Killing America Terror Starts at a Fatal Turn

Chapter 286 The Black Hand and the Triangle Head of the Abyss

You like playing with fire, right?

Luke stepped on the ground, and the orange-red color was similar to that of the little monsters, but the more dazzling magma surged out from the ground, instantly engulfing the monsters outside the house.

As if he were surfing, he ran straight from the waves of the magma to the room with a crack in the door. After controlling the magma to submerge the little monsters that squeezed into the room, he saw the surprised look in the eyes of the woman hiding in the corner of the room. , once again the magma wrapped in the ashes of the little monster flowed out from the crack of the door.

"It's okay, those monsters are dead."

Looking at the panicked woman, Luke first spoke to comfort her.

Seeing that the woman became quiet, Luke asked softly: "What's your name and how did you get here?"

"My name is Rose." The frightened woman looked at the handsome young man who had descended from the sky in front of her. She regained a sense of security in her heart. She took a few deep breaths and continued: "I came here with my daughter Sharon, but Now she's missing and I'm looking for her."

No useful information at all.

This woman only stated her goal in general, but did not tell her the reason for coming here.

But that’s right, meeting a stranger in a strange and scary place. Although he seemed to have no ill intentions, Ross, as a sane adult, was still wary of Luke and did not tell the whole story about Sharon.

Of course Luke saw it too.

He has a special way of dealing with this situation.

Although I don't like to use extraordinary abilities on ordinary people, now I am fighting against the abyss and monsters in a different space, so a small exception is not an exaggeration.

He used a little bit of the power of [Confused Heart] and said to Rose: "Although it is my first time to come to this place, you can also see that I have some abilities that are beyond ordinary people. Maybe I can help you a little bit. , if you tell me clearly the ins and outs of the matter."

Induced by the supernatural power, Rose easily believed Luke's words and developed a strong desire to talk to Luke about the recent events at home, as if this could help her get Sharon back. .

Then, she started from the beginning and told everything about Sharon recently.

A girl who suddenly started sleepwalking frequently would shout "Silent Hill" and "Home" while sleepwalking. Moreover, this girl was adopted from an orphanage.

Nothing feels right no matter how you think about it.

So the key clue at the moment is Ross's daughter, the mysterious girl named Sharon.

If you find her, you may be able to find the core of this alien space.

After listening to Rose's story, Luke said: "Sharon is too young. She is too dangerous in this dangerous space by herself. I think we need to speed up."

Ross had the same concerns and decided to set out immediately.

The little monsters that had surrounded them outside had all been burned to ashes by Luke's lava, and then dissipated with the lava, leaving the space separated by the barbed wire fence very empty.

The two of them continued to move in Ross's original direction. With Luke as his bodyguard, Ross's progress was obviously much faster. After a while, the two of them came to the gate of a school. The sign on the gate read "Meade". Veitch Elementary School.”

"I just saw Sharon coming in this direction. Did she go to school?" Rose turned to Luke and said.

"Go in first, and then we'll talk after you finish searching."

Upon entering the school, Luke quickly noticed something was wrong.

The atmosphere here is very strange. The decorations and various slogans are full of religious rituals. Moreover, it looks very weird. It is a bit messy at first glance, but if you look closely, you seem to be able to find some cobwebs and lines in the disordered lines. Spider look.

Generally speaking, this kind of weird thing usually symbolizes a cult, and the shape of the spider inevitably reminds Luke of his old friend, the evil god who has been coveting the world-the Spider Queen.

Is this also the backup she left behind?

After walking a few steps into the school, Luke suddenly found several sudden footprints in front of him. Those footprints were smaller than normal people's feet and looked like traces of a child running past.

Is such an obvious clue guiding Ross?

Luke pointed there, and Rose also discovered those footprints, but her observation skills were not as keen as Luke's. She leaned over and examined them carefully for a while, and then said dubiously: "It may be Sharon's footprints. "

The footprints pointed in the direction of a teaching building not far ahead. Luke and Rose followed the footprints and headed inside.

After arriving at the teaching building, Luke looked around in surprise. The moment he stepped into the door of the teaching building, he felt that there seemed to be a slight change in Rose next to him, but he didn't know the specific reason.

But immediately, Ross answered his doubts.

There was a hint of surprise in her eyes, and she ran forward while shouting: "Sharon, wait for mom!"

When he was done, he didn't forget to say to Luke: "Just now, Sharon ran over at the corner of the stairs. Did you see it?"


Luke didn't see it at all.

But Rose's reaction was so real, as if she actually saw a little girl running past.

Is it the authority of the Lord of Space again?

It seems that the woman named Rose next to me is also an important part of this space.

Luke followed Rose's footsteps and walked towards the second floor. Looking at her as if she were at home, he turned a few steps and walked into a classroom.

She walked a few steps quickly and came to a table used by students for class. The table was covered with dust, and two small handprints were clearly stuck on the dirty tabletop. Under the dust wiped away by the handprints, the word "witch" was crookedly carved with a knife.

Rose opened the desktop to reveal the storage space underneath. There were several notebooks inside, with a name neatly written on them - Alessa Grace.

After the tabletop was opened, with a strange energy fluctuation, an illusion appeared all around.

A group of primary school students gathered together, with angry or joking expressions on their faces. They threw the books and papers in their hands towards the middle of the crowd, and shouted "Burn the witch" and "Burn the witch" in unison.

The person they called the witch was a little girl with long blond hair. She lay on the table, burying her head in her arms with difficulty, not looking at the outside world like an ostrich.

After a few seconds, the illusion disappeared without a trace.

Sure enough, if you follow the key characters, the clues will come out on their own.

The situation has gradually become clearer now. Luke already has some guesses about the master of the different space, but he still needs more clues to support it.

At this moment, two crisp gunshots suddenly came from outside the building.

There are people!

In this open and peaceful environment, the sound of gunshots could be heard in the distance. Luke and Rose raised their heads together, walked to the window and looked out.

The world outside was pitch black and it was impossible to see clearly.

At this time, Rose seemed to remember something and said, "There was a female police officer who chased me before. She couldn't have been the one who shot me."

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out."

Now that the shot had been fired, it meant that the situation was urgent. Luke no longer ran slowly with Rose, but directly used his telekinesis to roll Rose up, smash the window, and fly with her in the direction of the gunfire.

Passing through the two buildings, crossing the vast black fog that blocked the view, and arriving on the broad street, a shocking scene appeared in front of us.

A policeman with short yellow hair in uniform sat against the wall. In front of her were endless black beetles. Among the beetles were three twisted, squirming, foul-smelling mud-like creatures. Eight strong tentacles emerged from the blood-red beetle in the middle of the body. extends around the eyeballs.

Beetle didn't recognize it, but the monster was an old acquaintance, the Waxmelt Monster, whom he had met once in a certain wax museum and was the favorite subordinate of the Spider Queen.

So this is really His backup plan.

I still remember that when he first encountered the wax-melting demon, Luke tried his best to find its weakness and then almost eliminated it.

Now, old friends are reunited, there are still three of them.

Luke just wanted to say: "I heard that you are made of wax, so it must be very good at burning."

The basic information of those beetles was revealed to Luke's eyes under the influence of identification.

[Human-Faced Hell Worm] (Abyssalization)

Death Insects were born out of extreme resentment. Due to the influence of the power of the abyss, their current owners have lost control of them. Now, they are the lackeys of the Abyss.


[Corrosive Body Fluids]: Human-faced hell bugs have extremely corrosive saliva. They can apply this saliva to the part they bite, thereby corroding the protection of that part.

[Soul Devouring]: The human-faced hellworm can devour the soul and change its appearance on its own face. After devouring the soul, it will evolve into a higher-level existence.

The bugs looked weak, at least to Luke.

Turning his attention back to the policewoman, the reason why she had not been killed by those wax melt monsters and beetles was naturally not because the pistol scared the other party, but because there was a more powerful monster standing in front of her.

The wax melting demon is about two meters tall, which is already very tall in the eyes of ordinary people.

But the monster standing in front of the policewoman was nearly three meters tall. It had a huge triangular iron helmet on its head, and its naked upper body was tangled with muscles. It looked even taller than the muscle maniac far away in Phoenix City. Albert was even stronger and wore a leather butcher's skirt around his lower body.

【Triangle head】

Expectation in despair, protection in fear, this is a powerful creature imagined by a fearful transcendent in order to save himself.


[Strong]: Triangle Head is always the strongest guardian. In a world controlled by the Desperate, it has almost endless power.

[Immortality]: Triangle Head is always the most reliable guardian. In a world controlled by desperate people, it will never die.

(The desperate man’s grip on the world is no longer complete.)

Desperate ones.

He should be talking about Alessa who was regarded as a witch.

Judging from the clues collected so far, the origin of this world should be Alessa. She should be a born extraordinary person, known as a witch. Perhaps due to the prevalence of the "Witch Hunting Movement" in the Eurocontinent, in the new country of Lighthouse Country, there were also some fanatical witch hunters who made her their target.

Then there are probably the usual ones, isolation, humiliation, torture, abuse, and burning.

After that, in pain and despair, the power of the extraordinary soul is squeezed to the limit, and then——

A different space covering Silent Hill was born.

Judging from the introduction of the identification ability, the monsters here are all people who have bullied and abused Alessa. They were twisted and transformed by her with the authority of the Lord of Space, and turned into deformed and terrifying monsters. Suffering inhuman torture for an endless amount of time.

For example, the little monsters whose bodies were covered with burning debris were probably formed after being burned by the classmates who had bullied Alessa.

However, since the invasion of the Abyss and the infiltration of the Spider God Queen's power, all this has quietly changed.

At least, most of these monsters hated by Alessa have now been transformed by the abyss and have escaped Alessa's control. Even the authority of this different space may have been taken away.

After straightening out the logic of the matter, Luke withdrew his thoughts and shifted his attention to the scene.

Although the huge triangular head looked vicious, he was actually a decent person. He protected the policewoman behind him, turned his back to her, and faced the beetle that was as turbulent as the sea water.

With a wave of the taster in his hand, hundreds of beetles were cut off, and the beetles that tried to get close were crushed by big feet and swallowed by the black breath.

As for the three wax-melting demons, they were hiding behind, waiting for the beetles to consume the strength of the triangle heads.

However, at this time, the rear facing the triangle head was the front line facing Luke.

The three wax-melting demons are playing the role of warlords, driving the human-faced hellworms to die one after another in the name of the Queen of Gods. Consuming the seemingly endless power of the triangle head is actually consuming the little girl's control over the world.

During this period of time, in order to fight against the power of the Queen of Gods and regain control of this space, the girl not only hid herself, but also hid her triangular head deeply, so that the believers could not find her.

Well now, there was a hostage who suddenly appeared. In order to protect her, Triangle Head stayed where he was. Every move he made, every time he swung the knife, every time he recovered from his injuries, was on the back of that idiot who dared to confront the God Queen. Add new burdens.

Even if they are separated by a world, the power of the God Queen is still supreme. It won't be long before this small space will be captured by the spider web, and then become a springboard for the invasion of the "Holy Light World".

Hehehe, when the time comes, the Queen of Gods will reward you for your merits, and it will take off too!

Then, together with its two partners and countless human-faced hellworms, it took off in a physical sense!

Endless hot magma erupted from the ground, like a furious volcanic eruption, rushing these huge groups of disgusting monsters and their supervisors into the sky, and then drowned them.

The three wax demons were instantly ignited, emitting their own light even in the dazzling orange magma. They were really made of wax.

After three seconds, the wax burned out and the fire went out. (End of chapter)

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