
Just as Jiang Yun and the others judged, as soon as they entered the courtyard, the scene in front of them made Jiang Yun frown.

I saw that in the huge courtyard of the Kotel family, there were scattered corpses of different appearances, some of which seemed to be guards, and some of which looked like maids, and the scene was very bloody.

And what made Jiang Yun frown was naturally not because of the bloody scene in front of him, even if it was a scene that was a hundred times more tragic than the scene in front of him, Jiang Yun was not uncommon, and even he himself had created a lot.

What really made Jiang Yun puzzled was the death of these corpses in front of him, in addition to some people who were directly beheaded, there were also many corpses naked, covered with all kinds of wounds, and even some people's legs were bent at irregular angles, and their legs were only a mess, these people's eyes were wide open, and they were obviously inhumanly abused before they died.

Among them, what puzzled Jiang Yun the most was that in addition to women, there were also some men among these abused people.


Although he felt a little puzzled, Jiang Yun did not hesitate, only to see Jiang Yun raise his hand, countless butterflies covered in purple and black, with cross stripes all over their bodies, flew out of Jiang Yun's hands, these butterflies were full of darkness and mystery, and the scene of flying in the sky was very beautiful.

But what they're going to do next has nothing to do with beauty this time.

I saw that these butterflies flew directly to the corpses on the ground, accompanied by a creepy sound, and the corpses on the ground were gnawed clean almost instantly, and there were almost no bones left.

"Brother, what the hell is going on? And what are these butterflies, so beautiful, and why do I feel so kind?"

As soon as he finished doing all this, the women in the back came in, and Jiang Yun was very fast just now, so he was one step ahead of the women.

As soon as she came in, Chelsea asked Jiang Yun.

When the women came in, they didn't see corpses everywhere, but only some blood stains on the ground and purple-black butterflies all over the sky.

The reason why Jiang Yun was in such a hurry to destroy the corpses in front of him just now was because Jiang Yun didn't want his women to see these corpses, not because he was afraid of scaring them, Jiang Yun just didn't want to see other people's bodies, even if these people were already corpses.

"I don't know exactly what happened at the moment, but when I first arrived, there were corpses here. As for these butterflies, they can be considered my pets, because they are also dark attributes, so Chelsea will feel familiar. "

Hearing Chelsea's question, Jiang Yun replied simply.

In fact, these butterflies in front of me are not simple, they are called Hell Butterflies, they were seen by Jiang Yun in the exchange list of the system inadvertently many years ago, at that time, because the exchange points were enough, Jiang Yun exchanged them on a whim, but because they have not been used since, so Jiang Yun let them stay in his storage space to sleep, but I didn't expect this time to come in handy.

Hell Butterfly, is the iconic pet of Tichmick in the Noah clan in the anime "The Exorcist Boy", not only has a powerful devouring function, can devour almost everything, and due to the huge number, the speed of devouring can be described as a metamorphosis, which can be said to be an excellent tool for destroying corpses.

But don't think that they are only so useful, in addition to the powerful devouring function, the Hell Butterfly also has a powerful attack power, it can not only turn the devoured energy into an energy ball to shoot, the power is huge, but also rely on the owner's will into a variety of weapons, the power is huge, so the Hell Butterfly is also a tool used to kill.

According to legend, the Hell Butterfly is based on the desperate Cyra, who resembles a butterfly and has a powerful attack. It is the killer that God uses to punish people and the angels who make mistakes.

And through the characteristics of the Hell Butterfly, it can also be seen that like the vampires who also belong to the darling of darkness, the Hell Butterfly belongs to the dark attribute, which is why Chelsea is affectionate to the Hell Butterfly.

"Let's go inside first!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun still decided to go to the mansion to have a look, after all, as the Minister of Security, he had not received any reports of the attack on the Kath family, which meant that this incident had just happened, so Lena still had a chance of surviving.

Since Jiang Yun and the girls didn't know the specific residence of Lina and the others, they could only move towards the interior of the mansion as much as possible.

Along the way, the luxurious mansion was full of bloodstains, obviously there were a lot of corpses here before, but they had been cleaned by the Hell Butterfly in advance, and as he walked along the way, seeing these scenes, Jiang Yun's heart gradually sank.

"You bastard, let go of my son. "

But at this moment, an angry roar came from a distance, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Yun immediately made a decision and rushed in a far direction.

And the reason why Jiang Yun was so excited was because everyone heard that the voice was the voice of Lena's father Kather, who had seen her on the dragon boat before.

.................. (To be continued)

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