Kill That Man

Chapter 466: Ruolan's calculation

As she said, she passed carefully and helped the son smooth out a few wrinkled lines. And help to give the idea to the son, what kind of hat to wear with the dress, what belt and jade wear. She knew all about the son's clothes.

Because, since she arrived, Li Huaide has been living and living almost all the time.

To put it bluntly, she is not Mrs. White, but actually does the work of Mrs. White, except for not sleeping.

Impatient with such trivial matters, Li Huaide obeyed her.

When Tao Wenxiang arrived, the atmosphere in the room was very warm.

Tao Wenxiang smiled and smiled, only when she didn't see a woman like Mrs. White, and said to the son, "What are we going on?"

Her identity is similar to that of a guardian. When the son travels, she must follow. Gong Huai respects her by three points, which is different from the other two women.

Tai Wenqian was on the side, and smiled gently: "Everything is ready, just wait for the son to order!"

Li Huaide smiled: "Since so, let's go tomorrow!"

The two women nodded.

Yu Qingyao also nodded a thousand miles away. Very good. If you are not present, the scene of the candle-lit night is not fun.

She decided that the treasures could be obtained again, however, the good drama could not be repeated.

In order to make the show more exciting, let the boy live a few more days.

Li Huaide brought Tao Wenxiang's three daughters, plus the guardian, and four followers, left the front line barracks, and set foot on the journey back to Pingtianguan to congratulate his father on their wedding.

In the evening, Li Huaide and his party rested in a small manor.

This manor is called Hongyezhuang, and it is a place where a dedicated official, Mr. Han, is raised forever.

Master Han barely considered the periphery of the Sun family and was quite loyal to the Sun family, so Tai Wenqian chose this place as a foothold.

Master Han is very honored to receive the true disciples of the Sun family.

You know, Huaimengde is here, just like the Prince.

Master Han wanted to do whatever he could to entertain Huai Gong. He gritted his teeth and took out 100,000 silvers, preparing for a big banquet, sending people to collect beautiful women, and preparing to renovate the manor.

You Xuan, who played the outpost, stopped Master Han and said that she should keep a low profile and not be too loud.

You Xuan knew that Huai Gongzi would come here and settle down. That is to guard against other true disciples and beware of them. Master Han really wanted to get up with it, and his son's whereabouts were leaked. That would be unsafe.

Mr. Han was only sympathetic to his father, and he didn't want to spend too much money. He finally felt sorry, trying his best to get a table of spiritual food, and picked four beautiful singers to serve the boy.

Li Huaide turned a blind eye to the four beautiful singers. After absently eating, he entered the room to rest.

Yelan was quiet, the meniscus was hanging high, and An Ruolan took a tea tray and walked to the residence of Huai Gongzi.

The two attendants of the goalkeeper met her and asked with a smile, "Miss An, are you delivering tea with the boy?"

An Ruolan said shamefully, "Yeah! I saw my son drink a few more glasses in the evening and made a pot of tea to hang out for him."

The goalkeeper's followers exchanged ambiguous glances and let An Ruolan pass. The minds of the women around the son are actually understandable to the followers. They just wondered how the son could bear it for so long, so far they haven't eaten them all.

An Ruolan came into the courtyard with a tea tray. Li Huaide lives in a separate courtyard. He lives in the main room, where the Taoist is on the left, and Tao Wenxiang is on the right. They are responsible for protecting the son of Huai.

An Ruolan came in, and both the Taoist and Tao Wenxiang found out. The guardian glanced at An Ruolan from the air, and he didn't care. There was a smirk in the corner of Tao Wenxiang's mouth. She instinctively came tonight to seduce him.

However, she is very confident in him. She knew that Huai Gong was afraid of An Ruolan, and she felt that Huai Gong looked down on this little fairy.

Shameless, want to use this small means to win the son, it is really daydreaming, you have only this kind of careful thinking, the son will definitely drive you away again.

Tao Wenxiang thought, she didn't bother to stop An Ruolan too much.

An Ruolan walked in front of the son's door, took a deep breath, and her innocent smile appeared on her face. She bent her fingers and knocked gently on the door.

Li Huaide took off his coat and lay on the bed, feeling upset in his heart. He wondered where Shi Qingyu would be now. I was anxious to fly to the north to find Shimei immediately.

When he heard the knock, Li Huaide swept the door with his consciousness. When he saw An Ruolan, a distress appeared on his face, and he asked in harmony: "Ruo Lan, how late are you?

An Ruolan pursed her lips and said innocently, "My son, you drank a lot of wine during the meal. I was worried about you and made a pot of tea to hang you."

Why didn't I drink too much if you hadn't persuaded me during the party?

Li Huaide slandered on his stomach, he got up helplessly, opened the door, and took the tea tray in hand, saying, "Thank you, it's getting late, and you have to hurry tomorrow, you can rest early!"

Wherever An Ruolan would go, she walked straight into the room with a smile.

Li Huaide was not good, so he had to walk away. Do not understand, An Ruolan flew directly into his arms, you know?

Li Huaide is a courteous man, men and women are not taught, so he can only wink.

An Ruolan went into Li Huaide's bedroom with a look of innocence, and looked around, she sat on the bed, and said with a smile: "Son, you drink tea quickly, and don't watch you finish drinking, I don't worry."

Li Huaide was helpless, in order to quickly send An Ruolan away, he shook his head with a smile, picked up the teapot sent by An Ruolan, poured a glass and drank.

"I drank, you should rest assured, go to rest!"

"Brother Huai, are you so anxious to drive me away?" An Ruolan said with a pouting pout.

Li Huaide smiled, "I'm not driving you away, I want you to rest early."

Where would An Ruolan go? I walked to the table with a smile, poured a cup of tea for my son, and put his hands in front of him.

Seeing An Ruolan's appearance, she seemed to not drink, and she was about to feed herself. Li Huaide took the cup and took a sip.

An Ruolan's face hesitated, and she bowed her head and asked, "My son, Uncle Sun is getting married, should I also give a gift?"

Li Huaide laughed and said, "No."

He thought to himself, which gift did you give? What identity? As a disciple, you are not eligible for this gift.

"Is it really unnecessary? I'm afraid Uncle Sun blame me for being rude." An Ruolan said anxiously.

Li Huaide sweated, shook his head and said, "No, I'll send it, it represents your will."

An Ruolan refused to leave, and went to the side to chat with his son.

After a column of incense, Li Huaide was agitated. He was impatient to chat with An Ruolan, but due to his manners and politeness, he had to deal with it.

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