Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part 248 Special Advisor, Head

"Mr. Wu, long time no see ..."

Paying attention to Wu Qingchen's line of sight on the big screen, the delegation from country Z—Wu Qingchen remembered that Li Ziping, who often appeared in the news webcast, smiled and nodded in the direction of Wu Qingchen.

Wu Qingchen habitually returned with a training smile.

"Mr. Wu ..." Li Ziping said with a smile. "Before the meeting, Mr. President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, I'm looking for you a little."

Li Ziping's words landed, and the US representative immediately and quietly pushed the black people who were caught in the middle by the representatives of the five hooligans.

The action of the American representative is very light, even gentle, but the black man trembled violently. At the next moment, as if a large group of lions were chasing behind him, the black man quickly drove his lips, and a long string of muttering language quickly moved from the black man. Spit out in his mouth.

——Wu Qingchen couldn't understand a single word of black people, but according to the linguistics of recent emergency training, Wu Qingchen vaguely felt that this guy's bird language didn't seem to be much advanced than the language of the Middle Ages.

At the same time, dozens of high-fidelity sounds placed in various directions of the simulation venue, thoughtfully transmitted a clear simultaneous translation.

"Dear Chairman, distinguished representatives of the United Nations General Assembly countries, distinguished members of the Executive Committee of the United Nations Astrological Event-members of the Interim Committee, ladies and gentlemen, friends ..."

"Here, I, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Ernest / Bay / Koroma, on behalf of all levels of government, government, relevant departments, and major parties in the Republic of Sierra Leone ..."

"I sincerely invite Mr. Wu Qingchen, a citizen of the People's Republic of China, as Special Adviser of the Republic of Sierra Leone-term of appointment is 99 years-during the appointment period, my country kindly asks Mr. Wu Qingchen Special Adviser to fully recommend, guide and review the state affairs of the Republic of Sierra Leone, The Special Adviser considers it necessary to exercise the following rights on behalf of the Republic of Sierra Leone:

1. Publish constitutional amendments, laws, decrees and treaties.

2. Convene Parliament.

3. Dissolution of Parliament.

4. Announce the general election of MPs.

5. Authenticate the appointment and removal of the Minister of State and other officials, and the credentials of the other officials are based on the credentials of ambassadors and ministers.

6, certification of amnesty, amnesty, commutation, exemption from execution and restoration of rights.

7. Grant the glory.

8. Certificate of ratification and other diplomatic instruments required by law.

9. Accept foreign ambassadors and ministers.

10. Hold a ceremony.

11, ... "

What's this ...? Invite me to be president of a country?

No, no ... not too president ...

Wu Qingchen still has a little political common sense. Listening to the string of rights uttered by the bird president, Wu Qingchen's head was dizzy:

Issue laws, organize parliaments, dissolve parliaments, and appoint officials at all levels ...

This is more than just inviting me to become the President of the Supreme Court. This is simply inviting me to become the will of the country, which is a combination of legislative, judicial, and administrative powers, and a constitutional incarnation!

What the hell! Isn't this kidding?

With just a few words from this birdman president, can we determine the entire fate of a country?

Isn't this too fun?

Wu Qingchen can think of the process issues, of course, the five major hooligans will not ignore.

Because of this:


About the same time.

A mercenary camp in the border area of ​​the Republic of Sierra Leone.

Two strong mercenaries carried a black man into the tent. The black man was embarrassed and covered with bruises all over, but the broken clothes and rich body can still be seen as ordinary and respectable.

Entering the room, the mercenaries pressed the black man into the iron marching chair.

"Oh ... this is not an attitude of voluntary invitation." A young man in a suit and leather shoes and glasses shook his head disgustingly, opposite the commanding chair, next to the commander, "please clean up for our Secretary of Defense."

The mercenaries loosened the handcuffs that tied the black hands, tied the ropes of the black people, shoved the walnuts in the black population, and started to clean the wounds and change the clothes for the black people.

The walnut was removed, and the black man immediately pleaded, "Please, please! Let me go! I am willing to do anything! Don't kill me, don't drown me anymore ..."

"No ... no ... rest assured ..." The young man comforted gently. "Mr. Del, you are safe."

"Really?" The black man yelled, looking at the young man hopefully.

"Of course." The young man nodded surely and took out a document: "Read these documents once and you are safe."

"This is ..." The black man took the document. "I, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Ernest / Bay / Koroma, would like to express my sincere invitation on behalf of all levels of government, government, relevant departments, and major parties in the Republic of Sierra Leone. Mr. Wu Qingchen, a citizen of the People's Republic of China ... "

"Look at this again ..." The young man offered another copy.

Blacks took over: "I, Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Leonard / Knox ..."

"And this." The young man handed out a third.

The black man took over again: "I, the Speaker of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Milo / Mason ..." Thinking of it here, the black man lingered a little: "When did Milo the fool become the speaker? The speaker is not the **** Kosi / Lamas ?"

"Oh? Don't you like Mr. Corsi?" The young man shrugged. "Maybe I should tell you, something that you hate, Mr. Corsi, is really a little unexpected."

"what happened?"

"You also know that law and order in your country is not ideal in the near future ..." The young man replied with regret: "Yesterday, a man with intermittent neuropathy rushed into the official residence with a gun. , Unfortunately died. "

Blacks fight a cold war.

"By the way ..." The young man remembered something suddenly: "By the way ... Before the accident, Mr. Corsi seemed to have a different opinion on these documents."

"I have no opinion, I have no opinion!" The black man shouted, screaming, "Where is my file ?!"

Thirty meters away, in another tent.

A brave man in a camouflage suit sneered at the man in a suit beside him: "For decades, cia is still this old-fashioned threatening rhetoric."

"Our Secretary of Defense is at least decent ..." He said, pointing to another display, a black man who was tied to a stand, covered with honey, crawled with big African ants, and howling, The man in the suit despised his face: "Your work is really as rough as the KGB era."

"That's because you were chosen to be cowards!"

"Oh? Then why can't you pick?"

"Huh!" The strong man in camouflage spit and spit, "It doesn't matter, we like to play games with tough guys."

"Hehe ..." The man in the suit laughed a few times and pointed to the surveillance screen again: "Say, your Minister of the Interior, can you still record?"

"Who cares?" The strong man in camouflage uniform shrugged. "This guy who likes to marry a 9-year-old girl is dead ... anyway, there are many deputies who can replace him."



Simulate the venue.

Wu Qingchen thought of the procedural problem in less than a minute, and the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone read this part:

"The Special Adviser co-invited:

President of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Ernest / Bay / Koroma

Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Leonard / Knox

Speaker of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Milo / Mason

Chief of Staff of the Military Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Nigel / Nevin

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Del / Sierra

Minister of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Al / Besimo

Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Sierra Leone: Bida / Raman

The Republic of Sierra Leone ... "

Ok! You win!

Wu Qingchen couldn't help but caressing his forehead.

Regarding the image of the black president with a swollen face and a frightened face when speaking, even without the training team's cultivation during this period, Wu Qingchen can see that this must be a trick created by the partnership of the five major hooligan states.

However, the problem is that although the "salary" just received, we can see that the Interim Committee has changed its attitude greatly, but even thinking with his butt, Wu Qingchen is extremely sure that he can never leave z Country, what special adviser to go to an African country thousands of miles away.

So, stoppering and giving me a special adviser to the Bird Country—or, what about the name of the Constitution incarnation?

The answer is soon revealed.

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