Killing God Island

Chapter 1245: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 212 is the only one of each other, Zhuo's brother and sister.

Benju Dorag did not expect that Zhuo Wenxin could appear from behind, and this woman even pierced Benju Dorag's body directly from behind with his hand. After all, Benju Dorag's own body But it is quite strong, but I did not expect it to be pierced so easily, but by virtue of Zhuo Wenxin's strength and explosive power, he really wanted to pierce a person's body with his hands.

However, Zhuo Wenxin did not use his previous dagger, because if he attacked him with a dagger, it would definitely be easier to pierce his body from behind, but as Zhuo Wenxin became stronger and stronger, she became more and more like freehand. Killed, especially against some masters, and because Zhuo Wenxin’s dagger did not exchange for any special weapons, but just ordinary daggers, so killing some ordinary people is indeed a very terrible killing weapon in her hands, but facing some Very powerful masters sometimes do not even stab the opponent. It can be seen that if Zhuo Wenxin does not change a weapon now, the user might be better off using ordinary daggers than eating bare hands.

After all, Zhuo Wenxin has already practiced that she is a very powerful weapon. This is the main reason why she is not too anxious to exchange a weapon in her hand. Zhuo Wenxin is already strong enough to use her arms to force the other party’s weapon to attack, as long as it is not an artifact level. Zhuo Wenxin’s weapons can all be caught with bare hands, even if it is an artifact-level weapon, Zhuo Wenxin may be injured, but it can also use her ghost wife and soul through the soul of ghost wife in his body. Ghost King's ghost mode, this trick is the same as Zhuo Wenxin's ability to possess the eye of evil emperor.

This ability is somewhat similar to Chen Tian’s ability to kill blood, but it’s difficult to be killed. The main reason is that Chen Tian’s blood limitation is the one with high repair ability. The low-damage nature, and the rare forehead ability of Zhuo Wenxin's ghost mode, is simply to penetrate other people's attacks and completely ignore any physical attacks.

These skills are more powerful than Chen Tian’s ability to control blood, so if Zhuo Wenxin really enters the state in battle, the fighting consciousness is far superior to many outstanding masters. From this aspect, her starting point is more than Chen Tian’s starting point. Even higher, plus the double assistance of her evil emperor's eyes and entering the micro realm, it belongs to perception plus visual super-body induction, with its own physical speed and ghost mode, which is an anti-celestial ability.

It can be said that none of the reinforcements at the same level can beat her. This is the terrible place of Zhuo Wenxin. As for what level of strength she has already reached, this is not even her brother Zhuo Yanxuan. determine.

At least Zhuo Yanxuan is currently superior to Chen Tianquan, but the strength gap is not very large, and Zhuo Wenxin's true level Zhuo Yanxuan believes that he should be above his own strength.

This is an intuition, Zhuo Yanxuan has clearly realized that the sister is different from all girls of the same age, not only because of Zhuo Wenxin's character, but also because she shows too perfect in all aspects, and perfection is somewhat unexpected. Thinking carefully and condemning fear, it seems far beyond ordinary people in all aspects of learning and physical strength.

Because Zhuo Yanxuan was originally a martial art madman, although all his battles are based on information and self-taught, his success is far stronger than the strength of those who specialize in fighting. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan is smart and learns everything quickly.

Therefore, Zhuo Yanxuan exercised his sister’s various fighting techniques from an early age to protect herself. After all, her sister is so beautiful and beautiful. In the future, there are definitely many unscrupulous boys who want to go back and forth, although Zhuo Yan Xuan is really capable of fighting, but it is impossible to stay with his sister all the time. This is why Zhuo Yanxuan trained his sister's fighting skills at first, but who would have thought that his sister was born to be a fighting genius.

This made Zhuo Yanxuan very happy, but also because his sister became more and more the eldest sister of the girls' school and later distorted her personality, she became free to use violence except in front of her brother and parents.

Until she met her brother's school sister, Ding Peipei, actively pursued her brother he cared about most. This jealousy and second personality also made her prepare to deal with Ding Pepe by violence, and wanted to use this method to force the woman to leave.

Unexpectedly, this woman's behind-the-scenes family power is very strong, which is why her family is so rich, and there are many professional bodyguards who can play, so Zhuo Wenxin was repaired by this woman's bodyguard for the first time. Meal, but learned that she was Zhuo Yanxuan's sister before letting her leave and apologizing. But for Zhuo Wenxin’s distorted and jealous woman, this kind of apology to her is a great insult to her self-esteem, so she originally wanted to beat the woman. Scaring her turned into killing her.

But if you want to kill her, you have to solve some of her bodyguards, but because they are very strong, there are still a lot of people, so Zhuo Wenxin began to realize her lack of strength, she was already able to fight, but she was just For ordinary people who have not been trained in professional combat, but these people are completely different, each person can hang at least three special forces, so Zhuo Wenxin also completely changed her life from this incident.

She originally thought that her elder brother loved fighting the most, so she was close to her brother to start contacting various fights. Later, she entered the girls’ school and wanted to avoid bullying and bullying talents. In-depth research on the basics of the original fighting Martial arts.

However, it was still impossible to fight against professional combat masters. Later, in addition to watching various videos and fighting books, Zhuo Wenxin began to personally teach for professional learning, wrestling, Sanda, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, comprehensive martial arts, and many other combat trainings. Because Zhuo Wenxin is very talented in this area, these people also like to teach her more things, coupled with Zhuo Wenxin’s unforgettable extraordinary mind and the integration of various fighting and self-improvement, slowly forming his own set of fights Law, this makes Zhuo Wenxin really embark on the path of the strong, so Zhuo Wenxin, like Chen Tian and Qian Da, belongs to the kind of extreme combat strength that has outstripped humanity before entering the island.

Before Chen Tian entered the island, he was able to fight the genetically enhanced Yao Jun, and Yao Jun had defeated Wu Yifan who had not been genetically strengthened before entering the island. From this, it can be seen that Chen Tian had already owned before entering the island. The power beyond the limit of human beings, basically no strengthened person whose genes have evolved twice, can even beat Chen Tian without strengthening the body, and Chen Tian before entering the island, even when he was greatly improved in prison Their own strength, but on the true fighting level when entering the island, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, the brothers and sisters, are more qualified than Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian and they entered the island in the same batch.

The brothers and sisters had dispatched the dragon group of China's highest combat power at that time, and then they captured the pair of fledgling brothers and sisters again. And after the same gene was strengthened, Chen Tian's also did not have this pair of brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters have no ability and it was impossible to reject Chen Tian’s proposal to invite them to join, but chose to always face the various crises alone. Only the two of them can still live in the t zone. This is that they have good strength. Testimony.

As for the rumors of Chen Tian, ​​this pair of siblings have also heard of them along the way, so this pair of siblings are also constantly improving their own strength in our own, so as to avoid any problems if Chen Tian cooperates with Chen Tian. Question, no matter what the situation is for the brothers and sisters, they basically analyze the good and bad things at the same time and make proper arrangements to implement the original combat plan.

But these brothers and sisters are definitely more difficult for brothers to deal with in the eyes of others. After all, the Zhuo brothers and sisters they know are all Zhuo Wenxin's words to his sister, and they belong to the long and beautiful little birdie. Human little girls, these brothers and sisters are really envious of the people they see. Zhuo Yanxuan is such a sister, but these people who know this pair of brothers and sisters are blinded by the surface.

First of all, Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister Zhuo Wenxin is not as cute and docile as the surface, the real Zhuo Wenxin is a kind of very **** killing girl of the type of sick girl, she is actually the kind of girl with a very arrogant personality In addition to the status of the birdie seen beside her brother, basically if she is left alone, she is a murderous female demon who takes killing as fun and never counts how many kills.

In addition to this reason, Zhuo Wenxin’s combat ability and mind are above his brother Zhuo Yanxuan. These people don’t understand how terrifying the strength of Zhuo’s brother’s sister is. There are two kinds, one is the absolute enemy like the current Quartet Alliance, and the other is these people who have some friendship with each other so they have not been killed by their brothers and sisters. Of course, this refers to the Chen Tian team.

The Chen Tian team, including Chen Tian, ​​saw that Zhuo Yanxuan was able to fight and have a good brain, and Zhuo Wenxin gave everyone more impression that he has been following his brother’s image of a cute sister who sticks to Zhuo Yanxuan. In fact, Zhuo Wenxin will of course express his own views and strategies at times. In fact, Zhuo Wenxin’s layout is even more ruthless than that of his brother Zhuo Yanxuan. Once all the T-zone teams are implemented, they will be eliminated. Brothers and sisters, Zhuo Yanxuan rejected the plan because it was too vicious, and Zhuo Yanxuan was the kind of person who behaved very similarly to Chen Tian's character and was upright.

So in the face of such a vicious strategy, Zhuo Yanxuan itself is very resistant unless it is a last resort. In addition, the team of Chen Tian has some friendship with Zhuo Yanxuan, so Zhuo Yanxuan does not want to use this strategy to kill too many people. Although there will be a large number of casualties in his layout, it is definitely only a few casualties compared to his sister. Although some of the sister’s strategies are indeed more clever than their own, Zhuo Yanxuan It was not adopted.

And Zhuo Wenxin is the kind who just mentions her opinions, not to let her brother carry out the plan, but to express her views and the best solution, but she also knows that her personality will not adopt herself She has always followed her brother’s plan since childhood, even if her brother’s plan has loopholes and imperfections, she knows to carry out her brother’s plan.

However, for Zhuo Wenxin, his brother’s mind is absolutely smart, so even if there are some minor loopholes, it will not be a big deal, so Zhuo Wenxin has always had extraordinary talents but has always revolved around his brother, and always In order to reflect the elder brother's protection, she deliberately hides her strength in order to see her brother protect her side. Only when she is really angry will she use her true strength, and when Zhuo Wenxin uses the true strength level, it is absolutely A very horrible series of things will happen.

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