Kicked out of the rich family at the beginning

Chapter 7 007 Ren's Family, Enrollment

Ren Wanxuan never wanted to speculate on others with malice, but——

She also knows where Xiangcheng is. The teaching strength of Xiangcheng Middle School is average, but the Ren family will hire her the best private tutor.

But most of the others who have a little connection have transferred to places like Beicheng to go to school.

Where would anyone want to come back?

Just as Ren Wanxuan finished typing, Ji Heng suddenly looked at the door, "Ah Po is back."

Ji Shaorong paused, and he turned sideways to look at the gate of the courtyard.

A girl came in through the door.

As the girl entered, it was as if a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the dark sky.

She is wearing a light blue blouse with beige cuffs that are neatly buttoned, nine-point cuffs that are slightly wider, and the cuffs are edged with white auspicious clouds, and underneath are ankle-length beige slacks that are embroidered with vivid pink apricot flowers. She is walking The waves of powder surged.

He was casually playing with a pair of white earphones in his hand, and the touch of red on his wrist was like a red plum in the snow.

Ji Shaorong's eyes fell on her clothes, and he could tell at a glance that the tight stitches were made by Ji Heng...

Ji Mulan's personality gave birth to a well-behaved daughter.

"This is your second uncle." Ji Heng pointed at Ji Shaorong with a pipe, and introduced it to Bai Po.

Ren Wanxuan didn't look at the so-called cousin, she was still thinking about something, so her expression was a little pale.

Seeing Ji Heng pointing at Ji Shaorong again with a cigarette pouch, she frowned slightly.

She was trained by an etiquette teacher hired by the Ren family since she was a child. She learned the etiquette of Jiangjing nobles. Pointing at people with a cigarette pipe is simply too vulgar, and even a servant in the Ren family would not be able to do such a vulgar thing.

When she was a child, the first time she saw Ji Heng take out a blue and white porcelain bowl with a gap, Ren Wanxuan told Ji Heng that it was too dirty and unhygienic.

He was severely reprimanded by Ji Shaorong.

Later, Ji Heng didn't use this bowl to entertain her again, and bought a clean white porcelain bowl.

But Ren Wanxuan didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, she could only hold back this kind of thing in her heart, and then went home to complain to her mother, her mother rarely let her come to Ji's house.

Bai Po grasped the earphones, and she glanced at the second uncle Ji Heng was talking about, curled her lips, and said with a smile, "Hello."

Did not call second uncle.

The sound was like the sound of pressing the keys lightly, clear and ethereal, and Ren Wanxuan subconsciously tilted her head.

Seeing a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, there is a clear black and white distinction.

Looking down, she was dressed in old-fashioned clothes. Before she saw the other party, Ren Wanxuan never thought that this kind of clothes that can't keep up with the trend can look so good on her body?

Even if Ren Wanxuan didn't want to admit it.

She squeezed the phone tightly.


"It's rare to come back," Ji Heng didn't say much, he broke the silence and said to Ji Shaorong: "Dinner here tonight."

Ren Wanxuan withdrew her gaze, she stood up, her demeanor was very refined: "Dad, I still have private lessons, so I can't go back too late."

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at the well in the yard.

All the water used by Ji's family comes from here. Although the well looks clean, she really doesn't want to touch the water here.

So it doesn't take too long to come every time, and Ji Heng has never drank the water that Ji Heng poured her.

Although Xiangcheng is a bit out of the way, most of the side near Xiangcheng has been re-planned. The citizens have been equipped with sterilized tap water a long time ago, and Qingshui Street has remained the same year after year, and no one has started construction. , Residents still use well water.

Ren Wanxuan has never seen anyone use well water in this day and age.

Ji Shaorong glanced at her, "Then you go back first, the driver is still waiting for you outside."

"By the way," Ji Shaorong thought of something again, "Xuanxuan, this is your cousin, she is also a senior in high school, and she is going to be transferred to Li soon, you two add a contact information."

As he said that, he looked at Bai Po, "Ah Po, Xuanxuan is also academic, and her grades are very good. You can ask her if you don't understand."

Bai Po lowered her head, she was studying the earphones.

She decided to take it apart when she went back to her room, not knowing how the earphones worked.

After being called, she raised her head and looked at Ren Wanxuan, slowly trying to take out her phone from her pocket.

Ren Wanxuan pinched the phone and long pressed to turn it off.

"Dad, I'm two years younger than her. I'm seventeen this year." She paused for a while, and then said, "I just kept playing games, and my phone ran out of battery."

"Hello," Ren Wanxuan looked at Bai Po squarely and was very polite. She took out a certain fruit phone and said gracefully, "Then let's add friends next time."

Bai Po raised her eyebrows, and she withdrew her hand to take the phone.

"Sorry." Ji Shaorong was also silent for a while, and then said softly to Ren Wanxuan: "It's senior year, don't play games every day."

Ren Wanxuan didn't reply, she nodded casually, and said goodbye to Ji Heng.

Turning around, the smile disappeared instantly, irritated and impatient.

Anyone can be a relative of the Ren family?


Today Ji Shaorong is here, and it's not Bai Po's turn to do the washing after eating, it's Ji Shaorong who does the washing.

Ji Heng looked at his back looking for the bucket, "The bucket is in the utility room, have you forgotten?"

Ji Shaorong smiled, then looked around the yard for a while before going to the utility room.

Ji Heng was sitting on the stool at the door, with paper and pens on the table.

Just as Bai Po took off the earphones, she saw Ji Heng wearing glasses and sitting alone under the yellow light, his figure stretched very long.

She grasped the earphone, walked over, squatted at his feet, and raised her head: "Grandpa."

Ji Heng paused and looked down at her, "What's wrong?"

"Here," she spread her palms and showed him a small blue toy, "I bought milk tea today as a gift."

Ji Heng looked at the little blue rabbit in her palm and reached out to pick it up.

"Look at this color, do you like it?" He showed the painting on the table to Bai Po.

Bai Ke glanced.

It is a superb meticulous painting, plum blossom style, with distinct yellow stamens, lifelike, "beautiful."

"Well, I'll take it to upload tomorrow." Ji Heng looked away, and waved his hand to let Bai Po go back, "Go back and read, remember to get up early tomorrow, your uncle will take you to school."

He was talking about Ji Shaojun, whose student status had already been transferred.

"Oh," Bai Po stood up and made a request while going back to the room, "Then it will be stretched after finishing the manuscript? I also like poppies, next time you will embroider this for me."

"You still choose?" Ji Heng glanced at her.

When someone entered the room, Ji Heng sat where he was, without moving for a long time.


Ji Heng has not heard this word for a long time.

He seems to be used to people nowadays who like fashion, haute skirts and haute couture.

No one would like the flowers he embroidered, and no one would appreciate the clothes he made. Even if she ran away from home, she would not take any of the clothes he made for him.

He looked at Bai Ke's back, and then looked down at the little blue rabbit in his palm.


inside the house.

Bai Po, who didn't need to wash the dishes, was in a good mood. She returned to the room, put the disassembled earphones on the table, and the first thing she did was to search for the book Jiang He sent her.

She opened Qiandu and searched——

【Jiangjing University Physics】

However, the result was outrageous. They had everything, except Jiangjing University and Jiangjing University’s physics book. She glanced at the phone page, and there was even an item——

[17 points in the physics test]

Bai Po: "..."

Classmate, you are great.

She returned to WeChat, poked open Jiang He's profile picture, and said hello politely——

【. 】

On the other side of the phone, Jiang He was sitting on the carpet, holding a simulated Chinese cabbage pillow in his arms, holding a seventh-order and fifth-order Rubik's Cube in his hand, and was slowly twisting it when the watch on his wrist rang.

He took a look and saw that the sender was a portrait of a Xiangcheng city tower, his eyes lit up.

Throwing away the pillow, poking open the watch, a message of white hair appeared on the thin and thin three-dimensional page hanging in the air.

Bai Jian: [. 】

Jiang He replied word by word: [Sister Bai. 】

Bai Jian: 【Tomorrow I won't go to the library, I have to go to class】

Jiang He: [Okay. 】

Bai Jian: [I can't find the book you posted, not even on Jingbao]

Jiang He rested his chin on his knee and blinked.

Jiang He: [I'll ask my brother. 】

He got up from the carpet and went to the study.

Jiang Fuli was in a video conference. He was wearing white home clothes, leaning on the back of the chair a little loosely, with cold white fingers resting on the table, and his pale phoenix eyes drooping lazily, noble and indifferent.

Seeing Jiang He, he sat up slowly, reached out to turn off the camera, and pressed the mute button, "What's wrong?"

Jiang He approached, and showed him the page on his watch.

"You asked for her?" Jiang Fuli raised his eyebrows, and the soft home clothes also diluted his indifference a little.

Jiang He nodded.

Jiang Fuli reached out and took away the seventh-order fifth Rubik's Cube that he had recovered to half, "I heard that you want to go back with him?"

Jiang He nodded again.

Jiang Fuli slowly helped him back to his original state, and took a moment to glance at him, "No."

Jiang He looked at his Rubik's Cube, but didn't nod this time.

"Go back to sleep," Jiang Fuli returned the Rubik's Cube to him, "I'll send someone to deliver the book tomorrow."

The acceptance of his laboratory detector this time did not meet his requirements. He needs a detector that can sensitively perceive the recoil nucleus.

But the detector medium in the laboratory is not large enough.

So he is modifying the design drawings to ensure that the detector has a large scale and a very low detection energy limit, and there is not much time.

Coincidentally, Jiang He found a playmate recently, so he doesn't need to be distracted to take care of him.

After Jiang He left, Jiang Fuli looked away, turned on the camera and microphone again, and knocked on the table casually, calmly and indifferently, "Continue."


The next day, Xiangcheng Middle School.

The largest high school in Xiangcheng, Bai Po followed Ji Shaojun to an office.

In the office, Lu Lingxi wore glasses, short hair, and white hair that couldn't be hidden. She looked at Bai Po with gentle eyes: "Student Bai, can you tell the teacher why you want to switch to science?"

Why transfer?

Bai Po half closed his eyes, his eyelashes drooped slightly, long and curled, covering the bottom of his dark eyes, if at first he just didn't want to see history, then now...

"Curious." She said quietly.

"Curious?" This was the answer that Lu Lingxi had never thought about.

"Well," Bai Po looked at the computer on the desk next door, "For example, I really want to know how the computer transmits information."

Her black pupils reflected the sun refracted outside the window, like a lazy white cat.

Things are different, no matter how frightened and uneasy she saw the world when she passed through.

But she is trying to explore this era, and she is undeniably curious about this era now.

It was the first time Ji Shaojun heard Bai Po talk about this reason. He couldn't help but tilt his head, looking at his niece's well-behaved face full of seriousness.

After a moment of silence, I thought about how she answered him last time, oh——

so what?

Oh, perfunctory him?

"Okay." Lu Lingxi looked at Bai Po quietly, and she could see that she was very serious: "You can make a set of comprehensive examination papers and let me see, okay?"

She found a comprehensive examination paper on the table.

It took Bai Po 20 minutes to return the paper to Lu Lingxi.

Lu Lingxi is a Chinese teacher. She put away the test paper and handed it to the physics teacher in the same office, asking him to help evaluate the test paper.

Then he said to Bai Po gently: "Come on, I'll take you to our class. There are 20 classes in the third year of senior high school, and we are in Class 15."

Ji Shaojun also followed.

The third year of high school is a separate building with five floors from top to bottom, with four classes on each floor, two stairways, and offices in the middle.

Teacher Lu's office is on the second floor, and Class 15 is in the middle of the third floor.

When I passed a stairway, a girl in school uniform came up on the second floor holding a composition, "Ms. Lu."

"Student Ren," Lu Lingxi stopped holding the mirror frame with his hands, and said in a gentle voice, "Put your homework on my desk, wait for me, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Ren Wanxuan looked up, but saw Ji Shaojun.

She hadn't met Ji Shaojun a few times, but he looked like her father, so she could recognize him.

But at this moment, her attention was on the people around Ji Shaojun——

It's her, Bai Po.

Ren Wanxuan was taken aback for a moment, and thought a lot in a flash. Did she really transfer to this school?

Has the Ji family mentioned the Ren family to her?

When Ji Shaojun saw Ren Wanxuan, he could tell what she was thinking by looking at her eyes, and he looked away calmly.

He used to be very kind to Ren Wanxuan. Once he wanted to ask Ji Shaorong for help with something, so he went through all kinds of hardships to enter Ren's house.

Then I saw the painting he gave to Ren Wanxuan in the trash can of Ren's house.

Since then, I have never been to Ren's house again.

Lu Lingxi smiled and explained to Bai Po and Ji Shaojun in a low voice, she sighed: "That's Ren Wanxuan, this kid is really, really smart, he skipped two grades in junior high school, student Bai, you'll know after two days at school She is here, and if you have the opportunity, you can ask her for advice on how to study."

Ren Wanxuan didn't care about Ji Shaojun, she smiled at Lu Lingxi, looked away and went to the office.

Putting the homework on the table, I saw a comprehensive test paper on the table.

Good night, go to bed early~

ps: (Stop calling me bald!!!)

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