po is also Rh-negative blood!"

um...see you tomorrow

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