
""Huh?" Tsukushi looked at the situation in front of her with a puzzled look on her face, and she didn't react at all. She only saw the young man appear in front of her in an instant, and then he took a knife and tried to cut her neck.

Fortunately, Nahashu, who was standing next to her, reacted in time. He grabbed Tsukushi's arm and pulled him back, while raising the Water Dragon Sword in his hand to block the attack.

Chu Yufan quickly retreated after failing to hit him, and then focused his attention on Nahashu.

"What's going on? Is it an enemy?"Green reacted and took out his weapon, the rattlesnake, and looked at Chu Yufan nervously and asked. Chu Yufan's attack was too fast just now, and Green was a little slow to react.

"No, he seems to be the boy who needs to be captured alive in the mission, and he is a teammate of these dead children."Cornelia looked at Chu Yufan's face carefully, and then confirmed

"Huh? Capturing this boy alive, are you kidding me?" Green asked

"I see……"

Nahasu now understood the purpose of the guards' actions. They wanted the young man in front of him to misunderstand them so that the two sides could fight to the death.

It can only be said that the time of Chikushi's meeting was very unfortunate, after all, Abt and others died of gunshot wounds. If Chikushi was not there, perhaps he could explain to the young man in front of him.

However, it was obvious that the young man in front of him had already regarded Chikushi, who was holding a gun, as the murderer of Abt and the other four. No matter how much he explained to the young man at this time, the other party would not listen.

Now he could only fight with him!

""Hu! Hu!"

Chu Yufan kept breathing, trying to calm himself down. But no matter what he did, he couldn't calm down. Because everything that had happened before was suppressed in Chu Yufan's heart and could not be released.

Now the death of Abbot and the other four was undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back! An astonishing murderous intent emanated from Chu Yufan. Nahaxiu and the other four could feel a sense of oppression coming towards them, making it a little difficult for them to breathe.

Chu Yufan instantly came in front of Nahaxiu. He could feel that among the four people, Nahaxiu was the strongest.

"Good job!" Seeing that Chu Yufan took himself as his primary target, Nahaxiu also confronted him directly.

"Ding ding ding……"

The weapons in Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu's hands were colliding wildly. The two sides fought evenly, which made both sides have some understanding of each other's basic strength.

""Water Breath, Form, Strike Tide."

Chu Yufan's sword path changed instantly, and his attack became like a tide, covering Nahashu in all directions.

Nahashu's face was solemn, and the Water Dragon Sword in his hand was waving like a big windmill to block Chu Yufan's attack.

"Water Breathing, Seventh Form, Shizuku Wave Stab."

The sword path was transformed into a thrusting technique again and stabbed straight at Nahashu's face. The speed was so fast that Nahashu hurriedly raised the Water Dragon Sword to block it. Although he successfully blocked the attack, the power of this move was so great that Nahashu was directly knocked out.

Nahashu's figure kept retreating, and finally the force was relieved. Just as he stabilized his body, Nahashu looked up and found that Chu Yufan had disappeared from the spot.

"Water Breathing, Form 1, Water Surface Slash."

Chu Yufan appeared behind Nahaxiu, raised the long sword in his hand and was about to chop down at the back of Nahaxiu's head. Nahaxiu felt the attack from the back of his head, squatted down, and then slashed at Chu Yufan behind him with a sword.

Chu Yufan held up the sword to block the attack, stepped back to distance himself from him and stabilize his body.

Chu Yufan frowned, although he could feel that Nahaxiu was very strong. But it was still somewhat beyond Chu Yufan's expectations. Water Breathing is a relatively balanced breathing method, but even so, it is not something that ordinary people can handle.

Of course, this is also related to Chu Yufan's current mental state. At this time, he can't use the full strength of the soft sword of Water Breathing. In this case, let's change to another breathing method. Nahaxiu did not take the opportunity to attack. For them, being able to capture the other party alive is the completion of the mission, so it would be great if the other party could calm down at this point.

"What's going on? Why does he seem to have changed?"Nahasu suddenly felt that Chu Yufan's aura seemed to have changed, and then he found that a faint mist appeared where Chu Yufan was.

"Kasumi's Breath, Form of the Four, Horizontal Slash"


Nahashu's eyes narrowed, and then he rolled backwards. Although he had reacted, there was still a wound on his neck. This situation shocked Cornelia and others who were watching the fight nearby.

""Mist Breathing, Second Form, Eightfold Mist."

Chu Yufan didn't intend to give Nahaxiu time to react, and directly attacked Nahaxiu with an extremely fast eight-slash combo. The speed of the slash was so fast that Nahaxiu mistakenly thought that the opponent only slashed once.


At this critical moment, a whip suddenly appeared and wrapped around Nahaxiu, and then pulled Nahaxiu out of Chu Yufan's attack range. It was Green who saw Nahaxiu in danger and hurriedly used the rattlesnake to pull him away.

""Smash the King!"

At the same time, Cornelia took advantage of Chu Yufan's lack of knife, rushed towards Chu Yufan and punched him to force him back.

After dodging the punch, Chu Yufan, who had just landed, suddenly felt a sense of danger. Then he swung his knife to the right with his backhand, and with a"ding" sound, a bullet fell from midair to the ground.

"He actually reacted! And he even hit the bullet fired by Prometheus accurately?!"Tsukushi looked at Chu Yufan in shock. It was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

""Breathing of the Mist, Form One, the Mist hangs down from the sky."

Chu Yufan passed Cornelia and used another thrusting skill to stab towards Nahashu's position. Nahashu raised his sword to block again, but what he didn't expect was that Chu Yufan followed the power of the thrusting skill and passed directly over Nahashu's head, turned around and rushed towards Green's position.

Green was panicked when he saw Chu Yufan rushing towards him, and the rattlesnake in his hand attacked Chu Yufan frantically. However, it didn't work. Chu Yufan passed through the gap in Green's attack, came in front of Green and kicked Green in the abdomen directly.


Green was kicked out instantly, hit the wall hard and spit out a mouthful of blood, then fainted.


Nahasu came in front of Chu Yufan and swept the Water Dragon Sword in his hand towards Chu Yufan, but it missed.

"Tsukushi! Be careful!"Nahashu reacted instantly and ran towards Tsukushi while shouting a warning.


As a long-range support character, Tsukushi is quite weak in close combat. After hearing Nahashu's shout, she only saw a cloud of mist flying towards her, and then a long knife appeared in the mist and chopped towards her neck.

""Tsukushi!" Nahasu and Cornelia shouted at the same time, but because the distance was too far, it was obvious that they could not catch up.

Something unexpected happened again. This time, Chu Yufan's long sword missed. This surprised him very much. When he looked carefully, a big pit like a tunnel suddenly appeared on the ground where Tsukushi was standing.

"What do you want to do to Tsukushi?"A female voice came from the front, and then two figures attacked Chu Yufan from above and below. They were Akahime and Bonnie who came to meet up with the others.

"It was a close call!"Guy came out of the mud holding Tsukushi and came to Nahashu and the others. It was a perfect scene of a hero saving a beautiful girl.


Unfortunately, Guy's hands were not very honest. He put his palm on a place on Tsukushi's body that shouldn't be put, and pinched it, causing Tsukushi to scream, and then he was punched by Cornelia.

"Wow! Is this guy cheating? How can he be so strong!" At the same time, Chi Tong and Bonnie quickly left the battlefield after fighting with Chu Yufan for a few rounds. Bonnie did not forget to complain when leaving the battlefield.

"Where is Green?"

"He kicked me unconscious."

"Really? It seems difficult to deal with."Guy looked at Chu Yufan, who was not even a speck of dust on his body, and said solemnly

"And we need to capture him alive."

"Are you kidding? This guy doesn't look like someone who can be captured alive, does he?"

"Try to capture him alive if you can. Guy, you hide in the ground and wait for the opportunity to trap him. Tsukushi will be responsible for long-range support, Bonnie and Cornelia will be responsible for protecting Tsukushi, and Akame and I will be responsible for entanglement with the opponent head-on." While deploying the battle, Nahaxiu released the hidden ability of the Water Dragon Sword. The

Water Dragon Sword can enhance the combat effectiveness of the user within three minutes, but after three minutes the body will fall into a state of fatigue.

Chu Yufan on the other side also found that the number of opponents had increased, and he couldn't help feeling very irritated, so he decided not to hold back.

Chu Yufan put the long sword back into the scabbard, squatted slightly with his right leg, stretched his left leg backwards, bent his upper body down, and gently grasped the handle of the sword inserted in the scabbard with his palm. With the change of breathing method again, the strongest moves that Chu Yufan could use at this stage also began to show.

"Breath of Thunder, Form One, Thunderbolt Flash."

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