Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 81: I love you

Create difficulties, the enemy is strong, must be united, absolutely core, teammates pay ...

Guided by this concept and executed by professional players, the next game process, Wu Qingchen's feelings can be imagined.

Wu Qingchen's joint party continued to push quickly.

Oda Army, who also started to carry out the group plan, cooperated with it, showing the level of a competent black shop, and once entering the battlefield, he stared at the role controlled by Wu Qingchen to release his firepower.

The United Party insisted on implementing the established strategy of protecting Wu Qingchen. Professional players controlled the characters and performed a series of "fancy blockers just for Wu Qingchen to lose some blood" in front of Wu Qingchen. For Wu Qingchen to be able to run quickly "," The big move is empty, just to hold back the pace of the enemy "...

The entire team's fighting purpose revolves around itself, and no matter how hard the enemy forces can't move their hair, such a game experience is the pleasure that Wu Qingchen has never experienced in the entire 8-year history of Shino.

In particular, in the entire channel, Oda Jun from time to time uttered the wail of various defeated dogs, and even made Wu Qingchen drink a glass of ice water from the desert like the scorching sun, from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.

The battle rhythm continued smoothly. Not only did the Zahesun city controlled by Wu Qingchen not be killed again, he also acquired most of Oda's killing records. The equipment and level naturally increased rapidly, and soon developed into a far superior joint army, The powerful character of any game hero of Oda Army has truly fulfilled the firepower output requirement of the former teammate of the team.

Wu Qingchen became more and more engaged, and the fighting rhythm became more and more fierce, and the joint army that was playing more and more smoothly gradually advanced to the enemy's base camp.

The "Wu Qingchen Game Education Plan" has gradually advanced to the third stage planned by the training team.

Relying on the strong defensive power of the base camp, the enemy forces established a tenacious sniper position.

Because of the speed push, the coalition side where Wu Qingchen is located did not have enough time to accumulate money to build equipment and has no advantage in level. In the face of Oda Fang's stubbornness, several people in Wu Qingchen returned without success, but let the enemy With time for the army to adjust, the situation of dominance gradually began to develop in the direction of rebalancing.

The battle was locked. Wu Qingchen was just beginning to worry about the opponent's counterattack. At this time, a teammate suddenly began to undress-eh, suddenly began to take off equipment, sold out his whole body, and bought from the store an artifact that Wu Qingchen needed at the moment. .

"Owner! Shameless?"

The mourning dog from the enemy wailed, helping Wu Qingchen call out his concerns.

Support people ...

This Nima is cheating ...

This is a shameless act that Wu Qingchen used to play games, deeply despised, disgusted, and deeply hurt.

How to do?

Wu Qingchen's hesitation lasted only a few seconds:

In order to protect themselves, the least dead teammates have given 9 heads ...

In order to protect myself, the killer is still out of the house ...

In order to protect himself, Dakong has been urinating for half an hour ...

All kinds of misery, it is really sad to hearers, tears to those who see ...

Teammates protect themselves, to the extent that they sell liver, kidney, blood, and sperm. If they want to meet the little boring and futile "competitive game ethics" in their minds, the situation that has already touched the edge of victory will come back ...

Excuse me? Is this interesting? Still human?

Wu Qingchen, who does not plan to switch to an animal for the time being, catches the artifact handed over by his teammates.

This scene immediately gave the training room a third cheer, and the goals of the third stage of the "Wu Qingchen Game Education Plan" were achieved:

"Reflecting the team's efforts, highlighting the dedication and dedication of the team members, made Wu Qingchen aware of the gravity and seriousness of living up to his painstaking efforts, and to a certain degree of abandonment of certain moral values ​​and the team's interests.

With the artifact in hand, the joint party where Wu Qingchen was in was in a rush, and quickly helped the enemy complete the demolition of the perimeter defense facilities of the base camp. The soldiers pointed directly at the enemy's final victory building.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the enemy army quickly expended a large amount of money to buy reinforcements, and at the same time made every effort to resist, and after paying a huge price, Wu Qingchen finally retreated temporarily.

At this time, the enemy had reached the edge of the cliff, and Wu Qingchen's side seemed to be able to taste the delicious fruits of victory as long as he pushed it gently again.

Wu Qingchen, who was abused in the early stage, intends to push up heavily and use the most powerful offensive to kill the enemy to the slag!

Temporarily return, restore the Gorefiend, purchase items, gather forces, and attack the whole army ...

Two minutes later, under the protection of a large wave of soldiers, under the protection of his teammates, Wu Qingchen once again attacked the enemy position.

This time, the enemy's resistance was unusually weak and progress was exceptionally smooth.

Facing this situation, Wu Qingchen not only did not rejoice, but was creepy.

A full eight years of gaming experience sent Wu Qingchen the most serious and urgent alert!

really! While the opponent's only defender was easily destroyed, Wu Qingchen found another four enemy troops flying towards his own position on the mini-map of the game.

"I grass 1, they, they,‘ explode | Ben! ”

From this series of misspellings and punctuation of the team channel to speak, we can see the degree of panic at the moment Wu Qingchen.

"It's too late to go back!" "Rush in! Rush in!" "Don't hit the soldiers!" "Don't worry about anything! Hurry up and hit the base camp!"

The ace scriptwriter wrote the lines carefully for professional players, and instantly made Wu Qingchen's panic full of emotions.

Open! Shochu! Summon Minions! Reward for the whole army!

No matter what, rushed all the way to the enemy's base camp, Wu Qingchen resisted the attack of the soldiers, released all the skills at once, and his teammates rushed up to output all the firepower.

In their base camp, the remaining four heroes of the enemy army are doing the same thing, but they are three seconds faster than Wu Qingchen's side.

Both sides are desperately attacking each other's final building!

The blood strip of the enemy's base camp quickly dropped, and Wu Qingchen's mind sank quickly.

That's too late!

That's too late!

That's too late! !! !!

Critical hit! All the brothers have crit!

No crit, no miracle.

When the enemy base camp had one-fifth of the blood bar left, all the characters forcibly stopped moving, and the prompt for the end of the game popped up:

"Cut your belly! Defeated!"

Wu Qingchen lost.

Lost ...

I was abused into a dog in the early stage, it was so cool in the middle, and it was very smooth in the later stage, but I lost in the end ...

Looking at the "cut belly" prompt on the screen, Wu Qingchen was speechless for a long time.

If I was careful earlier ...

If you have a better grasp of team fights ...

If my teammate did not hesitate for a few seconds when giving me the artifact ...

If the final attack is not boring to pursue the gorgeousness of the scene ...

If ... if ... if ... if ... if ...

It is a pity, annoyance, regret, self-blame, regret, and Wu Qingchen's heart floated into his heart.

At this point, the purpose of the last phase of the "Wu Qingchen Game Education Plan" has been successfully completed:

"Through unexpected failures, the loss of the entire team, all the hard work and failure, he led Wu Qingchen to reflect on his own shortcomings, and deeply realized that factors such as individualism, personal mistakes, moral concerns, and bragging rights may have serious consequences. "

Wu Qingchen deeply felt the consequences. After the game was over, a few seconds later, the screen switched to the platform room.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

"Unexpectedly hahahaha!"

"You think you won?"

"Keep a dog, lose!"

This is a make-up knife from the enemy.

"My day!"

"Nima is just a little bit ..."

"Sorry to be called a dog!"

"In speechless ..."

This is unwilling from teammates.

What about the enemy making up the knife? I did lose on my side.

What about teammates who are unwilling? The key point of the mistake is almost all on himself.

Watching the teammates and the enemy team spray, watching the rivals slowly leave the field, watching the teammates summarize the discussion, Wu Qingchen has not spoken, but he was not willing to leave the room.

"Zha He played well ..." "Well, it is rare for a novice to have this level." "Add friends, play next time."

Hey, am I new?

The game was too fierce in the second half. Wu Qingchen had forgotten the excuses he had when he started his third game in a row. After recalling it by his teammates or the ace writers who were always on call in the training room.

Correct! I am a novice!

Wu Qingchen, deeply self-reproached, refreshed his spirits and quickly grabbed this life-saving straw: "Well, I blame me for being too good ..."

"It's okay, just practice more." "Add friends, play next time." "Add all to add!"

So add friends.

So chat and cooperate.

So he promised to fight again tomorrow.

"Okay, guys 88, I still have something to do. Let's start the hack tomorrow ..."


Gang up……

In the training room, looked at nearly a hundred staff officers and doctors around the podium, looked at map developers and game developers around the support desk, and watched live broadcasts, commentaries, The referee looked at the three professional players next to him, and the five professional players sitting opposite him ...

With deep sympathy, in a super dark store with no fingers in his hands, Han Bing knocked down the reply: "Well, it will be black tomorrow ..."



It's so cool!

Although he failed to win the final victory, however, the disadvantages of the start, the death guard of his teammates, the fierce rhythm, and the tenaciousness of his opponent ... Wu Qingchen's mind has already fiercely battled for the past 60 minutes, and has been named the "most Classic "," Highest Quality "games.

So cool ...

Wu Qingchen sighed deeply, pushed away the keyboard, and stood up.

Around him, Ji Mingming raised his wrist, showing a suspicious expression: "What's wrong? And ... uh, thirteen minutes."

"Don't play ..." Take off the thin coat from the chair when the battle was the most intense, Wu Qingchen put it on smoothly: "Let's go and train!"

Friends are so caring ...

The **** novel began to update ...

Unfamiliar teammates are so powerful ...

Friends, novels, games, you are so intoxicating!

Network, movie, music, art, dance, sports, philosophy, science ... You are such a dazzling flower of civilization!

Earth, you are such a wonderful world!

Earth, you are such a bright world!

How can I indulge and enjoy for my own happiness?

How can I make it easy and negative for myself?

How can I be alone for myself, how can I be alone for myself? How can I be alone for myself!

Let you, my dear earth, be harmed?

So cool ...

At the door of the bedroom, Wu Qingchen turned around, looked at the computer again, and sighed deeply:

So cool ...

I love you, my earth!

I love you, our planet!

I love you so……

I love you!

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