Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 173: Routine

"Why must we increase taxes?"

Rev Praia looked at Wu Qingchen, and for a moment did not know how to answer this question since ancient times.

"Of course there is a tax!"

When Rev. Praia paused, standing next to him, Andrea had quickly responded, "What about the church without taxes? Where do we sleep? What do we eat with long ears? Where do the hammers and leather armor come from? What should I do? "

This ruling class awareness ...

"No, I'm not saying no taxes ..."

Wu Qingchen shook his head: "I mean ... if you just want these double-seed buckwheat, its practicality does not increase taxes."

"Well?" Xiao Andrei was very strange: "How did you receive buckwheat without tax ... Um? Do you mean the villagers come to church to worship the Lord after harvesting?"

"Don't count on this!" Andre sighed, "Brother Los, is a more pious villager who will remember the care of them and know that he should dedicate to the church from time to time ... but there are too few of them Little! The village of Akeli, the most are **** who try their best to owe tithes! These **** speak so nicely now, when the autumn harvest, they will not remember anything! "

"Yeah, you know that too!"

Wu Qingchen even nodded: "If the tithes were not collected in the past, if higher taxes were added, would these **** who had tried everything to owe them, would they instead hand in wheat to the church?"

"Hmm!" Little Andre snorted heavily: "In the past, there were not many wheat and not many villagers willing to be close to the church, but this year's good harvest, and Brother Los helped to heal cattle farming, made honeycombs, and waited until In the autumn, there must be a lot of villagers who are willing to report to the air ... Well! At that time, I must turn out these daring bastards, ignorant grateful dummies, rats that burrowed everywhere! "

Do you even know this?

Wu Qingchen's eyelids could not help jumping.

In addition to raising his status, Wu Qingchen's measures in the past two months also strengthened the church's dominance over the village to a certain extent. ——This concept is not difficult, not to mention that there are thousands of bureaucrats, bosses and other practitioners in various political fields to guide at any time. Even if Wu Qingchen is allowed to think independently, it is not difficult to draw basic conclusions.

However, behind closed doors, the radius of life is no more than ten kilometers, and it is almost surrounded by illiterates. The only semi-illiterate teacher does not give more than one hour of instruction per day. Under this premise, André mentions the increase in taxes and can immediately associate. To the practical use of this influence.


With this understanding, it is no wonder that the staff has always strongly suggested that Wu Qingchen must manage Andre's goodwill and build a deep friendship from an early age.

Fortunately, a 13-year-old child is far from being meticulous in thinking, so much is an opportunity that allows Wu Qingchen to set up a thoughtful, always correct and tall image.


Wu Qingchen smiled and shook his head and said, "Let ’s say that the villagers dig holes and hide food, it is almost impossible for others to know if the whole family can live through the winter ... And, indeed, many villagers are willing to give The church helps, but how many more people would be close to us if we raise taxes? "


Hearing the flaws pointed out by Wu Qingchen, Andrei froze. He lowered his head, thought for a while, and then raised his head quickly: "Then look for the parish! Find the baron! Send more police at that time Come here and take a few more dogs by the way! "

"The church will have an extra piece of food to fill these police officers and the dog's belly ... well, there is an extra dedication of the dog officer ..." When referring to the title of "dog officer", which has a very medieval character The expression on Wu Qingchen's face was very delicate: "Yes, the food back and forth on the road is not a small number."

"Yeah, I know ..." Andre shook his head helplessly: "That wouldn't help ... Which year would it be better to collect more wheat if you didn't come to the police from outside?"

"The policemen outside will not be polite to the villagers of Aikeli Village. When they leave, there will be a lot of trouble in the village ..." Wu Qingchen said, "Look, it's clear, add With taxes, the villagers will stay away from the church, the police outside will harm the village, and ... and they will have to dig a hole and find a way to deal with the outside police. How much care do the villagers have to take care of buckwheat? "

"That wouldn't work ..." Andre said again. "Who makes these **** just don't want to pay taxes honestly?"

"No ..." Wu Qingchen shook his head vigorously: "If it is the tithe and the baron's favor, the villagers may not be happy and will try their best to hide, but this time the honeycomb is another time. thing."

"Huh?" Andre frowned.

"In the past tithes and lord taxes, whether it was pasture, beans or wheat, from the beginning to the end, the villagers themselves planted from the mud, ploughing, sowing, weeding, watering ..." Wu Qingchen Holding his fingers: "... harvesting, threshing, drying ... there are too many places to move hands and feet. Regardless of stewards and churches, there is no time, no manpower, to stare at every villager in Akeli village . "

"Yeah!" Andre focused heavily: "As long as no one noticed, these **** hid wheat!"

"But bees are different!" Wu Qingchen said, "Whether it is a honeycomb or a wooden barrel, as long as it is placed beside the plot, you can see it at any time! And as long as there are bees, the surrounding plots are sure to be harvested in autumn. You will get an extra piece of wheat! "

"Huh?" Andrei still didn't understand what Wu Qingchen meant.

"That being the case ..." Wu Qingchen said with a smile: "Why do churches increase taxes? Isn't it just a matter of selling honeycomb directly?"

Sell ​​honeycomb directly?

Andre frowned, seemingly thinking of something, and seemingly unclear.

"Sell a honeycomb?"

Standing beside, listening silently to the conversation between the two students, when heard here, Rev. Praia's eyes lit up: "How to sell honeycombs?"

"Same as this!" Wu Qingchen pointed to the Acrylic Village Honeycomb Tax Collection Schedule in the hands of Rev. Praia. "Whoever wants a honeycomb, carry the food to the church by himself."

"Hmm ..." Rev. Praia nodded slowly. "... It's interesting."

"This ..." Andrei said, "What's the difference! Isn't wheat the same?"

"Of course it's different!"

Wu Qingchen explained: "The increase in taxes means that after the villagers have harvested, we will take another share. Of course, everyone is unwilling; selling honeycombs means that the villagers themselves want to collect more buckwheat and put the wheat into the church themselves."

Since the Middle Ages, the honeycomb was already the property of the old men, sitting on such high-quality monopoly resources, using taxes, or even tax increases, to obtain the derived benefits of increased bee production, how unwise, how low-end, how rigid way of doing!

The increase in taxes that André wanted was to quickly lay down the whole village's honeycomb network, give free land to the village of Aikeli, put on a halo to increase production, and then take part of the harvest from the villagers.

Wu Qingchen proposed selling honeycombs by first demonstrating the effect of increasing honeycomb production, and then letting the free people in Aikeli Village choose whether they would like to accept the gift of the church.

Collecting taxes, an obvious political move, pulling hatred and consuming labor, also requires aftercare.

Selling is entirely a commercial act, all on a voluntary basis, a one-time fee, and fair and reasonable.

"This ... this ..." Little Andre's head was confused, thinking for a long time, vaguely thinking of a detail, pointing at the sheepskin roll in the hands of Rev. Praia, and Andre said: "If you sell honeycombs like this Now, at this time, which villager can take out so much food? "

"Hehe." Wu Qingchen smiled slightly.

"Andre ..." At this point, Rev Praia had sorted out his thoughts and said with a smile: "This requires another kindness in the church."

"It's not easy to know that the villagers can take out so much food at once ..." Waving the sheepskin roll, Rev. Praia said: "The Lord is kind, the church is considerate, and everyone is specifically allowed to come to the church to pay for honeycomb after the autumn harvest. Out of food. "

"Isn't that the same tithe as before?" Little Andre didn't know what it meant: "By then, these **** would find a few places, dig a few holes in the middle of the night, hide the food inside, the church Still nothing! "

"Hehe." Wu Qingchen continued to smile.

There are people in arrears in property fees all over the world, and how many people in arrears in electricity bills?

"Hah ..." Rev. Praia also laughed: "Let them dig! Just hide! Don't pay for the honeycomb food this year. When next year, I'd like to see if they can get their place and be able to What to use to make buckwheat seeds! "


Andrei finally woke up.

Unlike previous farming, when the food is about to be harvested, the free people can of course try their best to secretly hide the food while working in the field, or in the middle of the night; the honeycomb made by Wu Qingchen lasts for two or three months. During this time, they must be placed beside the land at all times to achieve the effect of increasing production. There is no difficulty in supervising the church.

"Not bad……"

Rev. Praia smiled, looking at the tax schedule in his hand. Rev. Master Rev. beckoned: "Come, Andrea, take this sheepskin roll in ... well, by the way, go to my bedroom, there are a few more in it. Zhang, all are on the table. You go and get them, and you will shave them well ... "


Little Andre's face was a bit distorted: "Teacher, tax increases become selling honeycombs, but the statement is different. You don't need to scrape them all, just scrape them?"


Rev. Praia snorted: "The way to sell honeycomb with Los is not to use the police outside. You don't need to be distracted to dig the hole. The villagers can take care of the land with ease. No one should dare to owe any more ... no arrears, church Why bother collecting so much? "


Little Andrei knew that due to concealment and arrears, the tax form in Rev. Praia's hands was indeed a little higher than when it was actually collected in the future.


Little Andre looked at Rev. Praia in surprise: Teacher ... Well, is there anyone who discards too much food?

"go Go."

Rev. Praia waved his hand.

Little Andre is too young to understand. Many times it is not a good thing to collect too much.

First of all, this time the tax increase ... Well, the act of selling honeycombs was completely implemented for the first time. There was no precedent at all. The fewer factors that lead to accidents, the better.

Secondly, the method of selling honeycomb has almost completely cut off the possibility of concealment and arrears. If it is still collected in the way that sheepskin rolls have taken into account the gap, it can indeed get a large amount of food in one go this year, but this will baron The parish ’s appetite is raised, and what should we do next year and next year?

In the end, these mud-legs in the village of Akeli, although cunning and hateful, dominated the underworld to bring me here, not to let these poor lambs know his glory?



Thinking of this, Rev. Praia looked at Wu Qingchen, his eyes were very soft: "Yes, since there is no tax increase, the size of the land does not matter ... Now if you sell honeycomb, your land, and what you promised Those people are much easier to handle ... these households buy honeycomb food, you have to figure it out, and tell Andrei later. "

"Thank you, teacher!"

Wu Qingchen hurriedly thanked, feeling in her heart:

Who says people in the Middle Ages are stupid?

Look, as long as you have the right idea, when you declare to your superior, the master will offer the routine of internal price.

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