Killing America Terror Starts at a Fatal Turn

Chapter 108 The old sheep eats the chicken

Luke handed the photo back to his mother, turned to Old Williams and said, "Well, although I still think my mount is cooler, you are indeed very happy."

Old Williams regained his face and said with satisfaction: "Why are you coming back today? Your mother and I are fine on the farm, you don't need to worry. Don't come back all the time and disturb our world."

Luke tilted his head and looked at his mother with a helpless expression. What he meant was, "You don't care about your husband?"

Lillian gave old Mason a slight tap on the arm, a little accusingly.

Luke, who was asking for trouble, was fed a mouthful of dog food and asked: "Nothing else happened at home recently, right?"

Old Mason took the photo from Lillian, recalled his childhood happiness, and said, "No, except for a few chickens that died inexplicably, everything else was fine."

Luke asked: "How did you die?"

Old Mason said nonchalantly: "It must have been stolen by some wild beast. From time to time there are foxes, owls and the like near the farm, who come to steal the chickens. I thought the big eagle you were sitting on today was... Stealing sheep’s food.”

After saying that, the stubborn old man added: "If you hadn't appeared earlier, I would have chucked your eagle."

Chunk with a pitchfork?

Luke retorted in his mind, but seeing that the old man was still angry, he didn't say it out loud, so he smiled and nodded.

However, according to Mrs. Lillian, Old Mason did prepare a variety of self-defense weapons and ammunition of various materials based on what Luke mentioned on the phone. He even installed one on the balcony on the second floor. A light machine gun.

It's been a long time since we last met, and Luke didn't plan to go back today. He let a few crows scatter around the farm, preparing to have dinner, stay overnight, and fly directly to the Flame School tomorrow.

At night, Luke was meditating. Since mastering the meditation method, he has completely replaced sleep with meditation.

Suddenly, the psychic link vibrated slightly, and a crow seemed to have discovered something.

Luke's mind moved, and the crow's perspective appeared in his mind.

Under the night, a dark goat stood up straight, moved its two hind hooves, and imitated humans, walking around the chicken coop.

A hen that was still asleep saw it.

The hen, which has been conditioned to react, thought it was a human coming to feed it, and followed the goat towards a dark cabin.

The wooden house looked like an abandoned large dog kennel. The goat walked to the entrance of the kennel, resumed its original posture, and climbed in, followed closely by the hen.

A second or two later, there was a sudden burst of smoke and dust in the kennel, which looked like the dust caused by the frightened hens flapping their wings randomly.

After a while, the movement completely disappeared.

The goat's head poked out and seemed to be looking around. There were bloody chicken feathers at the corners of its mouth, making its originally docile appearance look particularly terrifying.

What the hell are these!

Although this weird goat is just stealing chickens to eat now, if he dares to eat chickens today, he will dare to eat people tomorrow!

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Luke gently picked up the two weapons while paying attention to the Black Goat's next move.

I saw it coming to the chicken coop again, standing upright, tempting new victims.

You are not allowed to hurt our brother!

The crow was gliding quietly in the night. Luke used [Transformation] to switch places with it and came not far behind the goat.

Before it discovered him and had a certain amount of casting time, Luke quickly used his mental power to construct the "siphon line". He was now very familiar with this spell and it only took him a second to complete the preparations for casting.

The red laser cut through the night sky and instantly hit the strange black goat on the back of the head.

There was a "boom", and a black hole was opened in the head of the black goat. One of the goat's horns was blown off by the fire and flew far away.

But the goat didn't fall down yet. It slowly turned its head and looked at Luke as if nothing happened.

Luke looked into the goat's empty, innocent eyes, and a strange feeling came over him. It was like an experience of the "uncanny valley" effect, which made him shudder.

Suddenly, the "Spider Sense" responded, and a sense of crisis jumped in Luke's cerebral cortex.

He didn't have time to see where the attack came from, so he quickly activated [Transformation] to switch places with a crow a hundred meters away.

I am glad in my heart that although my set of skills is not very good at attacking, it is really good at saving lives.

When he reached a safe position, he had time to observe where he was before.

The crow that replaced him had a sharp fang in his mouth and was chewing.

The fearful crow had been transformed by fear energy, and its body structure was different from that of ordinary crows. The owner of the big mouth chewed it a few times, but couldn't taste the meat, so he spit it out again and threw it to the ground.

At this time, Luke saw its full appearance. It turned out to be a strange goat-man.

It has two curved goat horns on its head. Its facial features are similar to those of humans, but it also has extremely distinctive goat characteristics. Its ears are also like goats, growing under the horns and are thin and narrow.

It eats fruit all over its body, has gnarled muscles, and its limbs are roughly similar to humans, except that its palms are huge with sharp claws, and its feet are slightly wider in the shape of sheep's hooves.

The goat man was squatting on the ground, as if he wanted to pick up the crow again, inspect it again, and taste it again.

As if sensing Luke's gaze, it suddenly raised its head and looked over.

Frightened, Luke fired a "flame ray" directly. The Goatman crossed his hands in front of him and completely blocked the ray, except for a few burnt wounds on his forearm.

Luke, who originally planned to fight quickly, didn't care about the sound at this time. He took out the [Death Roar] and poured his spiritual energy into it. Before he could pull the trigger, the Goat Man kicked off his legs and rushed towards Luke at a high speed. It was so fast that it left only a blurry afterimage in the air.

Luke didn't bother to fight back and used [Shapeshift] to dodge again.

The exchanged crow immediately activated [Void], but was still grabbed by the goatman and stuffed into his mouth, as if it also had some special energy in its body that could directly attack the enemy in the void.

With experience, the Goat Man immediately locked onto Luke who had moved away. The muscles in his legs were tense, and his two flat goat hooves kicked the ground. Under the reaction force, he rushed towards Luke like an arrow from the string.

At this time, other crows were scattered around the farm and were flying quickly, and Harpie was also falling rapidly from high in the sky.

But there were no crows nearby with whom Luke could swap places.

In recent battles, Luke has been using [Transformation] to tease the enemy, destroying the enemy with long-range shots, and he is still complacent. This is the elegance of a mage.

But the Goatman taught him another hard lesson at this time.

In a hurry, he raised the [Death Roar] and pulled the trigger to activate the bullet filled with psychic energy.

With a "bang" sound, the metal slug briefly illuminated the night with thunder and flames.

The goatman did not block as if facing the "flame ray". Instead, he kicked the ground diagonally again and turned to one side to avoid it.

As the Goatman dodges, Luke gets a moment to breathe, and since the shot is effective, he increases the intensity.

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