"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

After dealing with the rebel guards on the periphery, the rebels in the cave in the mountain also began to react and entered the defensive mode.

In the center of the cave, a sturdy man was sitting on a chair in the middle. The boxing gloves on his right hand were very conspicuous, and they did not look like ordinary boxing gloves.

He was the leader of this rebel army, Otto.

"Chief, the enemy is attacking our base from the outside"

"Who is the enemy?"

"A group of children in uniform, their fighting power is not weak. They are most likely the assassination troops sent by the imperial capital, but now they have all been blocked by our troops."

"Using children again? Damn Empire!" Otto was furious when listening to his subordinates' reports.

In order to control the assassination corps, the Empire basically recruited children to be killers. Bloody training, drugs and brainwashing were used to make these children cannon fodder.

It was also difficult for the rebels to help these children. After all, these children were not weak after long-term training. If they showed mercy on the front battlefield, they would die. The rebels were helpless and could only keep as many people alive as possible.

""Chief... Chief, something bad has happened!" Someone suddenly ran in in a panic.

"What's going on? Why are you so flustered?"

"A five-man team has broken through the first outer line of defense and started approaching here!"

"What did you say?!"Otto said in surprise


"Found them! They are here! Kill them before they go any deeper!"

""Shoot! Shoot quickly!"

The rebels guarding the second line of defense shouted loudly when they saw Chu Yufan and his five companions who had broken through the first line of defense. Then, a barrage of bullets flew towards the five people.

"Damn it! Everyone, find cover!"Looking at the dense bullets coming, Abbott was immediately scared and broke into a cold sweat, and then hurriedly shouted to the others.

Just as Abbott and his men were about to find cover on the spot, Chu Yufan rushed towards the rebels alone.

"Water Breathing, Form Three, Flowing Dance."

Chu Yufan's entire figure suddenly became like a stream of water, and began to move at high speed, so fast that it even left a slight afterimage on the spot!

"What's going on? Why can't I hit it?!"

"Is that a residual image? Are you kidding me?"

Under the surprised expressions of the rebels and Abbott and others, Chu Yufan crossed the rebels' shooting range alone and rushed into the rebels' defense line.

All the rebels stared at Chu Yufan standing in the middle, with wonderful expressions on their faces. It was obvious that Chu Yufan's operation made them feel very dreamy. Could this action still be considered human?


""Monster... Monster!"

Chu Yufan was about to say something when someone in the rebel army shouted loudly, and then all the rebels attacked Chu Yufan.

"……never mind……"Seeing this, Chu Yufan picked up the knife in his hand helplessly, and then……

"By the way, who told me to stay calm just now?"

When Abbot and the other four saw Chu Yufan rushing into the rebels alone, they rushed up together out of fear for Chu Yufan. However, what they didn't expect was that Chu Yufan had already eliminated all the rebels in the defense line.

"Sorry, I can't help it.……"Chu Yufan said embarrassedly

"It's okay, it's okay, just don't forget that you still have us teammates."Zorn patted Chu Yufan on the shoulder and said

"Well, let's move forward quickly. Otherwise, we might be surrounded by the rebels, and then it will be troublesome."Wex reminded

"Okay, let’s move on!"


"Have they broken through the second line of defense? They seem to be elite troops."Otto muttered to himself as he listened to his subordinates' battle reports.

"Chief, our retreat has been cut off by the imperial troops. What should we do now?"

"The only option was to fight to the death. The frontline troops were ordered to shrink their defenses. They also sent more personnel to intercept the five-man team that had broken through the second defense line."


Under Otto's order, the front line quickly shrank its defense line. This also attracted the attention of Scott, who was paying attention to the direction of the battle, so he immediately sent people to investigate the situation, and then received a shocking news.

"Chu Yufan's group had already broken through the rebels' first and second lines of defense and began to advance deeper. The rebels planned to shrink their lines of defense and focus on encircling and suppressing Chu Yufan's group."

"Order all troops on the front line to intensify their efforts to break through the enemy's defense line!" Scott gave the order after a moment of hesitation.


"He actually rushed through two lines of defense of the enemy.……"After seeing his orders being delivered, Scott muttered to himself.

The attacks of the other five groups of children just now were quite normal. After all, this battle was mainly to get these children used to fighting humans and to get the teams to work together.

The performance of Chu Yufan's group was obviously beyond Scott's expectations, which made Scott a little worried.

"I remember that the leader of this rebel army seems to be a user of the ministerial tools. This is not good."

About a thousand years ago, in order to maintain long-term rule, the founding emperor of the empire used his huge financial resources and power to summon the most advanced craftsmen from all over the world.

He used the legendary super dangerous species as materials, added rare metals and a large number of long-lost alchemical secrets.

He developed forty-eight powerful weapons that cannot be replicated and called them"Imperial Tools".

The so-called"ministerial tools" are weapons made by the emperors of later generations who roughly imitated the"Imperial Tools".

Because they could not surpass the"Imperial Tools", they were regarded as a shame by the emperor at that time and were sealed up.

Until now, they have been used again.

Although the performance and power of the"ministerial tools" are not as good as the"Imperial Tools", they are not ordinary weapons and can also allow users to enhance their own strength.

And the leader of this rebel army, Otto, used the boxing-type ministerial tool, the Crushing King!


"Stop them now! Don't let them take another step forward!"

"Damn! Are all the rebels coming towards us?"

After the rebels contracted their defense line, the number of people coming to intercept Chu Yufan and his men increased. Moreover, the deeper they went into the cave, the more forks there were in the cave. This made the rebels constantly appear from the forks, making Chu Yufan and his men somewhat unable to defend themselves.

"Leave these rebels to me. Abbott, the other four of you go and capture the rebel leader. As long as we capture their leader, we win." Chu Yufan looked at the situation in front of him and said to the other four.

Obviously, Chu Yufan was the only one who could stop so many rebels. If Abbott and the other four were to intercept them, they would probably be overwhelmed by the enemy in an instant.

"……This is the only way, so I'll leave it to you, Chu Yufan." Abbot hesitated, then said. The other three nodded in agreement, because they also knew that if the positions of the two sides were reversed, the four of them would soon be overwhelmed by the rebels, so they decided to capture the rebel leader.

Since Scott had never expected that one of the children could rush to the rebel leader, he did not tell the children about the information that the rebel leader was the user of"Minister Tool".

Due to insufficient information, the decision of Chu Yufan and others would put Abbot and the other four in a more dangerous situation.

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