"Is this... the hall?"

Chi Tong and Green chased the octopus man Jia Mo all the way to a spacious hall. In the middle of the hall, there was a man who was also a gravekeeper tied with iron chains. At this time, Jia Mo was already standing behind this man.

"Hahaha, you didn't expect that, Uncle Jia Mo actually lured you here on purpose. Look! This guy is a companion that I, the uncle, want to watch!"Jia Mo said breathlessly, pointing at the tied man.

"……If he is a reliable partner, why tie him up?" Chi Tong asked doubtfully.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. This is not what I want, because he will become a terrible monster. If left alone, he will soon die of physical collapse, so he is very scary."Jia Mo explained while untying the chain that tied him.

"Listen carefully, the two people in front of you are enemies, tear them to pieces!"


Before Jia Mo finished speaking, the man roared and transformed into a beast.

"Green, I can only ask you to stop the octopus man, I will deal with this guy!"Akagami looked at Jia Mo who was about to run away and said to Green

"……"Okay! Chi Tong, you have to be careful!" Green originally planned to stay and help Chi Tong, but after seeing Chi Tong's expression, Green had no choice but to agree. After all, if Jia Mo ran away, he didn't know where Chi Tong's sister was imprisoned.

"Roar!"The beast-like gravekeeper pounced towards Akahiko, grabbing at her with the sharp claws of both hands, while Akahiko used Kiri Ichimonji to block it.

"……Does this guy have no reason, only instinct?"As soon as the two sides fought, Chi Tong saw that the guy in front of him was just an irrational beast.

If he met someone weaker than him, then this fighting method would naturally win. But if he met Chi Tong, then there would be no chance.

""So strong!" Jia Mo watched Chi Tong and his companions fighting, and he was terrified, because Chi Tong's strength was far beyond his imagination.

Chi Tong's speed even exceeded the speed of his companions after they transformed into beasts, and each of Chi Tong's swords hit the vital points very accurately. This tactic slowed down his companions, who were originally fast.

"No, no, no, no... I can't beat this guy, I'd better run away first."Jia Mo looked at Chi Tong who was in the upper hand and wanted to run away, but Green had already spotted him.

"Hey, hey, hey, I told you, don't forget about me!" Seeing that Chi Tong was fine, Green used the rattlesnake to wrap Jia Mo again. Jia Mo just wanted to break free, but found that he couldn't break free.

"I've seen your escape method once, don't think it will work again."Green pushed his glasses and said.

On the other side, Chi Tong quickly found the right time and chopped off the beast's head with a knife. When Jia Mo saw this scene, he burst into tears instantly.

"Beautiful!" Green couldn't help but praise

"Green!" Seeing that Green was fine, Akato was relieved

"Anyway, let's quickly interrogate this guy and then find your sister."


"It's too ugly... Jia Mo, are you still a cadre of the gravekeeper like this?"A voice came, it was Vinai Gu who came over. Seeing Jia Mo being caught, he couldn't help but said angrily

"Huh?!"Vinagu saw the body that was killed by Chi Tong and couldn't help but say

"Even though he's a loser who can't control his own power, I was able to kill him... It seems I need to do it myself."

"Head...head……"When Jamo saw his boss coming, he tried to break free from the rattlesnake again, but Green learned his lesson this time and threw Jamo against the wall and knocked him unconscious.

"This posture... Green, this guy is very strong."Akagi looked at Vinai Gu and reminded him

"Yes, last time it was an old woman, this time it is an old man?……"Green said

"It would be best if we could win easily. If the opponent is too strong, we can use secret techniques to deal with them."Vinagu estimated the strength of the two and thought to himself.

"Defeating the leader should put an end to this."

"Two against one, let’s go, Akagi!"

"Hum...Look at me taking your heads off!" Vinai Gu rushed towards the two men.

"Come and try it! Rattlesnake!"Green swung his rattlesnake towards Vinaigu, but he didn't expect that Vinaigu actually came in front of him through the gap between the attacks.

"First, the first one!"

Vinagu's palm stabbed towards Green's heart in the shape of a hand knife. Just as he was about to stab, a long knife appeared and accurately chopped on Venaigu's arm to block the attack.

"Ding ding ding ding……"

After his attack was blocked, Vinaigu turned his target to Akahima. He felt that the girl in front of him was quite powerful, so he used the armor on his arms to fight against Akahima's weapon.

"This guy looks exactly like the guy just now, but his strength is very different."Akagi was a little surprised at Vinai Gu's strength.

"You are very capable. If I hadn't already found a wife, I would have loved to have you in my pocket." Vinai Gu said with regret.

"?"At the moment when Akado paused because of Vinaigu's words, Vinaigu's right hand knife stabbed towards Akado's head.

A whip flew over and wrapped around Vinaigu's right arm and pulled it to a stop. Akado dodged the attack while slashing at Vinaigu's right arm with the knife in his hand.

Vinaigu blocked Akado's knife with his left arm, and then used his tail to counterattack Green. Green had no choice but to retract the rattlesnake to resist, while Akado continued to fight Vinaigu in close combat.


Vinai Gu spewed out flames from his mouth, and Chi Tong, who was too close, had no time to dodge.��Green quickly used the rattlesnake to pull Akagi back, so Akagi was not hit.

""Phew, thanks a lot, Green." Chi Tong, who escaped the disaster, thanked

"It's okay, this is what I should do."Green replied

"Humph, you can't beat me at this level!"After saying this, Vinai Gu stepped forward to attack again.

"Ola Ola Ola!"


Vinaigu's attack was interrupted again. It turned out that Bonnie and Tsukushi came over. Bonnie saw Akame and Green fighting and attacked Vinaigu first, but Vinaigu took the attack with his body.

"Well, the power is still a little lacking."Vinagu commented


"What is this?"Vinagu held the bullet between his fingers and asked in confusion. This action made Tsukushi stunned. It was the first time she saw someone catch a bullet with his fingers.

"Wow! Akagi, Green, is this guy the big boss? He looks super strong!"Boni asked loudly

"Yes, he is the leader of the gravekeepers."Akagi replied

"Hum...are they starting to appear one by one?……"Before Vinai Gu finished speaking, a familiar voice came from another direction.

"elder sister!"

"Hei Tong?!"

Aka Tong saw a passage on the upper right side of the hall, and Hei Tong and two others suddenly appeared here.

"Sister! Be careful! This guy has special abilities... Sister, your partner... Guy was killed by him with his special abilities!"


Akame, Green, Bonnie, and Tsukushi all looked surprised for a moment before returning to normal. However, the four of them all looked at Vinaigu with murderous intent in their eyes.

"I understand, Hei Tong, leave the rest to us!" Chi Tong said to Hei Tong

"Okay, sister, you have to be careful."

"They don't know what my secret technique is yet, so I still have a chance to win."Vinagu thought to himself, although the other side has more people, as long as his secret technique is not exposed, he will definitely not lose.


"That guy is here!"

"Kill him now! Avenge our compatriots!"


A large number of grave keepers began to gather here, for no other reason than that they had lost nearly three hundred people here.

Chu Yufan looked at the endless stream of grave keepers and wondered if he had stirred up a hornet's nest, but what he had to do remained the same.

On the other side of the road, there was a lot of ice, which was very surprising. After all, it wasn't winter, so how could there be ice?

"Humph... what a bunch of weak guys." A female voice came out from the darkness.

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