Killing God Island

Chapter 1227: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi 194 Ling Zifeng and Yao Jun are different

Ling Zifeng was pushed to the height of five meters by Xu Shun forcibly. While spreading his wings directly behind him to vacate himself, he pulled out his steel flute directly from the back and used his powerful lung capacity and compressed the huge force into the flute.

Let the music blown out of the flute is not music but a very harsh and this reverberating German sound will not only slam the dozens of people who are ready to attack him, but also form a sound wave area with him as the center. Everyone in the area, even the ground, was vacated by the sounding stone for more than half a meter.

However, Chen Tian and Xu Shun are completely okay, as if the sound did not target them at all. In fact, the sound can control the sound wave of the sound at a distance from the attack area by the flute's temperament, and exerts a considerable impact force.

As long as the distance of this sound wave is controlled, Chen Tian and Xu Shun can be moved normally in this area. Except that they will still be injured by the sound, but they will not appear to be acupuncture for a while like these reinforced people. All of them stayed still in place.

In fact, these people are not affected by these temperaments to maintain one posture one by one. The reason why they are really motionless is that he uses a powerful sonic impact to temporarily suppress these people who they want to suppress and use the sonic wave. The high frequency of non-stop anti-quilt and volume output makes these people under him as if they were affected by gravity all over the body for a while, and it is difficult to move the finger slightly.

What's more, this sound wave caused more than this gravity effect that restricted their movement. In fact, everyone who was attacked by his temperament, including Chen Tian and Xu Shun, included their internal organs, body bones, blood vessels, etc. Metropolis, the osmotic injury caused by the compression frequency of Ling Zifeng's non-stop blowing is just like the powerful destructive power of first trauma followed by internal injury.

Although Chen Tian and Xu Shun could take the opportunity to quickly move to the underground cave not far away, Chen Tian and Xu Shun’s body surface was also affected by the shock and penetration of Ling Zifeng’s sound wave, which affected the entire skin surface. All are cracked, bleeding from the inside to the outside, the skin surface is like a lot of incisions cut randomly by the knife, and the wound will expand more and more, so the end result of this sound is absolutely fatal of.

Chen Tian’s physical repair ability is very strong, and the current physical strength is also much stronger than Xu Instant, so these wounds were quickly recovered. After all, Ling Zifeng did not attack them both. Chen Tian and Xu Instant only However, within the range of being attacked, after receiving a small amount of the slightest damage, and this is Ling Zifeng deliberately controlled to deliberately let them be injured to the lightest.

However, because Xu’s physical condition has indeed reached his limit, the wounds on his body are still bleeding out, so Chen Tian also directly resists Chen Tian to forcibly turn on the red child state for super fast instant movement speed, just to let It is to prevent Xu Shun from being attacked by Ling Zifeng's strong sound waves.

However, the rest of the people in Ling Zifeng's attack range are not as lucky as Chen Tian and Xu Shun. Ling Zifeng's trick is usually not used at all, because he feels that it is not necessary to use it at all, and the killing power of this trick is too strong. It is easy to hurt the companion, so it has never been used. Basically, it is only occasionally used when fighting alone, but this trick is really lethal. Basically, it can even be outside the range of Ling Zifeng’s attack, as long as Hearing this sound will cause minor internal injuries.

This is the real reason why Ling Zifeng has been hiding his strength. After all, to really use this level of tricks, I am afraid that only people at the level of Chen Tian and Xu Shun can resist, even Angelina and Ye Minyu. The physique can't bear it, let alone Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, the fortified people who can't even achieve the second degree of evolution. This is the reason why Ye Minyu has always suspected that Ling Zifeng has been hiding his ability. After all, Ling Zifeng has just shown that he can Controlling the use of various insects and using a variety of Yin Zhao poisons, but neglecting Ling Zifeng's versatility outside the island, could not have been with Ms. Zhao.

There is never a weak person around Ms. Zhao. Of course, Yao Jun has been with Ms. Zhao, but his current strength is not in the t zone at all. It can be said that he cannot be called a strong person at all, but Yao Jun is because For physical reasons.

Outside the island, with the quality of an ordinary person and adaptability in all aspects, he is definitely an elite among the elite, but Yao Jun has not been around Ms. Zhao for a short time, just a few months, when Ms. Zhao After performing that mission, he left.

However, Ms. Zhao’s strong charm has kept Yao Jun from forgetting for a long time. Later, she offered to retire and found Ms. Zhao and wanted to join his private armed forces. When she was a mercenary under her hands, Ms. Zhao did not agree, although Yao Jun is definitely an elite among the elites, but Ms. Zhao's hands are all masters. Yao Jun can't compare with these people. And besides being a master, Ms. Zhao is also a lot of strong, outrageous monster-level strongmen who have been genetically enhanced and exited the island through Zone A, but Ms. Zhao is Yao Jun. This kind of perseverance impressed and genetically transformed Yao Jun into a strengthened person.

But Yao Jun’s strengthening gene is indeed incomparable with those masters around Ms. Zhao, so Ms. Zhao transferred him to work in a base of the four major families, but Yao Jun was very reluctant because she secretly loved Ms. Zhao and always wanted to find opportunities to stay. People who are beside Ms. Zhao, but who do not have unique advantages and special strength cannot be appreciated by Ms. Zhao, and there is no possibility of staying with Ms. Zhao.

However, when Yao Jun knew that Ms. Zhao had found a program that could inherit her genes this time, and it might be possible to complete her own genetic defects through this experiment, he took the initiative to find her at the risk of being killed by Ms. Zhao. , And proposed to personally enter the island to assist this plan.

It is precisely because of this opportunity that Yao Jun and Chen Tian and Wu Yifan entered the island at the same time, and Ling Zifeng was completely different from Yao Jun. He was originally a strong individual outside the island, and the medical book Gao Ming also understood All kinds of musical instruments, the most important thing is that the length is not bad, although it can not be ranked among the super handsome guys, at least not ugly, and his talent also highlights his unique temperament.

So Ms. Zhao found him, and Ms. Zhao’s majesty, no one dared to resist him, and only obey him is the best name choice. Of course, Ling Zifeng is a talent in the eyes of others and is also in many organizations. He is considered to be a strong man with extraordinary strength, but Ling Zifeng can only serve softly in front of Ms. Zhao. After all, in front of the world's top ten masters, all the powerful factions called masters are generally ants in front of them. Strike, want to kill the kind of casually.

Therefore, Ling Zifeng would be so surrendered to Ms. Zhao’s orders, but Ling Zifeng’s special physique and abilities were also top-level masters even if he entered the island, so when he listened to Ms. Zhao’s plan and secretly issued orders to protect Chen Tian.

Ling Zifeng can only obey unconditionally, and the last parting words that Ms. Zhao said to him are enough to show what Ms. Zhao wants to convey. Although on the surface, I just said that I want you to protect Chen Tian, ​​but In the last sentence, you have to add that you should treat Chen Tian's name as your own name, otherwise you will have to consider the consequences of his death! "

Therefore, of course, Ling Zifeng takes Chen Tian very seriously. Basically, Chen Tian is his life for Ling Zifeng. If he dies, he will die. Even on this island, Ms. Zhao will find someone to kill him. Ms. Zhao’s ruthlessness is well known in the industry, so now Ling Zifeng will protect him so desperately, this time Ling Zifeng is really using her real strength, but now Ling Zifeng is also It is really time to use your true strength.

However, even if Ling Zifeng uses his real skills, he can only resist for a while. The original use of this trick was very exhausting. Now, Ling Zifeng's physical strength has just been consumed by more than half of the previous battles. Although it still has some physical strength, it is used. This trick is very physical. Although it is only a sonic wave that blows for less than a minute, this kind of self-power consumption is extraordinary. From the changes in the surroundings, we can see that we want to cause such great power. It takes a lot of physical energy to do it.

Moreover, these fortified people attacked by him are also thanks to the form of opening the Heavenly Tribulation state. If they are in a normal state, they can definitely die within one minute of Ling Zifeng’s attack range, even now they open the Heavenly Tribulation. The shape of the state, their thick skin, and the thick body shape were all cracked by the hard surface of Ling Zifeng's sound penetration, and most of the internal muscles and blood ring burst.

There are also some people who are in the state of opening the Heavenly Tribulation but their physique is not good, and they even penetrate into the internal organs. There are also a few fortified people who died on the ground due to the serious damage of the internal organs, but there are also a large part of the state that is very resistant to opening the Heavenly Tribulation. They are just The skin keeps bleeding out.

Of course, these strengtheners who open the Sky Tribulation state are only a part of it. Even more cadre-level strengthening people who have not started the Sky Tribulation state, they all follow the four leaders of the Quartet Alliance. The elite members of the group have not completely rushed out of the tunnel, even if Ling Zifeng killed all these people, it is only a small part of the Quartet Alliance.

However, Ling Zifeng’s goal was not to kill them all with sound waves. Moreover, Ling Zifeng’s current physical condition could not do this. His goal was to assist Chen Tian and Xu Shun near the cave where the three women had just fallen. After watching the two of them fall, Ling Zifeng stopped blowing immediately. After all, he didn't wait for these people to die. He himself died first.

Ling Zifeng, who stopped the flute, was very tired at this time. He just placed his wings that did not fall to the ground. Because of his physical strength, he couldn’t control it. He fell directly from the five meters, and these new bodies could not move half a point. The fortified people who started the Heavenly Tribulation, which were constantly damaged, seemed to run away one by one at this time, and rushed towards the fallen people. It seems that they wanted to tear Ling Zifeng's whole body to vent his anger.

And now Ling Zifeng looks worse than Xu Xuan just now. It can be seen from the state of falling in the air. Just because of the excessive use of force, Ling Zifeng's eyes, ears, nose and nose are bleeding, but these body skins The whole place was cracked, and the fortified people who kept bleeding had not waited to walk to the position where Ling Zifeng fell, and they felt that their bodies were not right one by one, followed by falling down in batches one after another, and then struggling nonstop By the end, all of them died not far from Ling Zifeng.

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