Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 146: work out

Out of the house, Wu Qingchen went straight to the secret kitchen.

At such an early time, and just after having breakfast, Wu Qingchen came over, of course, not to fill his stomach in the past.

Secret kitchen.

In the flat sand beside the stream, Wu Qingchen took off his wooden shoes, closed his legs, his arms dropped naturally, and his eyes were straight ahead.

After a few clicks on his head, Wu Qingchen swayed with both hands and started to stand still.


About half an hour, this scene near the stream, one after another entered the Wu Qingchen video website, Wu Qingchen's TV channel updated list.

With the release of "regular companies" such as "joint ventures" and "joint office", the exercise effect of Wu Qingchen in the Middle Ages will be superimposed on the world ’s 7 billion human beings and spread quickly through the major public opinion channels.

Dismissed as ridiculous, unbelievable and doubtful, this is the first reaction of most ordinary people when they learn the news.

Except for certain groups.

Luo County, Hubei.

First citizen hospital, inpatient department, ward.

On the morning of this day, the news of the exercise effects of the Middle Ages spread, and the whole hospital started to make a noise.

At noon on this day, all the televisions and all broadcast time of the entire hospital have been locked on the Wu Qingchen TV channel.

It was late at night.

Right now.


Leaning on the bed, holding her mother's hand: "What is this brother doing in the TV?"

"Mom doesn't know ..." Mother shook her head and stared at the TV tightly. "But no matter what the brothers inside do, they are helping ..."

"I know ..." I nodded. "It's this brother who made my legs move!"

"Yes ..." The mother stroked her daughter's face: "Not only can you move, you can stand up in the future ..."

"Mom ..." I put my head in my mother's hands. "When I can stand up, can you take me to thank this brother?"

"Brother is very busy and may not have time to see you."

"Then I will write to thank my brother."

"Okay, when I stand up, Mom writes with you. Thank you, brother."

It was during the evening inspection that the attending doctor led several interns and was also in the ward, examining the patients in the first two beds.

"Hey?" After hearing the conversation between mother and son, an intern standing outside the circle looked back: "Come here! Look at it! Wu Qingchen this ... seems like ... seems to be ... Ready to do exercises? Time to exercise! "

"Ah?" "Really?" "Really?"

The attending doctor and several other interns immediately turned around and stared firmly at the TV.

The patients in the other beds, the relatives of each bed, stood up and stared firmly at the TV.

The uncle's mother who had been staring at the TV set firmly grabbed the sheets around her.

At this time, on the television, Wu Qingchen started to exercise.

"Really!" An intern immediately determined: "Yes! Exercise has started! ... the eighth set of radio gymnastics!"

"Yes!" Another intern nodded hard: "That's it! Our school does this every day! The eighth set of radio gymnastics!"

"Yeah!" "Exercise!" "Really exercise!" The country really let Wu Qingchen exercise! "

Cheers rang throughout the ward.

"It's saved!" "Dad, you will definitely be better!" "Great, old man!"

The other wards outside the corridor, and the other wards on the upper and lower floors cheered.

"God has eyes!" "Wu Qingchen ... great!"

The entire hospital, other hospitals, and hospitals in other cities cheered.

"God!" "May God bless you! Early morning Wu!"

The vast majority of hospitals around the world have tidy cheers.

"Well ... not right!"

It is still in the ward of the inpatient department of the First Citizen's Hospital in Luo County, Hubei.

In a cheering atmosphere, a family member of a patient suddenly said, "Isn't it that there are many experts who specialize in teaching Wu Qingchen? How do you finally come up with this thing to exercise? Isn't this ... the simplest thing?"

"Yeah!" Hearing that, the family members of the other patient were also puzzled. He held his father's left hand because the cervical hyperplasia suppressed the nerves, which led to muscle atrophy: "No matter how difficult the conditions are, there is no other side Tree? Should n’t it be difficult to do a few pull-ups? Exercise your upper limbs more, even in the Middle Ages, it ’s always good to have more strength with your hands? ”

"No no no ..."

The family member of the patient who spoke first disagreed. While massaging his wife's legs for a long time in bed, he shook his head and said, "Climbing a tree is too dangerous! Besides, the most important thing for farm work is actually waist and leg strength ... The squat jump steps are simple, and no equipment is needed! "

"I think this big brother is right."

Next to the last bed, stroking her daughter's immovable feet, the sloppy mother agreed with the family members of the middle bed.

"Doctor, what do you say?"

"Doctor, can you do exercises?"

"Doctor, why do you exercise more and why do you do exercises?"

how could I know?

The attending doctor and the intern looked at each other with a grin.

"This, the country should have comprehensive consideration."

"Or maybe ..."

Slightly groaned, sorted out a little thought, the attending doctor said: "Well, sports, most of the items can indeed achieve the purpose of physical fitness, but ... at the same time there is the possibility of injury. You know, the whole With so many professional athletes in the world, which is not the heart and soul of their country? Which one is not looked after by the most professional team? In this way, isn't the injury constantly going on? "

"That's for the results, right?" The patient's family at the entrance said, "You must fight to be the first!"

"The fierce competition and the challenge of course are the main reasons," said the attending doctor. "But it also shows that the risk of the sport itself cannot be ignored."

"Well ..." The family member of the patient at the exit sighed: "How nice if Wu Qingchen only stays on the earth ..."

In addition to the unconscious 囡囡, the patients in the entire ward, the family members are very concerned.

If Wu Qingchen is on the earth, a training team composed of thousands of experts, he can definitely design a set of exercise schedules that are accurate to seconds for Wu Qingchen, and then use an equally large team to protect him and reduce the risk of sports to lowest.

"Even if the conditions in the Middle Ages are difficult, sports are risky again ..." After a short while, the family members of patients in the middle bed shook their heads puzzlingly: "Will there be only radio gymnastics to choose from?"

"Someone says this online ..."

An intern who looked down at his mobile phone said, "Although there are many sports on the earth, in the medieval world, Wu Qingchen could only exercise alone. There are too many factors restricting safety. In fact, the choices the earth can make are quite limited. "

"In addition ..." The intern changed his breath and continued to say, "Considering normal people-according to the information disclosed-Wu Qingchen's qualifications can only be said to be smart, and his learning ability has been pushed to the limit ... Middle Ages There are countless projects in the world that require training, and it's clear that exercise doesn't take much time quota. "

"If nothing unexpected, the Earth team can only choose among Wu Qingchen's already familiar and basic exercise programs ... Therefore, the inclusion of radio gymnastics is simply inevitable: freehand exercises, no equipment, and land occupation It is also very small, and it has been promoted throughout the country. There is definitely no problem in safety and convenience. The most important thing is that this thing Wu Qingchen should always be there? At least it should have an impression? How can the training time cost be the lowest? Right? "

The intern finished reading.

There was a little silence in the ward.

"In fact, radio gymnastics is also very good."

In the silence, an intern comforted: "Broadcast gymnastics was originally a scientific fitness exercise carefully organized by the State to strengthen the physical fitness of the people ... When doing these exercises, the limbs, joints, muscles, and respiratory system, Almost the whole body's movement is taken into account ... if the exercise effect can be covered, whether it is the uncle or the aunt ... "

The interns pointed to patients who had muscle atrophy in their left arm and paralysis of their lower limbs on two beds: "... it should be good."

"Covered all over?"

"Of course!" The intern nodded quite surely. "Look ... the previous sessions are almost over ..."

As he said, the intern pointed at the TV screen and said, "... stretching, breast expansion, kicking ... these three things do not take into account the activities of the upper limbs, lower limbs, and the entire body. …what?"

The intern "咦" sounded loud.

"What's wrong?" The patient's family asked immediately.

The attending doctor and other interns also looked over.

"Nothing, nothing ..." The intern quickly waved his hand: "Look, Wu Qingchen's action is quite standard!"

"Of course it's standard!" Another intern said smoothly as he turned his head, "It is estimated that the editor of the eighth set of radio gymnastics taught it directly!"

"Well, right ..." "This ..." "Right here?"

After watching for about half a minute, several interns who had not left the campus for a long time frowned.

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