Kidnapping All Mankind

: The first volume Part "Ass" 224 Difference

Of course, Wu Qingchen does not have the ability to learn from the evil spirits in the holy scriptures. When it comes to IQ, Wu Qingchen must not be stupid, but he is definitely not smart.

These sketches can draw far more than the level of Rev. Paul and his two students. One is that the earth's painting skills are far beyond the Middle Ages. The other is that Wu Qingchen's personnel are trained by top experts. The third is Wu. Several lessons in the morning, and more than ten days of repeated practice in the medieval world, all skill points are consumed by the branch skills of "sketch".

In other words, Wu Qingchen can indeed draw good sketches, but for other drawing skills other than sketches, Wu Qingchen is basically blank.

This is a different training idea for different skills.

Aiming at core skills, such as bathing, brushing teeth, washing the face, making a bed, and brisk walking, which are the top priorities for Wu Qingchen's health, the earth is willing to coordinate a lot of valuable "Wu Qingchen time resources" and tirelessly train. Just the big event of brushing teeth, the earth spent more than ten hours, teaching Wu Qingchen to choose materials, pre-processing, making toothbrushes, correct brushing posture, toothbrush hygiene and so on.

As for non-core skills, such as farm work, healing cattle, mobile honeycomb, intervention grouping, painting skills, etc., are only transitional skills for status promotion, the "Wu Qingchen time resource" arranged by the earth will be much tighter and basically enough The overall guidance is always clear: do not seek comprehensiveness, perfunctory the past, and strive to create bright spots.

In other words: Since Mr. Wu Qingchen's qualifications are limited and his true level cannot be forced, he will try his best to let the part displayed to others be prettier.

As for the uninspiring part, the Earth Staff will naturally rack its brains and arrange a dodge speech for Wu Qingchen, or simply give it to others to implement.

For example, the skill of slacking in farm work; moving the honeycomb to command the serfs to help; manual intervention in groups to guide the villagers to work spontaneously ...

And ... adapt to the next set, and let Rev. Paul draw the "sketch", leaving 90% of the content.

It is not the pain of Wu Qingchen Xian to squeeze out this kit, and the task of perfecting these pictures to Pastor Paul is indeed based on very realistic needs:

Firstly, it provides a more favorable theoretical basis for the future implementation of the Mill Plan. Secondly, it consumes the energy of Rev. Paul and allows him to continue to make troubles within half a month to a month. Finally, let His Excellency Wu Qingchen export his anger. ——Wu Qingchen's mood is always an important indicator for the medical team to judge the health of the earth.


When Rev. Paul and his two students looked at the drawing board frowning, Wu Qingchen had already reached the place where the baron and others rested. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

As the guard said, Wu Qingchen's entourage such as Grace, Pamela, and Long Cohen, as well as the Ackerford-led farmers who gathered in the small village, have all arrived, standing in two groups and standing far away on the "street" On both sides.

Within a few minutes, the direction of the castle, came a string of trance, and brought everyone's breakfast.

Then you can see the difference.

The baron and others, as well as Wu Qingchen, of course ate steaming fruits, eggs, and fish soup; Wu Qingchen's entourage was also divided into beans and wheat porridge; the farmer in Fort Aford had only one bowl Waterweed.

In this way, these local farmers who were summoned all ate with laughter. After all, this was a meal that was invited by Baron Acford and did not require their own expenses.

After having breakfast and following the itinerary scheduled the night before, Wu Qingchen started the first technology promotion outside the village of Akeli.

After breakfast, enter the farmer's family and treat several incurable diseases related to cattle farming.

At the same time, staffing was arranged to organize the village of Fort Afford to practice the skills of night-moving honeycombs.

Before noon, drill into the forest, inspect the terrain, observe the location of the honeycomb, and arrange the movement route.

After noon, clear bushes, fill road gaps, etc., and remove obstacles to artificial intervention of bee colonies.

In the evening, the barrels will be filled in advance at the pre-set location.

At night, enjoy a second dinner with the bureaucrats, and by the way, practice the core skills of quitting dark cooking.

With the strong support of Baron Acford, the full cooperation of the management of the territories, and the strong desire of local farmers to learn, the day's trip was completed smoothly.

The effect is also quite pleasing:

Baron Akford saw hopes for a bumper harvest; the territorial management saw the next process of going to other villages; local farmers learned a lot of tricks to control cattle and increase production; even the entourage brought by Wu Qingchen in Akerford With the joy of Baron De, he also had the second delicious dinner party residue.

In addition, there are two episodes in the process of skill promotion on this day:

The first episode took place in the morning. When curing cattle, there were only four cattle in trouble. When everyone arrived near the lord's barn, they saw a dozen cattle and a dozen farmers waiting. . [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

The treatment process is very smooth. Although the effect will be delayed for a day or two, the stable footsteps of the injured cattle and the obviously soothing state can fully prove the effect of the treatment.

Looking at this effect, many farmers marveled, and bowed down collectively, and made a second request: I urged His Excellency Wu Qingchen to touch his own cattle and one's mind.

Obviously, this is a follow-up to the early miracle.

Wu Qingchen laughed and laughed, and repeatedly refuted, and had to cry and laugh to satisfy the wishes of these farmers.

Since it is an accident, it will definitely cause the earth to debate:

"It turned out that the Baron specially arranged 'miracles' and this purpose."

"It's no wonder that these fools have been fooled by the church and their lords for so many years."

"Is this religious brainwashing?"

"Dizzy! Also say a woolen brainwash! If this goes on, Wu Qingchen will be in trouble! Do you go in two rows wherever you go? Standing on the left, standing on the right, cattle, all the way?"

"Rest assured, the medieval world does not have this speed of information transmission."

"Do n’t worry,‘ everything is God ’s will. ’If you do n’t want to, Mr. Wu Qingchen can stop at any time.”

"Did you notice? Several of the farmers Mr. Wu Qingchen touched have a much better look?"


"It seems like it!"

"Ah! Really! I saw it too!"

"Oh my God! Lord! Isn't ... 'miracles' not flickering?"

"Province, what are you excited about? Have you heard of psychological effects? Have you heard of placebo? Some diseases, not to mention the Middle Ages, even if the earth is okay, it all depends on immunity and self-confidence ... Wu Qingchen Mr.'s current position and halo on his forehead really want to create a few miracles of 'touch and cure'. There is no difficulty at all. "


"It's great to know a little upset knowledge? What are you forcing? Just **** so that Earth people can't hope?"

"Don't buckle the big hat! My mother has had heart disease for years. I hope that Mr. Wu Qingchen will come up with the magic sooner than anyone ... But no matter how much hope, reason and logic have to talk about it? And, I What kind of unpopular knowledge you just said? Go to the official website of the interim committee and see if there is any accident, when Mr. Wu Qingchen has to flee, there is a complete set of magic stick tutorials in the training subjects on the back! "

"Well, escape your mother!"

"Well, run away!"

"Well, you mobs!"

The second episode takes place in the afternoon.

When clearing bushes, filling road gaps, and removing obstacles for manual intervention, due to the importance of the upper layers, the agricultural tools distributed to Wu Qingchen's entourage and local farmers were all fine agricultural tools taken from the Ackerford warehouse.

These carefully-maintained agricultural tools were deliberately sharpened when they set off in the morning. York and Harry, the two serfs from the village of Akeli, were responsible for the demonstration. They were quite uncomfortable to use and stumbled all the way. When the gap between the corners was reached, they either dug more soil or used the wrong strength. After a few minutes, they did not fill the gap, but made the void bigger and bigger.

In the end, Wu Qingchen couldn't stand it, went out on his own, stood at the side of the road, picked up the fork and shovel, and solved this difficulty three or two times.

This little accident, Baron Archford, and the surrounding bureaucracy did not care, but the Earth's huge analysis team noticed that this accident caused an unexpected effect:

After Wu Qingchen leveled the difficulties in person, the local farmers participating in the "training" and other farmers in the surrounding area were busy and observing the movement. Most of them immediately recognized Wu Qingchen and the technology promoted by Wu Qingchen.

The reason is that at about 73 meters away from Wu Qingchen, the dialogue between the two farmers was quite representative:

"Willie, when it's dark, hurry to find you. The honeycomb can't grab it, at least get a wooden bucket."

"Huh? Why? Didn't you still let me be careful yesterday? What did you say ... The barrels that the masters got out of are likely to lie to us ... What are the" honeycomb wheat "?"

"Yesterday was yesterday, and now it seems that this master is a veteran of work!"

"This ... the master is a veteran who works, and has something to do with the barrel?"

"Of course it matters! The master may lie to our 'honeycomb wheat', but it will certainly not go to the field to dig a few months of soil and then lie to our wheat!"



Regarding the work of moving the honeycomb at night, the local farmer in the Middle Ages, His Excellency, arranged a full day of practice. Several experienced hands-on hands-on coaches from the village of Akeli, and His Excellency in the past also pointed out several times in person.

The last step of the last process was completed. From morning to the present, Baron Archford reluctantly shook his head: "Lord Rose, you still need your followers."

"Well ..." Wu Qingchen also sighed: "No way, this job really needs time to practice."

Compared with the attendants brought by Wu Qingchen, this difference is too great!

The entrance and exit of the hive are opened-the swarm flies out-the hive swarms around the nest-the hive swarms back to the nest.

On this day, the process of curing cattle, clearing the road, and observing the honeycomb are all good. Whether it is Baron Axford, the bureaucracy of the castle, or Wu Qingchen, basically you just have to order it and watch the next person to work. Just fine.

Commanded by Grace, the burdock helpers Dean, serf York, Harry, and temporary guest police officers Antoine and Abbeville operated a four-celled honeycomb that had just come out of the forest and hung steady in the afternoon. Up wooden pole.

A few hours later.

However, "night-moving cellular" is different.

But how can progress be made?


Of course, these mistakes are definitely not His Excellency, and His Attendants' teachings are unwarranted. Baron Ackerford, Farming Officer, Forest Officer, Xiaozhuang First Class who have participated in the previous few shifts of honeycomb can see clearly Chu, this time moving the cellular at this time, although the final success rate is still very low, the intermediate steps and the methods of each step operation are much improved than before.

Middle Ages.

The crowd of bureaucrats frowned deeply, and Bark Archford exhaled a long time: "This job is not easy."

I don't know what happened. When the actual operation was carried out at night, these specially selected smart people were brought to the hope by the farmers of Axford, approaching the honeycomb, taking off the honeycomb, catching the honeycomb, moving the honeycomb, hanging the honeycomb. These steps have always made mistakes, and the few teams that have been specially selected are, as usual, the success rate of successfully completing the entire set of steps is extremely low.

at night.

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