At the same time that Akame and the other two were attacked, Green and Natara on the second floor were also attacked by insects.

""Oh oh oh oh!" Green swung the rattlesnake in his hand quickly, and the airtight attack finally blocked the attack of the insects.

When Green was attacked at the beginning, the insects were able to dodge his attack when he swung the rattlesnake. Fortunately, Natara on the side reacted in time to help him resist, which allowed Green to escape.

Even so, the two of them could only resist the attack of the insects but could not fight back. Therefore, when Daniel joined the battle, the two of them immediately fell into a disadvantage.

"Wow, why are these old men so powerful!"Green couldn't help complaining when he saw Daniel fighting with Natara. After all, this was the third time he had met an old man with super strong fighting power.

As for Natara, the situation was not good. He was not Daniel's opponent. Therefore, he could only resist his attack reluctantly, even after taking the strengthening medicine. Once the effect of the medicine wore off, he would definitely lose.

Green could not provide any support for Natara for the time being because he needed to deal with the attack of the insect swarm.


"Hmm? Is there any movement downstairs?"Cornelia heard the movement downstairs and couldn't help but ask

"It seems like... Could it be an enemy attack?"Tsukushi also heard the sound and couldn't help but say

"We are fast……?!"Before Cornelia finished speaking, the outer wall of the third floor was instantly broken, and Jill and Dora rushed in at the same time.

As soon as Jill entered the room, he immediately punched Cornelia, who was closest to him. In a hurry, Cornelia could only raise her hands to resist, and then she was hit hard against the wall.


"Prometheus!"Tsukushi quickly raised his gun and fired several shots at Jill. Dora, who was beside Jill, quickly took out a ring and threw it, blocking all the bullets fired by Tsukushi.


Gil took a step forward and quickly rushed towards Tsukushi. However, before he could get close, Bonnie, who was angry, kneed him in the face and knocked him back.

"You have good footwork~" Jill touched his cheek and grinned.

"……I thought I could kick your head off." Bonnie was also surprised by the opponent's ability to withstand blows.

"It seems that this is not an opponent that can be easily killed."Dora took out four short knives with her four hands and said lightly

"It's two on two."

"It should be three to two!"

Cornelia, who had recovered, stood up again and stood with Bonnie.

"Are you okay, Ms. Cole?"

"No problem, you can keep fighting."

"Are you sure it's really three to two?" Jill smiled faintly. Then many insects appeared around the room, ready to attack.

"Tsk! This is troublesome!" Bonnie said

"Find a chance to evacuate first." Cornelia said


"What's wrong? You don't have any strength in your knife."Malade said with a smile, dodging Yin's knife easily.

"Hahaha……"At this time, blood kept flowing from Yin's eyes, and the whole person kept gasping for breath.

"You...really poisoned me just now, didn't you?" Thinking back to when the insect stabbed my arm, I found a chance to drink the antidote, but it didn't work.

"That's not poison. I'm not very good at lying to girls."

""The little guy who stabbed you is injecting insect eggs into you!"

Before Mailad finished speaking, Silver's abdomen suddenly bulged and a hole appeared. Blood gushed out from the wound, and the pincer-shaped beetles also came out from the wound.


Yin could feel that something was constantly wriggling in his blood vessels, looking for a weak spot in his body and trying to break out.

"I originally hid the eggs in my fingernails and planned to inject them into you, but you didn't give me the chance. Luckily I let the little guy give you a shot at the beginning.……"

"The eggs have now hatched inside you, and soon they will bite through your body and fly out in large numbers."


While Maillard was speaking, Silver's arms and thighs began to tear open, and more and more pincer beetles kept flying out of the wounds.

"Goodbye, you can still say one last word."Malard saw the scene in front of him, smiled morbidly and said to Yin

""Last...words?" Yin said as his consciousness began to blur.

"Yes, you are going to die soon, no doubt about it."Mallad said.

Yin did not reply. The severe pain from the wounds inside and outside her body made her feel numb. Yin walked slowly to Mellad and slowly raised the knife in her hand.

"……I'm going to kill……"

Before Yin finished her words, a large number of pincer beetles burst out from all parts of her body. Yin's last blow was not made, and she fell to the ground helplessly.

"It is better to call the names of important people when you are dying."Mallad looked at this scene and said slowly

"You were still so impulsive until the end. You are really a good girl. You are a great mother. You have provided a lot of nutrition to my little bugs."Malard touched the pincer beetle that flew out of Silver's body and exclaimed.

"You...are you Oberg? Your hobby is really bad!"

A male voice came from behind Maillard. It was Gozizi who came back. When he came back, he saw Yin who had died miserably. Although there was no other expression on his face, the murderous aura around him was even stronger.

"She is my type, so I targeted her."

"I will treat these insects as her children and cherish them well."Malade said with a smile

"I will not allow you to continue to attack my child. This is where you will die."Gozzi drew out his imperial weapon, Murasame, and said slowly.

"Hehe~ If that boy said this, it might be more impressive."Malard moved his hands, and a large number of pincer beetles surrounded him.


"It looks like a trap.……"Chu Yufan came to the Sun Moon Swamp and looked at the empty factory in front of him. He thought to himself:

"Is the target me? Probably not, there is no ambush nearby, so is the main purpose to lure me away?"Chu Yufan was a little confused. After all, judging from his appearance, there should be nothing about him that is worthy of the enemy's attention.

This is just like elephants don't pay attention to ants, and strong people don't pay attention to weak people.

However, Chu Yufan probably never dreamed that the other party had made so much effort and sacrifice to avoid contact with him. After all, the intelligence about him was obtained by the other party sacrificing dozens of secret agents.

"Let's go back. If their purpose is to lure me away, then their target is Akame and the others.……"Chu Yufan quickly escaped from the factory and headed back the way he came.


Chu Yufan hadn't taken a few steps when a strange crackling sound suddenly came from the grass on the side of the road, and then a strange fragrance began to spread.


"I see……"

Chu Yufan looked at the Sun and Moon Swamp that suddenly rioted, and realized that the other party was planning to use the super dangerous species here to delay time.

"I've been looked down upon to some extent." Chu Yufan thought.

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