Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 130: Collective wisdom

In the hut, the conversation has entered a substantive stage.

"Why do you really want to do this?" Those who said this had obvious concerns in their voices.

"Otherwise? Waiting for exhaustion?" The questioning voice immediately came next: "Martin, are you scared?"

"Of course not ..." Martin replied, "I just feel that it would be too urgent to do so right away."

"Urgent? It's too late to be in a hurry! You timid ..."

"Brandon, don't say it first." A calm voice joined, first stopping Brandon's abuse, and then facing skeptical Martin: "Martin, I know what you think, you should feel that today's work Although tired, Renyi Ren seems to be able to survive, and can still eat beans, maybe more tomorrow ... "

"Rory, you know mine, how could I be because of the beans ..." Martin quickly explained.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter ... what's wrong with wanting to eat beans? Even me, I want to eat beans." Calmly Rory continued: "The people sitting here now, you, me, everyone are serfs ... master Let us be unlucky and hungry every day. Who doesn't want to eat more? "

The serfs in the shack bowed their heads.

"However, everyone needs to see ..." Rory raised his voice. "How much effort did you spend today for these sips of beans? Terrence, did you fall three times today?"

"Well ..." Terrence rubbed her arms and nodded.

"Brandon, I saw your legs shaking at the end of work." Rory turned to the impatient Brandon.

"It's starting to hurt now," Brandon snorted.

"And you, Martin ..." The timid Martin was not let go. "Just like this, your stomach called three times."

Martin felt his stomach and didn't answer.

"Look at you, who still has the strength to look like this?"

All three shook their heads at the same time.

"Can't be foolish, who will help you do more?" Rory continued.

"Ha, how much work ..." Brandon's interface of the impatient: "Martin, you just look forward to the beans! They all eat the same things, they all do the same work, and after two days, they will have enough feet. Strength, it's our turn! "

Martin didn't speak.

"Martin ..." Rory said earnestly: "You may think that you haven't been with us for a long time, there are not a lot of people, and there are few times when you force others to do more work for you. They don't hate you too much. At that time, bear with it, take a few beats, and after passing through it, you can eat beans with them ... "

"It's true that you think so, even if it's us ..." Rory pointed to himself, Brandon, and Terrence, in turn. "Stopped them for so long, robbed them so much, let They helped take so many sticks many times, and did so much work ... As long as we are willing to shrink our heads, let them hold back a few times, and starve for a while, let them grab back some food, it should be Can be let go ... Those guys can do so much, otherwise it wouldn't have been so comfortable for us before. "

"But! Is it worth it?" Rory said aloud, "Are you willing? Just for two couples of beans, can you make it? For so many years, everyone has spent so much effort and suffered so many sticks, so that they are afraid of us, only let us Life was a little more comfortable. Who would you let the previous efforts be in vain? "

"I definitely don't want to!" Brandon jumped out again. "Without their bottom, how tired it is to do so!"

"I don't want to," Terrence said dumbly. "I'm not afraid of being tired, but I want to live a few more years."

"Who doesn't want to live?" Rory sighed first, then said decisively: "But if you want to live longer, you must not work like today! At least a few of us must not be as tired as today It's up! "

"Yes!" "Yes!" Brandon and Terrence nodded heavily.

"Martin, how about you?"

Martin nodded slightly.

"Okay!" Regardless of how much Martin nodded, Rory exclaimed, "From tomorrow on, we will still be half as strong as before!"

"Hmm!" Brandon nodded again, suddenly hesitating: "Tomorrow morning, will it be the same for the first time?"

"It's the same!" Rory replied without hesitation. "Relax, you've all seen it today. Roth's method works very well ... Only a few of us can relax a little bit, and those guys can add a little strength, and they can still reach The first branch, we can also mix two bites. "

"If the first one can be reached ..." Terrence rubbed his arms, exposing the first smile in the shed. "The position of the second branch is even more problematic."

"What if it doesn't arrive ..." Even if he had agreed, Martin's fears did not go away.

"I didn't arrive until ..." Brandon also laughed. "If you are unlucky, everyone is unlucky. How much strength can Antoine have by one person? It's our turn, and we're hitting two or three sticks at most. . "

"What if it is found?"

"Ha, who found it?" Brandon also smiled. "Still the same, so many people, how many can Antoine stare at?"

"Andre and Los are the same ..." Rory on the opposite side added: "How could these two masters, the current master and the later master, keep an eye on serfs like us?"

"People who work with us always know." Martin said.

"So what?" Brandon didn't care: "Who dare to say? Which dare to say? Whoever dares to say it will hit anyone! How many sticks did we suffer in the commons? Back in the village, we each gave him Same weight! "

"Because of this, we have to start tomorrow and work with only half of our energy ..." Rory emphasized again: "Only in this way can we have more energy and can hurt them!"

"Well, don't talk about those ... Let's see what way to relax tomorrow ... The new way Los works is really a little embarrassing ..."

The topic gradually entered the discussion of technical details.

The next day.

Middle Ages, February 17, 0001.

Under the tree, the person giving the order changed.

Gather serfs, form a team, and reiterate your promise ...

Wu Qingchen assisted, and Andrei began to take over the actual operation.

In the muddy commons, Rory winked at Brandon, Terrence, and Martin with an uncertain look on his face.

If the inexperienced Andre came to host, the slower work speed would be more easily accepted ...

Silently recalling the "relaxation" technique discussed the night before, Rory's grasp was a little bigger.

Rory had no idea when he made a decision and wanted to be truly successful ...

The simple collective wisdom summarized by the four in a hurry the night before, in addition to confronting the police Antoine, the quasi-master Andrea, and other serfs who have been repeatedly oppressed, they also have to confront another huge collective wisdom .


After 15 minutes.


03:27:31, May 14, 2012.

United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events-Department of Unified Cooperative Relations-Staff Group-Human Resources Team, Command Center.

Thousands of square meters of huge command center lights.

Directly in front of the command center, a huge LCD screen 70 meters long and 25 meters high is divided into many hierarchical screens.

The largest and most prominent of these screens is naturally Wu Qingchen's close-up dynamic image in the medieval world at this moment.

On the left of Wu Qingchen's image, there are four quarter-sized split screens. At the moment, they show Little Andre, the commons, the serfs, and the horoscope.

To the right of Wu Qingchen's image, there are dense small screens-no matter how small they are one meter wide and 75 centimeters high-showing the close-up dynamic images of each serf separately.

No screen size, super high resolution, so that every detail of the video is fully visible.

When Rory just started winking at Brandon, Terrence, and Martin, in an instant, countless command centers, video frames showing the heads of four people flashed a dazzling red light.

This is the urgent development of integrated micro-expression recognition software to start the alarm.

Half a minute later, the analysis team, the sentiment group-many command centers of the same size-instantly uploaded and shared the conclusions of the first round of human identification: the four had a common secret.

All command centers, Rory, Brandon, Terrence, Martin, four were immediately included in the key surveillance targets.

Like most command centers, the staff HR team, the command center ’s LCD screen, the video heads of the four people were immediately increased from the original size to four times, and the location was directly switched to the huge image of Wu Qingchen. side.

In addition, besides the video avatars of the four people, there is also an extra synchronization screen listing dense parameters.

The first column is the basic status: heart rate: / body temperature: / respiratory rate: and so on.

The second column is mental state: Attention: / Tension: / Emotions: etc.

The third column is the state of the body: stride: / calories: / muscle :, etc.

Fourth, fifth ...

When he first entered the Middle Ages, in order to allow Wu Qingchen to bear the minimum amount of labor, the earth collected thousands of lazy masters from all walks of life.

Now that the first round of the crisis has passed, these masters who had managed to convene did not leave.

With such detailed data and top peers in so many fields supporting each other, the tricks of Roland and the other four were immediately dismantled.

The conclusion quickly reflects the parameters, column n: 43% labor efficiency.

Ten minutes later.

"A false alarm ..."

Looking at the parameters shared instantly by the "Lazy Master Division", the duty director of the command center wiped his forehead with sweat: "It turns out that these guys just want to be lazy ..."

"We still need to pay attention to ..." the deputy director next to reminded: "This is also the scope of work of our human resources team."

"It should be okay, there are considerations in this plan ..." Then, the director pointed at the screen in front of him: "Look, Mr. Wu Qingchen has found it."

"Lazy ..." The deputy director shook his head with a bitter smile: "In front of Mr. Wu, it's really an awkward job ... Look at the results of the next round of labor."

Each round of labor takes two hours as the node.

In addition to causing huge difficulties and greater manpower and material consumption, the 1:30 time magnification is not without any benefit.

For example: 4 minutes on Earth corresponds to 2 hours in the Middle Ages.

Now, the director of the command center can immediately see the contents of two hours, four hours, six hours, and eight hours later.

The duty officer opened four videos at the same time, and in the video that has been preliminarily edited:

In the first round, the three groups of serfs reached 100%, and they ate the beans. The serf group was quite happy. Wu Qingchen remained silent.

In the second round, the efficiency of the three groups was reduced to 85%, and many serfs looked embarrassed. Wu Qingchen remained silent.

In the third round, the efficiency of the three groups was worthy of 70% of the passing line. More serfs noticed, and Wu Qingchen started talking with Andrea.

The initial edited video did not have time to dub, but important dialogues have been marked with subtitles:

Wu Qingchen: The serfs on your side can start organizing the team.

Andre: OK.

Wu Qingchen: Organize two groups.

Andre: Why? Isn't it the same to organize three groups?

"Why?" The deputy director asked himself and answered, "Should leave a certain position, wait for the establishment of a branch, to strip off bad assets!"

Fourth round: Two new groups are formed, and Rory and others continue to be lazy.

Fifth round: Rory and others are still lazy. In the original three groups, the labor efficiency finally fell below 70%. Wu Qingchen started talking with Andrea again.

At this time, in the medieval world, it was almost dusk.

After the fifth round of labor, Andre concentrated the original three groups of serfs.

Serfs who did not complete the task were nervous.

Wu Qingchen: Don't be afraid, not everyone is wrong.

Andre: Yes, someone is lazy inside!

Wu Qingchen: Will not punish everyone.

Andre called the serfs one by one and went around the tree to talk alone.

"Stupid? Don't blame the public? Want to intimidate?"

Looking at the parameter column, the Psychological Analysis Group initially estimated that the countermeasures that Rory and the other four might take when they were lazy.

The deputy director dismissed: "I don't know what an anonymous complaint is, right?"

In the video, Rory and the other four changed their faces, but they were not too scared.

Next, four people were selected from the last remaining serfs to add to the division of labor and cooperation. The police officers dragged out the four people who had been defined as bad assets, such as Rory, and threw them to the corner. Two police officers Watching work alone.

Realizing that the situation was not good, the divested non-performing assets quickly worked hard, but, for the sake of habit, within a few minutes, when Brandon was busy, he habitually stopped.

Antoine held the stick and walked over.

The next moment, with a completely different way of holding the stick than before, poking out the angle, the way of carrying capacity ... The stick in Antoine's hand poked Brandon.

As if struck by a thunderbolt, Brandon's face immediately appeared extremely distressed. He twitched, shaking his hands and feet, and collapsed into the mud like a bale of straw that had lost its support.

Standing by, Antoine waited quietly for a while, then raised Brandon again.

Brandon continued to collapse.

Antoine raised the stick again.

Like a rabbit that was greatly frightened, Brandon rushed out instantly. He picked up the farm implements, waving his hands like a hot wheel, and devoted himself to farm work in the commons with 150% strength.

"Why ... why ..."

Looking at this scene pitifully and irritably, the deputy director shook his head and suddenly looked at the full-time job next to him: "Director, I heard that this is a method summarized by the owner of a black coal kiln? I don't look like it, this, This is too professional! "

"No, in the last round of testing, the coal boss's method was rejected ..."

The duty officer said: "Although the boss's method does not cause permanent damage to the body when testing ... However, this wild way method still has doubts. Anyway, even a serf, every time One is also a valuable asset of the village of Akeli, and it is enough to learn it properly, there is no need to cause labor loss. "

"Then there is a normal way?" The deputy director pointed to Antoine police officer holding the stick: "What is the normal way to come?"

"Neither hurt, but it is extremely painful ... Of course, it is the American army stick method."

The admiring expression on the director's face showed: "It is true that there is still a big gap between our country and the US military."

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