Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 15: What is poverty?

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old Los / Moore, or Wu Qingchen, was unaware of it, and unintentionally, he set a goal that Old William looked quite ambitious.

For such a trivial matter, Wu Qingchen now has no extra energy to consider.

It has been ten days since entering the Middle Ages.

Wu Qingchen said silently again.

Just halfway through the morning, this is Wu Qingchen's eighth thought today.

From this we can see how the days of the Middle Ages were like Wu Qingchen.

There is no way, in this dream world, clothing, food, shelter, travel, and the four major elements of human existence, none of them is not to make Wu Qingchen anguish.

Just say clothes.

Clothes ... To be more precise, Wu Qingchen has refused to acknowledge their identity.

After the serious reminders of the attitudes of numerous professors, entering the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen actually tried his best to prepare for the hardships and hardships. The Middle Ages robes must have been sewn by housewives. Such garbage must be rough and ugly Sparse pins, overlapping patches ...

If it were just that, Wu Qingchen could barely tolerate it.

However, reality gave Wu Qingchen a heavy blow.

Wu Qingchen has never even heard of the fact that there is a cloth for clothes in the world, which can be worse than a mop that has been used for at least three years. There is actually a fiber for clothes in the world, which can be better than restaurants. The wire **** used for washing dishes are even harder;

Wearing such clothes, every day, every action, is a new challenge for Wu Qingchen.

Because Wu Qingchen has good reason to suspect that his movements only need to be a little bigger, his skin is likely to be cut by rough clothes with one or two **** wounds ...

Even more tragic is that such garbage is still a precious property for families in the Middle Ages!

An outer robe, an inner robe, and a pair of wooden shoes. This is what Wu Qingchen owns, all the items related to wearing.

Because of this tragedy, washing clothes for the first time in the medieval world, Wu Qingchen faced a very difficult choice: wash the outer robe first, or the inner robe first.

This has a direct bearing on whether the next day is going to the vacuum or wearing underwear.

As for not washing ...

Coming to the Middle Ages to be a beggar-like native, it is already miserable to have to wear a mop. Is it really like other beggars, wearing a mop that was not washed for three years?

Thinking of this, Wu Qingchen was nauseated.

However, Wu Qingchen was not worried about vomiting at all, because for ten days, Wu Qingchen had never had a full stomach.

Every day, every meal, Wu Qingchen ate the same food.

Green soup, green pods, green goo.

What's more, the selling of these three things is as ugly as ever, and you don't need to get in your mouth. Just looking at it can make you lose your appetite.

Especially the green slime.

Until now, Wu Qingchen didn't figure out, it was obviously peas, and when they were put in the pot and then came out, how could they turn into such a strange and strange thing.

It's no exaggeration to say that they are strange.

After eating for two days, Wu Qingchen has discovered that there is an important reason why the food in the medieval world is so unpalatable.

Because they are all natural green healthy foods.

More specifically, the food in the Middle Ages contains almost no seasonings.

No oil, no pepper, no spices, no MSG ...

Only after eating a meal like this for two or three days in a row, the middle-aged woman who cooks will first look out of the door sneakily, confirming that no one will pass, then quickly walk into the depths of the wooden house, from the most corner A wooden box was found under the bunk.

Careful again, grind a little black powder from a dark, almost stone-like object in the wooden box.

Finally put the black powder into the cooked food.

The whole process is like taking a drug and sucking into a homeless addict to pull out the last nerve anesthetic agent made by himself with a cold medicine and a tranquilizer!

And these black powder drugs are actually just the worst kind of salt.

Adding such salt, the food did add a little bit of insignificant salty taste, but at the same time there was also a bit of astringent sourness.

It also makes the pastes that are natural enough to taste closer to the taste of the leaves.

Even with such leaves, there are only two meals a day.

Yes, there are only two meals a day!

Generally speaking, the trajectory of Wu Qingchen's life in these ten days is generally as follows:

In the morning, the sun had not yet risen, and it was dark in all directions. At about 4 or 5 am, Wu Qingchen followed his father out of the house.

Walking for half an hour to an hour on the broken village road, the sky was slightly bright, and Wu Qingchen almost stood in the field.

Then I immersed myself in hard work for about three or four hours, and my body was sore. When I couldn't do it anymore, I walked home with my father for half an hour to an hour.

At this time, it was about 9-10 am, and I started to eat the first meal of the day, which is breakfast.

After having breakfast for about ten minutes, I took a break with my father and walked out of the house again. I couldn't tell what to do in the morning or the afternoon, because they were often connected together with almost no rest in the middle.

Keep doing this until the sky started to darken. Wu Qingchen would drag the tired body out of the field again and walk around for an hour or so. The sun was almost completely down and the road was almost invisible. Just in time for home.

This time is the second meal of the day, which is dinner.

Authentic sunrises, sunsets, never day intervals.

A long time ago, when Wu Qingchen was a young man on the earth in the 21st century, in his free time, he read books about ancient times or watched movies about ancient times. Wu Qingchen had some doubts: he always said that the ancient peasant labor was extremely heavy. In the end there was almost no free time, what exactly were they doing.

Now, Wu Qingchen understood a lot.

One of the simplest cases: it is only ten days since he came to the Middle Ages. Following his father and elder brother, Wu Qingchen has traveled to the northeast and southwest of the village and has a basic understanding of the basic situation of the village.

Of course, this is not a tour of mountains and rivers, nor is it because his father noticed Wu Qingchen's first arrival and led him to the familiar environment.

The reason for this is that Wu Qingchen's family is not concentrated in one place, but scattered in all directions around the village. Wu Qingchen roughly calculated that in the past ten days, he has gone to work more than 30 times. Office.

Every place is at least half an hour away from his wooden house. Just walking to the field and walking home from the field, Wu Qingchen spends at least a third of his time every day.

What's more terrible is that with regard to the 30 or so fields that Wu Qingchen has seen so far, each is at least half the size of a football field.

In other words, if divided by heads, each man in Wu Qingchen's family would have to bear at least five football fields.

The large labor area of ​​five football fields, most of which are made of wooden farm tools;

This is Wu Qingchen's labor intensity.

There are only two meals a day, all of which are vegetarian, without a little bit fishy, ​​or even the presence of oil;

This is Wu Qingchen's nutrition level.

The huge difference between the two, coupled with completely different tastes, anyone will understand why Wu Qingchen has not eaten a full meal for ten days.

In short, wearing rags, eating leaves, sleeping turf, and stepping on the mud, this is what Wu Qingchen used to eat, drink, and live in the ancient world.

What is poverty?

After spending ten days in desperation, even after washing his face, he had to flip through the whole wooden house to find half a rag. Wu Qingchen had a deeper understanding of poverty:

What is poverty? Poverty is a spotless dustbin with nothing extra.

Chapter 15 What is poverty? (under)

"Loss ... Loss ... wake up, it's time to go."

At this time in the morning, Wu Qingchen, who had a rest with closed eyes and quietly rested, became a little confused.

Pushed a bit, Wu Qingchen turned back, Grace stood by the side, and once again prepared the agricultural tools to be used next.

At this time, Wu Qingchen no longer needed to pretend to be deaf.

In the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen was able to understand the language, and there were no obstacles to dialogue.

Don't get me wrong. Mastering a foreign language in ten days is not because Wu Qingchen has a rare language talent, but because the foreign language is too simple.

To be precise, it should be barren or backward.

Sociologists and linguists taught Wu Qingchen that he once said that language is a tool for communication, especially for daily spoken language. The complexity of language is closely related to the development of society. There is no complicated social environment. There is no developed spoken language system.

The Middle Ages followed the same pattern.

Similar to the learning process of most languages, Wu Qingchen's first contact with the languages ​​of the medieval world was also nouns.

From the nouns, we can see the backwardness of the language in the medieval world.

Do you know the name of the huge fireball hanging in the sky during the day?


Do you know the name of the disc hanging in the evening sky?

It's also the sun.

Do you know the name of the rush that occasionally lights up?

Still the sun!

Did you see it? This is the name of the medieval world!

The task of distinguishing these three suns falls on the adjectives of the Middle Ages.

Do you know the name of the huge fireball hanging in the sky during the day?

Big sun.

Do you know the name of the disc hanging in the evening sky?

In the sun.

Do you know the name of the rush that occasionally lights up?

the little sun!

the little sun! Did you see it? This is the adjective of the medieval world!

The absurdity of adjectives is not only that: the river near the forest is called big water; the stream around the village is called middle water; the liquid in the pot is divided into two states, quietly called small water, and boiling is called diving; do? It doesn't matter, it can be called little water.

Little water!

Do you dare to believe?

At least Wu Qingchen couldn't believe his ears at all.

During the emergency training, the staff members repeatedly explained that they had entered the Middle Ages. Wu Qingchen should collect as much information as possible as soon as possible to lay the foundation for the next step.

Wu Qingchen thought that it only needed to master the language of the Middle Ages, which should be a very simple task.

However, after really being able to have a normal dialogue with the indigenous people of the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen realized that this was actually a very difficult content.

It's been three or four days that I can communicate normally. When chatting with the indigenous people of the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen always feels extra effort and always spends a lot of extra time and energy to understand what the other party wants to express.

This is a matter of no means, lack of rich vocabulary and accurate description. When Wu Qingchen communicates with the residents of the Middle Ages, the most common feeling is vagueness. It is far away from the village. It is still far away from the baron's territory!

How far is it? One day away, two days away, three days away ...

Nothing farther.

For the indigenous people in the Middle Ages, from birth to death, the vast majority of people have never left the village where they live, even at least two days ago, at least half of the indigenous people have never been to the village. !!

As a matter of course, for three or four days, what Wu Qingchen was able to understand through chat never exceeded the range of 20 kilometers.

Even within these 20 kilometers, what Wu Qingchen can communicate with the indigenous people is limited to peas, cabbage, oats, rye, barley; or goats, roosters, cows, big cattle, middle cattle, calves, etc. .

These are always the things that are on the surface and can be seen by the naked eye.

As for politics, philosophy, art, law ...

Please! Let's save some saliva. So far, Wu Qingchen hasn't even heard these words.

Using such a barren language and facing such a communication environment, it is conceivable that for Wu Qingchen, who likes chatting and usually has the biggest hobby after work, it is a kind of pain for Wu Qingchen.

Fortunately, the next activity may be a little new.

Leaving the dirty and dark dining table and following Grace out of the door, Wu Qingchen thought expectantly.

Although both had agricultural tools in their hands, Grace and Wu Qingchen's destination was no longer a certain part of the village, but the most prominent building in the center of the village.


Of course, just like the "sun" in the medieval world cannot be pronounced "taiyang", the word "church" is just Wu Qingchen's understanding. Anyway, the role it plays will not be much different from the role played by the earth church.

From the wooden house, about ten minutes or so, turning around a corner, the sharp corner of the church appeared in front of Wu Qingchen.

The bell has been ringing twice. When Wu Qingchen arrived, there were many villagers standing on the stone road in front of the church. Wu Qingchen and Grace walked to William, and several neighbors and friends joined them soon. Ranks.

While waiting, Wu Qingchen rarely had nothing to do, nor was he interested in talking with his neighbors about a new calf added to the Agnes family, and his eyes quickly turned around.

Standing close, Wu Qingchen noticed that compared with the wooden houses in the village, the church was indeed much stronger and more elegant, but the low fence on both sides was still damaged, and the gaps in the corners occasionally appeared a few tender. Grass seedlings.

The last bell rang.

Most of the villagers standing outside the door began to squeeze into the church, and only some daredevils, who were probably accustomed to partnering, remained outside.

Entering inside, Wu Qingchen found that despite the neat rows of wooden benches on both sides of the church, no one sat on it, and occasionally a child showed this tendency, and was soon caught by their father or The mother held a soft reprimand.

There are usually few people in the church. However, when observing these wooden stools, Wu Qingchen rarely sees dust or stains. Most of them are even cleaner than the stools that Wu Qingchen has been sitting on several times a day. .

There is still a little time left to pray and preach once a month, and to seize the last chance, most of the villagers in the church are talking eagerly, and there are people walking around from time to time, choosing close companions or finding a better one. position.

This situation lasted for about ten minutes. Later, the side door at the back of the church suddenly opened halfway. A boy of the same age as Roth / Moore came in and swept the altar and the podium at the front of the church with a furry hair. .

After doing this, the boy stood on the side of the podium. A priest in white robes, about thirty years old, walked quickly into the church, and the villagers on both sides quickly became much quieter, with only occasional coughing and sound pressure. Very low whisper.


With a crisp tweet, the little boy on the side of the podium did not know where to hide the hairpin. At this moment, he was tapping a little cymbal on the podium with a small wooden hammer.

it has started?

Wu Qingchen unconsciously pulled the two sides of the robe, and his legs stood up straight.

Beginning with a crisp "ding", the young priest used a monotonous, low-pitched voice, about what classics to recite, and after a few words, he replaced it with a vocal or response song, with the little boy next to him Resounded in a low voice.

The ritual did begin, but the pastor's words Wu Qingchen could not hear him at all. Most of them were chanting and praying, and sometimes even mixed with some unintelligible mumbles.

There was no other way. When I heard that the tone that was not too far away from me was a mess with my family a few days ago, Wu Qingchen quickly hurried to the left and right, and soon found that his nervousness and silence were unnecessary, because the pastor's recitation had not yet After two or three minutes, many villagers started chatting again, and even some people lazily leaned on the pillar.

Is this OK?

This is totally inconsistent with the religious rituals Wu Qingchen learned from movies or books.

However, such a relatively relaxed religious environment is certainly more in line with Wu Qingchen's wishes. Without any trace, Wu Qingchen's legs were slightly relaxed.

The pastor's recitation and chanting lasted about ten minutes.

The little boy on the side of the podium knocked again, and the priest stepped off the podium and stood next to the altar.

The villagers were quieter again. After a short while, the atmosphere in the church was stable enough, and the priest changed his solemn expression, and at the same time changed into some seriousness, but he returned to the normal narrative tone.

This is explaining the creed, which is preaching.

However, Wu Qingchen didn't know about this at this time. Wu Qingchen only knew that what the priest said at this time finally returned to the most understandable scope, and he quickly listened carefully.

The content of the pastor's statement is not complicated. First, it reminds the villagers to recall the previous sermons about penitent crimes, briefly describes several precepts that have been explained this year, and then begins to focus on another sin that should be avoided, which is laziness. Laziness is ugly and never good again.

When it comes to good times, the priest focuses on describing a beautiful world. It is about heaven that can eat a lot of paste every day. It only needs to be cultivated until dark to fill the stomach. But when it comes to ugly, the priest describes it more. A terrible world is about **** who can never grow wheat and cannot eat enough to eat.

This is a beautiful and terrible world ...

Wu Qingchen had tried his best to remain serious, but still twitched his lips uncontrollably.

However, even with such a humble vision and such empty threats, the preacher's sermon can occasionally cause villagers to widen their eyes to reveal the hidden yearning, or cover their mouths and make a few terrified exclaims.

In this way, for about an hour, the child knocked on Xiao Xiao again, and the priest returned to the podium, recite and chant again for about ten minutes, and the ceremony ended.

This is not the end, and there is another item of Grace, or it should be said that the villagers of the entire Akeli village actively participate in the focus of this prayer.

Distributing Holy Communion.

Putting down the scriptures in his hand, Mr. Rev. took a tree stick from one side of the altar and immersed it in the water bowl in front of the altar, closed his eyes for a moment, and then took out the tree stick and hung it to the two sides of the altar. Above the wooden box, after a few clicks, the priest reopened his eyes, raised the tree sticks high, and unknowingly became quiet. Many and many villagers patted both shoulders at the same time, and sang aloud, "Master ,together."

Then, several middle-aged men standing at the forefront approached the altar, opened the wooden box, took out a wooden plate filled with holy food, and distributed it to the villagers participating in prayer.

Wu Qingchen also got a share soon.

Carefully pinching this hard-won communion, Wu Qingchen's fingers trembled slightly.

There was no way, Wu Qingchen had to be so excited: the sale of this sacred piece of dark bread was too frightening, and the mildew spots all over the body were shocking. Wu Qingchen carefully widened her eyes, and it was difficult to find two from the dense spots. A position where I could barely squeeze my fingers and maintain this awkward posture was a little tortured by Wu Qingchen's fingers.

What the hell……

Lao Tzu knew that there must be no **** expectations for this **** world!

Just at this moment, I don't know if it was because the emotion was too angry. The church, altar, priest, and villager in front of Wu Qingchen suddenly trembled at the same time.

Yep? what happened?

Wu Qingchen froze slightly.

The next tremor was coming soon.

This is the tenth day into the Middle Ages!

Wu Qingchen reacted immediately, and this cognition immediately accelerated the tremor of the entire world, and everything suddenly trembled at the same time.

The next moment, a white light suddenly caught Wu Qingchen's eyes, and then returned to darkness instantly.


The room where the main object of the celestial event rests temporarily.

The eyelids trembled slightly, and Wu Qingchen opened his eyes sharply.

"long time no see……"

The first thing that got into Wu Qingchen's ear was the voice of an old acquaintance. At the door a few meters away, the young quarter police officer reclined the door of the house and grinned to reveal a smiley face: "Brother in the morning, welcome back to the earth, what's the matter? Can I help you? "

Ha ... I'm back!

I'm back!

For a moment, Wu Qingchen's brain was violently bursting, and at the same time, a series of sentences that quickly flew out of Wu Qingchen's mouth without any hesitation: "I want buns, I want soy milk, I want noodles, I want fish fillets ... Except for the **** slush, if there's anything you can eat, hurry up and help ... put oil! Put salt! "

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