"Huh, finally done! By the way, did this guy just shout 'Dragon Transformation'? Is that some kind of power?" Cornelia let out a breath, then remembered something and asked.

"I guess so... No matter what, let's go and meet up with the others. Let's go find Bonnie and Chikushi first, and then go back to the top of the mountain."Chu Yufan thought for a while and said


The two quickly moved towards Bonnie and Tsukushi, and soon found Bonnie who was being chased and beaten by a group of earth dragons. However, the two did not immediately step forward to help, but after looking at each other. Chu Yufan moved towards the direction where the controller might be, and Cornelia stepped forward to help Bonnie resist the earth dragon.

""Sister Cole! You are here! Please save me!" Bonnie shouted hurriedly when he saw Cornelia appear.

"Are you okay? Where's Tsukushi?"

"Tsukushi suddenly disappeared! When I was looking for her, I was attacked by these earth dragons. What should I do now? Sister Cole"

""Let's deal with these earth dragons first." Cornelia replied.

Chu Yufan moved quickly in the forest without disturbing other earth dragons. Soon he found a guy wearing a black cloak. This time he didn't draw his sword to chop him directly, but quickly came to him. He knocked him unconscious with a hand knife, and the controlled earth dragons fled after the controller fainted.

Chu Yufan tied up the controller and then returned to Cornelia and Bonnie.

"Has the manipulator been caught?"

"Yes, this guy is it. We'll talk about the details after we meet up with the others."

"What about Tsukushi?" Bonnie asked

"I think Tsukushi has been captured alive. As long as we are not caught, she will be fine for the time being." Cornelia said

"Okay! Let's meet up with Nahasu and the others first!"


Compared to Chu Yufan and his team, Guy and Green were in more trouble. They had originally planned to use Guy's Thousand Layer Cloth to sneak attack the person who controlled the Sky Dragon from underground, but they didn't expect that the other party could actually control the Earth Dragon that could also dig the ground. This completely ruined the two's surprise attack, and Green was also captured alive by the other party.

"Come out quickly, your companion is in my hands! If you don't come out, I will throw him to my lovely dragons." Next to the operator was the unconscious Green, who was looking around vigilantly while speaking.

At this time, Guy was hiding in the soil and dared not move, because there were also the opponent's earth dragons in the soil. If he moved casually, he would most likely be discovered by the opponent.

At this time, a little dragon flew to the operator's shoulder and said something to him. The operator immediately showed a surprised expression, and then returned to normal.

"Since you won't come out, I'll take this guy away!" The operator picked up Green from the ground and threw him on the back of a Sky Dragon, then controlled the Sky Dragon to leave.



Chu Yufan came out of the forest and saw the cloaked man riding on the Sky-flying Dragon. Without saying a word, he drew his sword and rushed towards him.

"Oh my, you are the guy that Xinlong just mentioned, right?"Tianxianglong spread its wings and flew into the air in an instant. The controller looked at Chu Yufan and asked with a smile:

"The breath of the wind, the shape of the wind, rises up into the dust"


Five wind blades were emitted from the long sword in Chu Yufan's hand, hitting the Sky Dragon in mid-air. Since the controller had never expected Chu Yufan to release such an attack, he did not control the Sky Dragon to dodge, and the Sky Dragon was directly hit and fell from mid-air.


The controller panicked when he saw Chu Yufan rushing towards him again. He then looked at the unconscious Green beside him, picked him up and threw him in the opposite direction.


"Leave it to me! You go deal with that bastard!"

Chu Yufan saw that the person thrown down by the other party was Green, and his brows immediately frowned. Just as he was about to change direction to catch Green, Guy, who was hiding in the soil, suddenly appeared and said to Chu Yufan.

Chu Yufan nodded, and then turned his gaze back to the controller. The controller who was being looked at by Chu Yufan suddenly felt cold all over, and planned to use his mind to make all the earth dragons hidden underground appear.

"Lightning Breathing, Type 1, Thunderbolt Flash"

"Huh?! Wait, listen to me……"

The controller seemed to sense something and was about to say something to beg for mercy. Then he found that Chu Yufan had circled behind him. The controller, who was about to turn around and speak, suddenly found that the scene in front of him was upside down.

His head was chopped off by Chu Yufan before he circled behind him.

"Strange...monster……"The controller looked at Chu Yufan and spoke word by word, then died.

"Are you okay?"Cornelia and Bonnie came late and saw Chu Yufan standing there and hurried forward to ask.

"I'm fine. By the way, Green and Guy are there." Chu Yufan said, and then he took the two of them to Green and Guy.


"Was Tsukushi captured alive by the other party?"

"Judging from the current situation, this is most likely the case."

"Damn it! Who on earth is that person? How could he control dangerous creatures at will?"

"The specific situation will become clear after we ask the captured prisoners."

After defeating the cloaked man who controlled the Sky Dragon, Chu Yufan and his four companions met up with Nahaxiu and Chitong on the top of the mountain. Then they quickly left the mountaintop and headed to a safe place to discuss the next move.

"That guy has woken up!"Boni, who was guarding the captive, shouted

"Humph! I advise you to let me go, otherwise......Wow!"

The man who controlled the earth dragon had only said half of his harsh words when he was punched in the stomach by Nahaxiu, and he immediately retched. Then Nahaxiu reached out and grabbed the man's hair and pulled him up, saying to him word by word:

"I don't have time to waste on you now. I ask questions and you answer them. If you don't cooperate, I will cut off your flesh piece by piece!"

"Humph! If you have the guts,......Ah!"It was obvious that the controller did not understand the seriousness of the matter. Before he could finish his words, one of his fingers was broken by Nahasu, and he screamed.

"Do you understand now?"

"I......I won't say......Ah! It hurts so much!"The second finger was broken off

"I absolutely won't......Ah! Bastard! I will definitely kill you!"

Soon, all ten fingers of the manipulator were broken, but the other party still refused to say anything. This made Nahashu want to kill him directly, but when he thought of Tsukushi's current situation, he forced himself to calm down.


Nahaxiu wanted to ask something, but Chu Yufan suddenly drew his knife and cut off one of the other's ears. This surprised everyone. Then Chu Yufan put the knife on the neck of the screaming operator and asked calmly:

"You have two more chances now."

"You TM...ah!" One eye went blind

"There is still... one last chance." Looking at the silent controller, Chu Yufan still said calmly.

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