Kill Monsters And Get Money

Chapter 40 From now on, you will call me grandpa

Looking at the young man in front of him, he was quite capable of comprehension, and he could feel a powerful aura.

Hao Youqian likes it very much.

He squinted his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Good boy, there is a future!"

He patted him on the shoulder and began to put pressure on him.

What a powerful force!

Su Sa was lucky to resist. He knew that this senior was only using extremely weak strength, just to test himself.

Hao Youqian frowned slightly and thought: This kid looks mediocre, but he has a lot of energy. There should be hidden qualities in the body that have been blocked.

If you check for him, you should be able to find out the problem.

"Boy, you should have taken some Medicine Pill."

Hao Youqian suspiciously said: "The blood system is huge, but your potential has not been stimulated. Don't go back after eating, and stay with my great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter."

"But Commander, my parents still..."

"Child, you don't have to worry about us, we can just take a taxi and go back. Now the dignified Red Wing Martial God wants to point you to you. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You should take it well. Thank you, grandpa."

Of course, Su Wenqiang understands his son's concerns, but because he has delayed his son's good deeds, it is absolutely not worth it.

"Fool, my grandpa came back only a day, and I got a lot of Ascension in all aspects, and I am also a quasi-Practitioner. Although I don't have the qualification to spread wings, my grandpa has customized mechanical wings for me.

If you don't advance and retreat with me, I will surpass you in different ways! "

Hao Qingsong patted Su Sa on the shoulder with a look of pride.

"Before, I never dreamed that I could be a Practitioner or even a Wing Practitioner in the future. Now it is different. My dream has changed from being the number one chef in China to being a senior Wing Practitioner. Fight for myself and fight for the people. , To fight for the country."

Hao Qingsong pulled Hao Meili over and pointed to her and said, "And I, Little Sister, also tested it. She has the aptitude to spread wings. Now, after some advice from the grandfather, she has broken through the blood limit of ordinary popularity. It has reached the vitality value of 121 calories, and has reached the qualifications of a quasi-practitioner."

For own Big Brother, Hao Meili still has some small strangers, after all, he did not grow up with him since childhood.

"Well, you don't need to persuade me. How could I miss this opportunity? I just want to come back after I settled them down and make you nervous."

Su Sa finds a step down by himself, and now the situation of this family is also complicated.

Eat well first, and leave it alone.

Soon, the people at the table got to know each other, and it was considered a face-to-face meeting.

Life is really wonderful.

The little fat girl who was still working and selling cars in the 4S shop two days ago suddenly became a quasi-Practitioner.

I thought I would be like that all my life, but the plan to be a chef suddenly became an explosive household and was about to become a Practitioner.

From now on, both myself and Fatty will never be the kind of people who can't support the wall with mud in the mouth of carrots.

After the meal, the parents returned to the hotel, and Fatty's parents and old friend Su Wenqiang and his wife also went to prepare things to move after they said goodbye.

Hao Qingsong, Hao Meili and Su Sa were taken by Hao Youqian to a Practitioner training base near the martial arts school.

Hao Youqian's identity is extremely noble. He can enter any Practitioner venue for free with his own Red Feather Martial God identity anywhere in the world.

Of course, in addition to other consumption.

In addition to these benefits, Fatty also told him a lot about Practitioner along the way.

After entering the training ground, Hao Youqian did not give the three special training first.

Entering the VIP training ground, the venue is small, without any tables and chairs, only some training equipment and simple weapons and equipment.

There is a very large screen on the wall. The wall directly opposite is equipped with a wall-mounted projector and a wall-mounted computer.

Hao Youqian took the lead and sat on the floor, handing each one a bracelet.

The material of the bracelet is very hard, and although the screen is small, you can view aerial images.

Slightly larger than ordinary bracelets, but more than ten times heavier than them.

"This bracelet is a gift from the military when I retired from the army. It is completely different from what you usually wear.

With it, we can contact at any time. Moreover, there are many other uses in it, you will find out later.

Here, Su Sa, has a certain hidden talent, and my great-great-grandson and great-great-granddaughter hope that you can participate in our special training from the Hao family.

I see you quite well. From now on, you will call me grandfather just like them, not the ordinary grandfather, but treat me as your relative and don't be restrained. "

After Hao Youqian finished speaking, he stood up suddenly and walked to the computer to open the data inside.

"Sirius's computer is still not very accustomed to use."

Hao Youqian pointed to Hao Qingsong and said, "Songsong, come over and operate."

"Grandpa, didn't I teach you yesterday?"

Hao Qingsong curled his lips and opened the video titled "The Development History of Wing Practitioner".

"I already taught you this yesterday. When you turn back, you send the information to Su Sa. He is smarter and will remember it soon."

Hao Youqian waved his hand: "Forget it, I'll simply tell you about the level of the Wing Practitioner."

"Grandpa, I already know the level of Yi Practitioner."

Su Sa confidently said: "Ying Practitioner is divided into nine levels.

They are:

Primary Practitioner: One to nine grades.

Purple Feather Wing Intermediate Practitioner: Grade 1 to Grade 9.

Blue Feathers Advanced Practitioner: Grade 1 to Grade 9.

Qingyu Wing Martial Venerate: Early stage, middle stage, late stage.

Green Wing Martial Ancestor: Early stage, middle stage, late stage.

Huang Yuyi Martial King: Early stage, middle stage, late stage.

Orange wings Martial Saint: early, middle stage, late stage.

Red Feather Martial God: Early stage, middle stage, late stage.

Black Feathers Martial Emperor: Early stage, middle stage, late stage.

Among them, the Martial Emperor level was born in the past 70 years, surpassing the red-winged Martial God known in life. I'm right! "

"What you know can be calculated as a 60% correct rate, but it is very incomplete."

Hao Youqian touched the golden beard, smiled and said: "You should go back and take a good look at the information Songsong gave you. Today I am going to talk about the things you can't learn in the textbook."

Looking at the state of the three of them, the expectation for his words is high.

It’s not a matter of ignorance, popularizing knowledge-based lectures: "In the distant starry sky, there are some Galaxy civilizations that have already surpassed our Sirius. Of course, there are also some low-level civilization planets in the universe.

We can learn from high-level civilizations, but we must never underestimate low-level civilizations.

More than 50 years ago, I saw a Shiratori-wing Martial Sage when I was fighting in the starry sky. This level may not be possible for you in your life. In the vast universe, there can be one or two, and they can all be called a universe. King of.

His power can destroy a planet with one's own power.

The destruction and blow to aircraft carriers and alien beasts is comparable to a dozen comets colliding at the same time.

Songsong, open the carrier information! "

Hao Youqian looked back and found that Hao Qingsong and Hao Meili were already shocked, motionless, they could squeeze a fist with their mouths open.

"Grandpa, really such a great man, King of the Universe?"

Su Sa doubted: "Then he can destroy a planet with his own power. Isn't it invincible? If he is a villain, how can we still be alive?"

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