Killing God Island

Chapter 1293: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 260 Women's Team The Real Second Strongest It Was She

Although Xi Lumei's personal combat strength is indeed very strong, but to be honest, her potential can't be compared with Yangliu and Gumei. Of course, this already doomed ending, Shirley has already known it, and Shirley basically never does impulsive things. .

This time Shirley took only three people and did not bring the bone sister with the three leaders of the Quartet League, and at least 20 top-level masters around him, it was indeed a little irrational, but Shirley belonged to that kind of strong thinking No matter what kind of person, as long as Shirley is not seriously ill, people who are walking sideways in area a, the title of killing the five ancient war gods in area a is not a decoration.

Shirley was also summoned by the people sent by the four big families. At that time, the person sent was Chang Yanxiao, one of the Seven Warlords, but unfortunately Shirley was very arrogant at the time, and she also wanted to know the 4 The big family had no choice but to let her be subject to her, so she shot Chang Yanxiao a lot, but unfortunately Chang Yanxiao was seriously injured, and then she met her dead enemy and fought with one after another. Only then will the condition worsen to the point that the self-enhancing genes cannot be suppressed.

In this way, Shirley left the area a to save her life. Although Shirley is not in the heyday when she was walking sideways in the area a, she is still very strong. Since she wants to help Chen Tian without two sons, how dare she be bold Bring so few people to provoke, Jack Bi Kevin and Arthas and Jefferies?

However, Shirley really wanted to help Chen Tian. She had intended that if they were really strong enough to take full control of everything here, she wouldn’t have to do it in person, but Shirley didn’t think of the four major organizations in the Quartet Alliance. Members are not all rice bins, and there are a lot of masters who can take the shots, so Shirley thinks that if they don’t shoot Chen Tian now, they may have something to do next!

Therefore, Shirley would directly stop them. After all, in the eyes of Shirley, Chen Tian and Xu Shun still need some other people in Chen Tian's team, such as Ye Minyu, who is more prominent in intelligence, and some silently working like Yao. Jun and Wu Yifan people of this type, anyway, Shirley helped Chen Tian instead, he was very interested in everyone in his team, I would like to know if they can leave the t zone, what will happen to each of them next growing up?

Conversely, if the three members of the Quartet Alliance finally win Chen Tian, ​​they will at most unite the t-zone to transform the 13th major forces of the entire t-zone into three major forces. Although these three men have some strength, they are only in the t-zone. In terms of level of strength, they do stand at the top of the strong, but the three of them have been influenced by the right desire in front of them, and they are no longer self-motivated. They only want to be king in the t zone. Li is a waste with no potential. In contrast, everyone in the team of Chen Tian has his own ideas, and he has a strong self-motivated spirit.

So Shirley is going to help them in secret, so Shirley will bring the willows, Xi Lumei, and the three muscular women in the women’s team who are pushing her wheelchair behind. They directly took the lead in the branch of the Quartet in the front. The offensive of course, although these fortified people in the front, all will open the state of Heavenly Tribulation, but here you can see the people who strengthened the state of Heavenly Tribulation. The ability to open the State of Heavenly Tribulation does not prove how strong he is. There is no strength.

In the current melee, the intensified people who can live to the present have certain strengths, but as long as there is a comparison between the strengths and strengths, there will be a gap immediately, and these can open the sky and fight for so long How can someone who is not dead die for strength? But they are far from Yang Liu’s strength comparison. Currently, among the four members of the women’s team including Shirley, although Yang Liu has excellent potential and ability, she has to say that she has all aspects except the strength of the accident. Strength is the weakest one.

However, Shirley liked her very much, so she was the captain of the women’s team, but when Yang Liushi was fighting, he always rushed to the front. This is very similar to Chen Tian, ​​precisely because of She usually doesn’t have any bad thoughts. She is single-minded when fighting, and there is a kind of fierceness in her bones. It is very similar to Shirley’s back then. Although Shirley did not reach the top ten in the world during her heyday, her strength is already very strong. People with strength are rarely mistaken.

So Yangliu’s own physique matches her personality, as long as she does not die in the future, so Shirley is now deliberately training her a lot, wanting to make her strength increase at the fastest speed, of course, he is the default. Up front, after all, how can she improve her fighting consciousness without much experience? The so-called combat consciousness is not as simple as the traditional physical training of a person.

This fighting consciousness does not mean that Yangliu’s melee strength is not good, nor does she mean that she does not understand how to fight other people in melee. This combat consciousness includes more general, and this combat consciousness is like a person of the same strength level as yours. In battle, it may take a long time for the two people to fight well, and the party with strong fighting consciousness may find this person's weakness in a short time and kill it in the shortest time.

Yangliu is not because of combat strength, but the so-called forest farm may not be able to fight with people of the same level as a dominant position, so fighting against others is very disadvantageous. If she had the same ability as Chen Tian, ​​she might be dead. I don’t know how many times, when Yang Liu’s true strength is the strongest, when she opened the Heavenly Tribulation state, her arms were originally many times larger than the ordinary strengthened people, but she has never been able to create advantages that are superior to others. On the one hand, her power is only suitable for bullying people who are weaker than her. This alone makes Shirley have a headache.

Although Yang Liu's character fighting style is very similar to Chen Tian, ​​but it is not a little bit worse than Chen Tian in combat. In addition to Chen Tian's superior ability in all aspects, combat consciousness is too much ahead of her in this aspect. This fighting consciousness It can be understood as a combat tactic and a random response ability that is played on the spot. It is often manifested in quicker moves and more variables, and the killing method never monotonously uses a fixed combat mode.

So she can't compare with Chen Tian alone. Although Yangliu's current strength is much different from Chen Tian's, but in front of the peripheral members who opened the Tiancai, compare their strength with them, these people are in her and the other three eyes A group of garbage, although everyone thinks that blocking these people's strengthening people is not a worthy of their own garbage, but when Yang Liu sees that the other three are not planning to shoot, she can only take the lead, so these four go to the Quartet Alliance Three When the direction of a leader is moving forward.

Of course there will be a lot of people blocking in the middle, but the degree of these people is not at all but will not live Yangliu, of course Yangliu can only be responsible for these people in front, because the four of them want to solve the remaining three leaders of the Quartet Alliance, they must pass These crowds, of course, these people and the three leaders of the Quartet Alliance, have not noticed that the four women are approaching them, and the people around them are just attacking the four women as ordinary enemies.

It’s just that the strength of Yangliu who is in front of the road is that none of these people in front of him can stop it, but after all, Yangliu is basically responsible for attacking from the front, and the people who attack on both sides are basically Xilumei. Responsible, and the muscular woman who pushed the wheelchair behind Shirley was responsible.

During Shirley’s time, she was able to move the wheelchair freely through her own ability without having to push the wheelchair. The reason why she pushed was that she did not want to use her ability to waste her physical fitness. After all, her physical condition is not very good. Despite this, occasionally, it is still more than a bit hard to deal with some fortified people who think they are good.

At this time, the direction and position of the four women are not like Steve Ranji’s men just fighting for non-stop killing. Shirley and they are completely different from these people. They follow the correct route to be the fastest. The way you can directly find the leader of the Quartet Alliance, you will choose to break through in this place. Shirley’s finalist is not at a level that everyone can’t reach, so I want to find out who I want to find out of the crowd. It's very simple, so Shirley has absolutely no problems with the route.

It can be seen from the fact that the people killed by Willow changed from weak to strong. There is no slight mistake in the route they passed. Originally thinking that these four women are small characters, it is not necessary to care too much about their Alsace. The leader of the Quartet Alliance said:'I will deal with these women. You must first solve some of those powerful people. Steve Lanji and their organization are basically fragmented. You don’t have to leave it to us to leave it to them and we can all solve it. Then we will support it! "

Alsace had just finished saying this, and the whole person flew out as soon as he felt a pain in his chest. Even if he didn’t see anything hit, the whole person flew out several meters away, until he fell down. He was seven meters away from Jack Bi Kevin and Jeffrey, only when the wheelchair girl Shirley's weak sentence came out: "None of you want to go, because you all have to die here!"

Arthas felt that the pain in his chest was not good after he got up. He covered the chest with hot pain and glared directly in front of it. At the same time, the leaders of the other two organizations also looked forward. When they saw that they were in front of them As a young girl sitting in a wheelchair, the entire trio froze: "Disabled?" The three said the same three words at the same time.

At this time, Shirley, the girl who had been sitting in a wheelchair, got out of the wheelchair and stood up, and said to the three people in front of her, "I am not a disabled person. I just have a weak body and must use a wheelchair as a walking tool!"

Alsace immediately interrupted Shirley's words: "Why do you stop the three of us if you are in poor health? Are you so confident that you can kill the three of us?"

Shirley smiled after hearing it. In fact, Shirley had already arranged something. She was ready to deal with the three heads of the four big families with one to three, and the rest had the protection law behind the three. As a bodyguard of the level, Shirley has already dealt with the muscular woman who has been pushing her wheelchair. In fact, the muscular woman has been hiding her own strength like Shirley. In fact, her strength is much stronger than that of Gumei and Xilumei. Many, she was the first partner Shirley looked for, and she formed the team with her, and this muscular woman was Shirley’s first person to start training, but somehow Shirley didn’t make much She took part in the battle.

So after the death of a group of people, the bone sisters, Xi Lumei, and Yang Liu who joined later did not know that in fact the strength of the whole team, Shirley is not the three strong forces on the surface, but this has been behind Shirley. The muscular woman who helped her to push the wheelchair, and in the early alliance with Chen Tian, ​​he has been hiding his strength and pretending that his strength is the weakest of the entire team. Only today is he really prepared to take out his own strength and block all the protection levels with one person. Masters, and at least eight law-enforcement masters, and more than ten senior cadre-level strengtheners are left to Yangliu and Xilumei.

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