Killing America Terror Starts at a Fatal Turn

Chapter 182 The Asmo Family and the Weird Doll

the next day.

Luke woke up from Amisha's bed, scolding himself for another day of wasted meditation.

Fortunately, the experience value increased by 4%, which relieved his inner guilt in time.

As for Amisha.

How to refuse the kindness of a beautiful woman.

This must be the sequelae of too much faith!

Luke felt confident.

However, Amisha's XP system is really strange. Originally, she was a bit reserved and only interacted with Luke in normal ways.

But Luke had a lot of combat experience recently, and he could tell at a glance that although Amisha was comfortable, she was not fully committed to it.

So he made a decision that went against his original intention. A little, just a little, he used [Confusion] to make Amisha even more addicted, and at the same time, he revealed the deepest secrets hidden deep in his heart.

It is emphasized here again that Mr. Lu did not cheat.

Then very smoothly, Amisha opened up to him and confessed.


She turned out to be a cosplay enthusiast.

Likes to play prisoner.

All in all, everyone opened their hearts to each other this night and had a great time.

Luke also experienced what it was like to be a police officer, and it felt really good.

After the sun shines brightly, Amisha is not like Luke, an unemployed vagrant who can do nothing all day long. She still has to go to work.

After the two had a sweet breakfast, they separated, one went to work and the other went to wander the streets.

There was still one day left for the "Wanhua Mirror" to cool down. Luke first sneaked to Waldburg and found Dust.

He was not short of money recently, and he was reluctant to sell the fine gold he had saved. Part of it was traded to Daxter, and the other part was used to strengthen some existing spells.

In addition to the previous "Life Amulet", "Glow Prison" and "Dragon Power", Luke also took back the "Gabbiadini Shield" given to Amisha and reprocessed them to make them usable. Special spells for reuse.

There is only the "Holy Light Spell". The power source of this thing is the priest's previous charge, so even the adamantine transformation only makes it rechargeable, not reusable.

In addition, he also took out the [Death Roar], which had not been used for a long time, and gave it to Dast, asking him to add a charging system to the gun without making any major changes. To the extent that even ordinary humans can use it directly.

Daxter said that he had never done this before, but he could give it a try.

After handing over a bunch of things to Dust, Luke fell into a state of doing nothing again.

If you have nothing to do, why not go home and see your parents.

He did what he thought of, rode on Harpie, and returned to Cheng County in less than ten minutes.

Mason and Lillian were very surprised by Luke's arrival. There have been a lot of rumors about Phoenix recently, with rumors about big rats, aliens, demons and the like flying all over the sky.

Although they knew that their son had extraordinary abilities, they still couldn't help but worry. When they saw his son coming home, the two of them checked him up and down and all around.

Well, my arms and legs are all there, and there are no obvious scars on my body, so don’t worry.

Luke looked at his parents who were making a bit of a fuss, dumbfounded, "Hey, I'm going to Phoenix, not the Middle East."

Old Mason glared at him slightly reproachfully and said, "Even if you go to the Middle East, I won't worry. Phoenix City is much more dangerous than the Middle East."

That's right.

It makes perfect sense.

The frequency of disasters in Phoenix is ​​higher than in New York, where aliens, terrorists, and Godzilla come every three to five, and it is estimated that it will not be stable in the future.

He himself enjoyed it, and he was leveling up quickly. Even if his parents stayed in the towns around Phoenix, it would still be a bit dangerous.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that Lillian was hesitant to speak, as if she had something to say.

"Mom, do you have anything to say? I hope you are not introducing me to a girlfriend." He said jokingly.

Mrs. Lillian thought for a moment and then asked hesitantly: "During this time, has anyone claiming to be from the Asmo family come looking for you?"


Luke thought for a while, "No, but the name sounds familiar."

He started searching in his memory.

It was he who revealed his ability to purify the energy of the abyss after the "Seven Deadly Sins" corpse tower incident. I heard from Nomi from the Flame School that there was an old guy in the FBI who coveted his special ability, but in the end, he was killed by a force called the Asmo Family. Pushed back.

At that time, I thought about it for a long time, and I didn't expect to have any contact with this family. It turns out that the root lies with my mother.

He said: "Someone told me that the Asmo family has helped me behind the scenes, but no one from them has ever contacted me."

Mrs. Lillian seemed to be relieved, but also complained a little, and said: "It seems that your grandpa still has a problem with me."


Luke remembered that in all these years, there had indeed been no relatives on his mother's side.

"Before I married your father, my name was Lillian Asmo." Mrs. Lillian smiled, "Then it was just a very clichéd story. I fell out with my parents because of love, and then I ran away from home and never came back. Go back or something.”

After saying that, she turned her head and glared at Old Mason. Perhaps she was remembering the beautiful past of her youth, but her eyes were as clear and charming as a girl's.

Old Mason blushed, knowing that he was in the wrong, and was speechless.

Seeing that Mason was silent and silent, Lillian ignored him and continued to say to Luke: "Your uncle came to see me some time ago and asked about you. I thought he would go and meet you. It seems that He is still the same as before, only obeying your grandpa’s orders.”

Luke asked curiously: "I heard that the Asmo family is a very powerful extraordinary family, but mother, why do you seem to have no contact with the extraordinary world at all?"

Lillian smiled bitterly and said: "I have no talent in this area. I saw it occasionally when I was a child, but I thought it was magic. I have moved out since I went to college, otherwise your father would not have a chance to catch up with me."

The topic turned to old Mason again, and he very wisely fled the scene, "I'm going to prepare lunch."

After that, he walked out.

While the maternal love that had just arrived had not expired, Luke took the time to ask some more about the Asmo family.

After all, the education I received in my previous life was to be courteous for nothing, and to be either a traitor or a thief. As for the centripetal force of clan power, this thing was broken up long ago in the previous life. Even if it is still preserved in some places, or even resurrected, forming a new clan that changes hands and covers the sky, at least Luke has not experienced this feeling. .

Therefore, these so-called "tribesmen" who have never seen each other in their lives, just because of their blood relationship, just to protect themselves, they are high-ranking FBI officials, and they do good deeds without leaving their names afterward. It is really beyond Luke's ability to understand, and it makes him a little worried. Uneasy.

Under Luke's guidance, Lillian and Luke explained some basic information about the Asmo family in detail.

They kept themselves in isolation all year round and did not go out much. They lived in a small town called Black Spindle a few hundred kilometers away from Phoenix. It was not until Lillian's generation that they had more interactions with the outside world.

Although they remain hidden from the world, this family can be said to be famous in the extraordinary world.

Lillian told her some more information that Wagner, her brother and Luke's uncle, had revealed while chatting with her.

For example, when the young people of the Asmo family were training outside, no one would dare to bully the younger ones except for competition among their peers.

As for the reason, there is an old monster in the Asmo family who has become a legend hundreds of years ago. He managed to survive by using special rare objects, magic circles and geographical factors.

And although this old monster cannot leave the family territory, it happens that according to legend, he is a legend who achieved his career as a "cursed wizard".

Anyone who thinks about "cursed wizard", "legend" and "old monster" will probably feel trembling in their heart.

However, the legendary wizard of the Asmo family is not one to show off. Except for one time when he personally cursed to death a paragon peak-level pollution monster in a super large restricted area because he owed a favor to the officials, he has never done anything else. Pass.

The reason why the FBI didn't dare to target Luke was because of the rules of the Asmo family. It doesn't matter who is the same generation. If you bully the younger ones, you must always be prepared to face a large number of "cursed wizards" from the Asmo family, ranging from brave men to paragons and even legends. Target in secret.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves missing you.

If you are targeted by a group of cursed wizards, an occasional hair dropped, old clothes worn many years ago, or even descendants hit on the wall may become the medium that kills you.

Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

Who can afford to offend this thing?


While Luke and Lillian were chatting, two guests who drove to Phoenix from a distant city also arrived near Cheng County.

Drum was driving the car. Audis, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly felt cramps in his abdomen. He held his stomach and said with some pain: "Mom, my stomach hurts and I want to go to the toilet."

Drum slowed down the car and turned to look at Otis. Seeing that he looked really uncomfortable, he stopped the car on the side of the road, gave him the paper and said: "The area is deserted. It will take ten minutes to get to the next town. If you I can’t help it anymore, so go and solve it in the grass, no one can see it anyway.”

Leaving his familiar family and city and following this "mother" he had known for a short time to the wilderness made him feel particularly uneasy. His long-term strict upbringing also made it difficult for Otis to accept the convenience of being in the wild.

But the surging urge to defecate and the pain that was like a knife in his intestines were making him unbearable. He took the toilet paper handed over by Drum, hurriedly opened the car door, and got into the jungle beside the road.

After some purring and rustling sounds, Hades stood up comfortably.

He was about to return to the car when he suddenly seemed to hear Drum calling his name, and the call was vague and unclear.

Hades pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and then he vaguely followed the direction of the sound to an empty wasteland not far from the woods.

He walked to the end of the wasteland, in front of a dry tree, and picked up a very strange-looking doll from inside.

The doll was about the size of two palms, all gray and white, with chains wrapped around its body. The shout seemed to come from here.

Hades looked confused and was about to untie the chains when suddenly a loud voice called out: "Hades, are you okay! Where did you go to the toilet?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Hades suddenly woke up. He looked at the strange doll in his hand and threw it towards the dead tree.

The doll hit the tree trunk and broke into several pieces. The broken simulated head looked aimlessly in the direction of Hades.

The boy hurried back to the car. He originally wanted to tell Drum about the doll, but he didn't know how to speak. Finally, he convinced himself that the chains on the doll were not untied and had been damaged. There won't be any trouble.

After getting rid of the discordant noises on the road, the two continued towards the town.

After passing a sharp turn, a woman wearing a white robe suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. Fortunately, Drum reacted quickly and stopped the vehicle in time, narrowly avoiding hitting her.

Drum, who was in shock, opened the door and got out of the car. Before he could say anything, he felt a kind and familiar smell from the woman opposite, as if the two of them had something in common.

Before she could speak, the dumbfounded woman suddenly turned around and walked deeper into the woods as if she was sleepwalking.

Drum was worried, opened the passenger door, called Hades, and the two of them followed the woman in white robe.

After walking in circles for nearly ten minutes, the woman in white robe brought Drum and Hades to the open space where the strange doll was.

Hades looked towards the place where he had dropped the doll, and there was nothing there.

He quickly pulled Ladrum's hand hard.

Drum looked back. The little boy had a horrified expression on his face.

She stopped and asked, "What's wrong, Hades, is something wrong?"

Hades pulled her arm down hard, and waited until she bent down, then put his mouth to Drum's ear and whispered to her what had just happened.

After hearing what Hades had just experienced, Drum looked around and found no trace of the doll fragments, and he suddenly became alert.

The woman in white robe was already kneeling in front of the dead tree, praying devoutly.

Drum slowly backed away with Hades. Although she seemed to like the woman in front of her at first glance, she was taking her child out at this time. Safety should be the priority in everything. She still did not participate in this weird scene. as well.

The woman in white robe was still kneeling on the spot, showing no intention of getting up to stop the two of them.

The two returned the same way, quickly got in the car, and left this strange place.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived in Chengxian County and stayed at a hotel booked in advance.

Feng Dian had been sleeping in the open for a long time. They planned to stay here for a few days, take a rest, and inquire about the Crow God in Phoenix City before setting off again.

After checking in, Drum took Hades' hand and walked up. When he was approaching the stairs, he suddenly turned back and asked the front desk of the hotel: "I just came to Cheng County today. On the way here, I heard someone said that there is a hotel in Phoenix City. A crow god, I’m a little curious, have you heard of his name?”

The lady at the front desk thought for a while and found out that she had never heard of the Crow God in Phoenix City. He was probably some kind of rural prostitute. She hesitated and replied: "I haven't heard of it. Maybe you can ask someone from Phoenix City." , the news in our countryside is relatively limited."

Drum was a little disappointed not to get the answer he wanted, but he was not greatly affected. This only proves that the "Crow God" may not be a widely spread god. If you ask more, you can always get the information you want.

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