Hearing the sound of footsteps, the two groups of people who were originally facing each other all turned their eyes to the source of the sound.

After all, judging from the footsteps, there was more than one opponent, and it was obvious that the other party was not affected by Niwu's Imperial Military Music Dream [Scream], and the impact of such a group of people on both sides of the battle was absolutely huge, and it could even be said that it could directly affect the direction of victory in the battle.

So under the gaze of everyone, Jiang Yun hugged Lina in his arms, followed by Yin, Jiang Xue, Chelsea and Shayou, and slowly walked out of a hall and appeared in front of everyone.

"Huh? "

Seeing that it was a group of people led by Jiang Yun who appeared, the three beast warriors were obviously relieved, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted Jiang Yun.

On the contrary, the two night raiders on the opposite side tensed their bodies in an instant, if the two people and centaurs were evenly matched just now, then now in Brand's opinion, he and Tazmi can be said to be nine deaths.

The moment he saw Jiang Yun, a piece of armor that looked extremely heavy appeared on Brand's body, and he didn't know where he took out a gun with a strange shape. It was the emperor who was haunted by evil spirits [Operation Armor], and that gun was the red-backed shrike of the emperor's gun.

Tazmi didn't let up either, only to see his fingers shake out of thin air a few times, and a white spear also appeared in his hand.

Since she saw Jiang Yun just now, Niwu also stopped playing the Emperor's Military Music Dream [Scream], so Tazmi gradually recovered from the groggy state just now.

"Huh, I really didn't expect you to be able to use the Emperor's ever-changing [Crossing Tail]. "

Seeing the performance of Tazmi among the two people who attacked at night, Jiang Yun said with some surprise.

Jiang Yun was not very surprised by Brand's performance, but to Jiang Yun's surprise, the previous Lubbock's Imperial Tool [Cross Tail] would actually choose Tazmi as the user.

When he was traveling in the suburbs of the imperial capital before, due to the night attack and the sneak attack of the revolutionary army headquarters, the black pupil was angry and singled out the people who attacked at night, and the former user of the emperor's ever-changing [Crossing Tail] Lubbo was completely turned into "scum" under the blow of the black pupil.

Because it was too disgusting, Jiang Yun and the others didn't take back this imperial tool when they left, but they didn't expect that Tazmi would use this imperial tool today.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little troublesome, it seems that although he is trying to avoid it, the plot has inevitably undergone a huge change, in the original book, Tazmi's imperial equipment should be haunted by evil spirits [Operation Armor].

However, Jiang Yun quickly relieved that the reason why he always wanted to avoid the reality of the drama from departing from the plot of the original book was that he was afraid that many characters in the original book would not appear again because of his influence.

But by now, the characters in the original book have basically all appeared, so there is no need for him to be afraid, no matter what direction the situation is going, Jiang Yun believes that he has enough strength to deal with it.

"You three get up, isn't Estes here?"

After that, Jiang Yun responded to the three beasts in front of him, and due to the change in the plot, Jiang Yun didn't know if Estes would be on this ship now, so he asked.

"Lord Jiang Yun, the three of us are just completing the task assigned by Lord Estes, and Lord Estes is not here. "

Liva, one of the three orcs, replied respectfully, although he had never seen Jiang Yun make a move, but judging from Estes's usual narration and the kind of dependence that Estes usually showed in front of Jiang Yun, it was obvious that Jiang Yun was definitely not simple, you must know that with Estes's shaky character, he would never succumb to a person who was weaker than himself.

"Oh, that's right.

By the way, your name is Brand, I see that you are also a real warrior, how about quitting the night raid, I can be the master to pardon your previous crimes, and even make you a general of the empire, do you want to think about it. "

Jiang Yun looked at Brand again after answering Liva's question and asked at Brand.

Jiang Yun still recognizes Brand in the original book, he is definitely a very potential warrior with strong willpower, if he does not die, Jiang Yun believes that his future achievements will definitely not be too low, and the most important thing is that Jiang Yun did not see the scheming of the revolutionary army in Brand, he is an upright man.

"I'm sorry, Chief of Guards, but I'm not going to betray the people who attacked the night, and besides, you killed Lubbock, and we're enemies, so your persuasion is pointless. "

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Brand was still wearing the Emperor's Demon Devil Riddled [Operation Armor], holding a red-backed shrike in his hand, and while staring at Jiang Yun vigilantly, he replied without a trace of hesitation.

"Well, that's a pity, and you, Tazmi, are you going to fight to the death like Brand? I don't think you have any chance. "

Hearing Brand's answer, Jiang Yun didn't feel strange, but replied with some pity, since he had rejected himself, then he was his enemy, so Jiang Yun didn't let him go because he admired him, Jiang Yun was not a fake compassionate person.

After saying goodbye to Brand, Jiang Yun asked Tazmi, who was standing next to Brand, Jiang Yun didn't want to kill her friend in front of Sha You, that would be a little cruel to her.

"Tazmi, surrender quickly, you are definitely not the young master's opponent, if you do this again, you will die. "

After becoming Jiang Yun's woman, Sha You is very aware of the terrifying strength of Jiang Yun and his gang. Now seeing Jiang Yun gave Tazmi a chance, although he was a little angry about Tazmi's previous desire to become an undercover agent of the revolutionary army, but he would also persuade Tazmi that no matter what, Sayu still didn't want Tazmi to die.

"No, I won't betray the revolutionary army, betray everyone, I'm not the weak person who couldn't do anything before, I'm strong now, I will never let that incident happen to Lubbo again, I must destroy all guys like you. "

After hearing Jiang Yun and Sha You's persuasion, Tazmi looked at Brand beside him, as well as the ever-changing [Crossing Tail] of the Imperial Tool he carried in his hand, and then said without thinking about it.

The death of Lubbo last time had a great impact on Tazmi, after all, they lived together for a while, and they were still very emotional. Stimulated by Lubbock's death, Tazmi worked very hard in Brand's training for himself, and with the acquisition of the Imperial Tool, the huge increase in strength in a short period of time made Tazmi now have a lot of confidence in himself.


Seeing that Tazmi didn't listen to her advice at all, Sha You was a little anxious, and just when she could continue to persuade Tazmi, Jiang Yun stopped her.

"Since you don't plan to surrender, are you ready to accept my punishment?"

Jiang Yun said to the two opposites, and from Jiang Yun's words, it could be heard that he did not see this as a battle, but just a punishment for the weak who did not listen to his words.

.................. (To be continued)

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