Night raids do not have missions every day. After all, each mission needs to be investigated before taking action. When there are no missions, each member will have their own entertainment, either eating meat, going shopping, or reading. Some people like Leone gamble and drink in the imperial capital. However, while doing these, Leone will also pay attention to talents with the qualities of a killer in the imperial capital. For example, Hill in the team was discovered by Leone for the night raid.

Therefore, Leone has full confidence in her vision. When she saw Tatsumi and the other two, she knew that these three people were good materials for being killers. Of course, the main reason for winning over the three of them is the country atmosphere.

In short, they look honest and gullible at first glance.

However, since escaping from Arya's house, Tatsumi and the other two have become somewhat suspicious. Faced with the invitation of the big sister in front of them, the three of them said"not interested" very confidently and planned to leave directly.

"Eh?! Wait, this job salary���"It's high!" Leone said hurriedly when he saw the three people were about to leave.


Tatsumi and the other two ignored him and said,"You're kidding. If the salary was high, why would you be chased by the creditors just now? Are you kidding a three-year-old?"

"Oh, I don't believe it at all. I thought it was easy to fool you.……"Leone did not chase the three people, but muttered to himself on the spot

"Maybe we'll meet again."


In the imperial capital, some strange guys will soon appear. Just five days after Tatsumi met Leone, a serial killer appeared in the imperial capital.

This killer was called"Beheading Zanke". He originally worked in the largest prison in the imperial capital and was a beheader who specialized in executing death penalty.

As more and more people were wrongly imprisoned by ministers, Zanke's workload also rose sharply. Later, he was constantly killing people every day and every moment. Gradually, he began to be dissatisfied with killing people in prison, and began to run to the streets at night to kill people.

"It sounds like an urban legend. After listening to Sau's story, Tatsumi said in disbelief.

"No, no, no, now many people in the imperial capital know that this person is around, and ordinary residents basically don't go out at night. And I heard that he has killed many members of the security team!" Seeing that Tatsumi didn't believe it, Shayou explained

"So, Shayou, what is this"praise engraving" you are talking about?"Iyeas asked

"It's"Beheading Zanke", Iyeas. Aren't we unable to find our master now? We originally wanted to buy a mask to do something big... But now think about it, if the three of us can catch this murderer, we can become famous!" Shayou said excitedly

"That's true, but it sounds dangerous."Tatsumi said

"Tsk~ What's so dangerous? The breathing techniques we learned are also related to beheading."Sayou said disdainfully.

Indeed, after all, the breathing techniques are aimed at the neck of the ghost.

"And do you know how much the bounty on this wanted warrant for Zanke is? It's actually 20,000 Imperial Coins!"

"What?!"Tatsumi and Iyeas jumped up instantly after hearing that.

20,000 Imperial Coins! The village where Tatsumi and the other two lived only had an income of about 3,000 Imperial Coins a month. If the imperial taxes were deducted, the remaining Imperial Coins would be even less.

Tatsumi and the other two came to the Imperial Capital to save the village. Although they knew that the master was now a killer in the Imperial Capital, they had not found him since they came to the Imperial Capital. As for the job, they still hadn't found it yet. It would be nice if they could capture this"Beheading Zanke" and exchange him for a bounty.

"Huh, are you moved?" Shayou asked after looking at their reactions.

"Of course, that's 20,000 imperial coins. If we had that much money, no one in the village would go hungry for at least three months."Iyeas said

"Yes! If it succeeds, the village will be fine for the time being."Tatsumi said

"Okay! Then let's take action! The goal is to capture"Beheading Zanke""!"

"Oh oh oh oh——"

On the other side, in the night raid base in the suburbs of the imperial capital

"Everyone is clear about the goal this time, right?" Najeta said

"Beheading Zanke? He disappeared right after organizing the expedition, but I didn't expect him to show up again now." Brand said, leaning against the wall.

"This time, things might be a little different. Zanker stole the warden's imperial weapon and became much stronger. He might be hard to deal with this time." Najeta explained.

"I see. Can you tell me what imperial tool Zanke is using?" Lubbock asked.

"It is still unknown now, but if you run into him you need to be careful." Najeta stood up and continued

"Tonight, work in groups of two and be careful!"



"Happy! Happy! After the series of murders, the killer has appeared. What a dangerous street!……"Zanke stood on the top of the tower, using the imperial device on his head to observe the situation on the street.

Zanke's imperial device, the Five-Sighted Universal [Observer], has five imperial device abilities: clairvoyance, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and hallucination. It can see into people's hearts, observe from a distance, see the future, launch illusions, etc.

However, this imperial device itself does not have the ability to directly improve the user's physical fitness, so this imperial device requires its user to have strong strength in order to exert its true power.

"Hmm?! In addition to the killer, there are actually three lost lambs~ Happy! Happy!"Zank is now using the farsightedness of the imperial weapon. He saw Tatsumi and the other two walking on the street.

"……It's decided! The appetizer should be the best."

"There is no one here." Tatsumi said as he looked around.

"Yes, because of the serial killer, the residents are afraid to go out... What's wrong, Shayou?" Iyeas said

"……I always feel like someone is watching us. Be careful, maybe we have been targeted."Saya said with a frown.

Tatsumi and Iyeas also looked serious when they heard this, because Saya's senses have always been accurate.

"Eh?! That is……"

Iyeas was stunned for a moment, then pointed forward. Tatsumi and Sau looked in the direction of his finger and found that Chu Yufan, who had been unable to find anyone since arriving in the imperial capital, was standing there!

"Wait a moment!"

"Chu Yufan saw the three people and left the place. Tatsumi and the other two hurriedly chased after them.

The three people kept chasing after Chu Yufan. Chu Yufan stopped after arriving at a square and turned to face Tatsumi and the other two.


Tatsumi saw"Chu Yufan" stopped and ran forward quickly, then……

"Water Breathing, First Form, Water Slash"


"Huh? I was seen through?"Zanke said in surprise after blocking Tatsumi's attack.

"You really did act like one, but it's a pity that you didn't fake the sense of oppression from your master. I guess you are"Decapitation of Zanke", right?" Tatsumi said after missing the attack and taking a few steps back.

"Hum~ You're right~ I thought I could deal with one person first. It seems I underestimated you~ But this is more interesting~" Zanke raised his two swords and said to Tatsumi and the other two.

"I wonder what expression you will show when I chop off your heads~ Happy! Happy!"

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