Since the village where Tatsumi lived was quite closed, Chu Yufan had no idea what was happening outside. At this time, he was supervising the training of Tatsumi and the other two.

No matter what magic weapons they had, their strength still depended on their physical fitness. For example, the breathing method, all the branches and schools before were determined by the physical fitness of the user.

Although Tatsumi and the other two had certain psychological traumas from the devilish training at the beginning. However, in order to save their village, the three were very determined.

No matter how outrageous the goal set by Chu Yufan was, he would do his best to complete it. But what they didn't know was that this outrageous goal was still a reduction in difficulty for Chu Yufan.

Soon, a month passed, and the knife made by Beckwell was almost ready. So Chu Yufan took Tatsumi and the other two, who were carrying huge rocks, back to the mountains again.

"You came just in time, the knife has just been forged!" Bakewell said excitedly when he saw Chu Yufan and the other three people coming, and then he took out the finished knife.

This is a double-wielded long sword with a blade length of about four feet and three inches, and the curvature of the blade is not large. Perhaps because of the forging material, the blade is as black as obsidian, and the blade is silver-white due to processing.

Chu Yufan took the knife from Bakewell's hand and waved it casually a few times. Although the blade and the handle are quite long, the overall weight of the knife does not feel heavy. It is not heavy and feels very hard when swung.

"Good knife!!"Chu Yufan said excitedly

"Humph! Of course, don't you see who it is?……?!"Before Beckwell finished speaking, he was surprised to find that the blade, which was supposed to be silver-white, turned black like the blade after Chu Yufan took it.

"Hello? The color of the blade has changed. Is there a problem with the manufacturing process?"Sayou asked hurriedly when she saw this.

"Impossible! How could this happen?"Beckwell was also confused when he saw this situation.

"It seems that only the color has changed, and there is no other change."Chu Yufan waved it a few more times and then said

""Phew! That's good." Bakewell exhaled and continued

"The special ability of the Water Dragon Sword has also been transferred to this sword, and the activation method is the same as the original one. The difference is that the original three-minute enhancement ability can now be extended to about five minutes. As for the sequelae of the enhancement, there is no solution for the time being. I will study it carefully when I have time.

"Thank you, Mr. Bakewell."Chu Yufan said

"You saved my life. This is a reward. I have nothing else to do in the mountains anyway."Beckwell waved his hand and said.

After saying goodbye to Beckwell, Chu Yufan and the other three returned to the village. Chu Yufan began to familiarize himself with his new weapon, while Tatsumi and the other two continued their devilish training to enhance their physical fitness.


Compared to the calmness of Chu Yufan, the imperial capital is quite lively. After all, even the assassin organization of Oberg dare not casually carry out assassinations in the imperial capital. However, now there is an assassination group that is famous in the imperial capital.

Night Raid, all the evil people assassinated by them have good things to say.

However, in addition to assassinating those corrupt officials, [Night Raid] will also be responsible for secretly protecting the few remaining conscientious officials in the empire. According to Najeta, these conscientious officials will become the backbone of the new country after the victory of the revolution. Since the

White Horse Town that supported the revolutionary army was massacred, the empire has been constantly looking for other local towns that also support the revolutionary army. And every time at this time, [Night Raid] as an assassination force will go out to help the residents of the town escape the pursuit of the empire.

At the same time, [Night Raid] will also accept assassination commissions from the people of the empire, basically people whose families were wrongly imprisoned and died in vain by corrupt officials.

Four months passed quickly. In addition to the assassination organization"Night Raid", there appeared an assassin called"White Death" who was holding a black long knife and wearing a white mask. It was rumored that this White Death was rampant in the Imperial Capital and had broken into the Imperial Palace several times without being caught.

You know, even the Night Raid Organization did not dare to easily enter the palace to carry out assassination missions, not to mention that this White Death was alone. This undoubtedly made him the focus of the entire Imperial Capital, but because the Empire blocked related news, not many people knew the details. Another month passed quickly, and Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas were also about to officially go to the Imperial Capital.

"Be careful along the way! Tatsumi, Sau, Iyeas. The village chief looked at the three high-spirited young men in front of him and said

"Don't worry! Village chief, we have remembered everything the master taught us. We will find a way to save the village."Tatsumi said confidently.

"Come on, and come back safely!" Cornelia said to the three of them.

"Got it, Master's Wife. We will find Master too." Tatsumi's words made Cornelia blush instantly.

"Don't talk nonsense.……"

A month ago, Chu Yufan left the village and returned to the imperial capital. There has been no news since then, but Cornelia, Tatsumi and the other two are not too worried. After all, with Chu Yufan's strength, he would probably be able to survive even if he was surrounded by the army.

"Let's go!"Tatsumi and the other two set off on their journey with their longing for the imperial capital.

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